my british empire

Chapter 328 Crying

Chapter 328 Crying

ps: Ask for tickets, ask for subscriptions, the second one will be a little later

After an hour of detailed talk, the troubadour from Calais finally understood why the young and prosperous Port of Bristol had caused these people to talk about it.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Marc Antoine, it is my greatest honor to meet you in Southampton!"

The two discussed for more than an hour, and the relationship between them naturally became close, and of course their names were notified.

The handsome poet bowed slightly and thanked.

"My Mr. Poet, it is my luck to know you!"

The tall and thin Marc Antoine had a smile on his face, and his serious face was like melting ice at this time, giving people a sense of friendship, and the sense of distance disappeared instantly.

"Please forgive my presumptuous invitation, Mr. Alves Besven.

I don't know if I have the honor, please come to my house as a guest, after all in Southampton, it is very rare to know you as a friend! "

The thin and tall man made an invitation gesture with difficulty, with a rare look of request on his face!

"This—" the troubadour cast a glance at him, thinking.

"I'm afraid not, Monsieur Antoine!"

The troubadour shook his head and politely refused, with an apology in his eyes.

"I still have some companions waiting for me in the hotel, please forgive my faux pas!"

"Oh, no, this is my faux pas, it's all my fault for being too excited! I should be asking you to forgive me!"

Afterwards, the tall and thin man waved his hand, and he also understood how presumptuous it was to invite under the current circumstances.

Inviting a person whom he has only known for an hour to be a guest at home, not only is the guest worried, but he himself feels a little regretful when he thinks about it now.

Anglo-Saxon has always been synonymous with rigidity, and necessary and accurate etiquette is a must for people to get along with each other.

They are not Scots who drink too much, yell and call friends.

Thinking about it, the tall and thin man felt extremely regretful about his actions. He is a man of noble blood, not those short shirts who worry about eating every day.

The troubadour was also polite, and after a while of greetings, the two parted ways.

The spring night passed very quickly, and it seemed that in the blink of an eye, the whole city was boiling.

Merchants from all over the world, ordinary people on the go, in the narrow streets of Southampton Port, there are many people coming and going, full of voices, and a bustling scene.

The troubadour, Alvis Besven, and his two servants looked at the bustling Southampton port with great interest.

"England is indeed very prosperous, and my hard work is not in vain!"

Alves walked the streets with an extremely relaxed expression.

This time, he came to England not just for fun, but for a purpose.

The Besven family is also considered a big family in Calais. Although it is not a noble family, it is also a knight family. It has been passed down from generation to generation and has maintained the rule of Calais for the English royal family for more than 100 years.

You know, Calais and Boulogne are isolated in France, basically in an isolated island position, and the French are staring at them, and they are in danger of losing their homes and lives at any time.

Therefore, Calais and Boulogne have always needed the support of England, and the connection with the king cannot be interrupted.

Therefore, his main purpose of coming this time is to represent his own family and those allied families, to conduct a private investigation in England to find out what the young king who has been on the throne for many years is like.

Second, it is also for the family to expand the business, so come for a visit.

Since Princess Mary married Prince Philip of Spain, the business between England and Spain has been booming, and with the release and care of the Spanish navy that dominates half of the Mediterranean Sea from time to time, England's economy is like a soaring dragon, and the prospects are very bright.

Although Calais, Boulogne and other places intervened in the trade between England, Germany and France due to geographical factors, the Besven family was also salivating in the face of the fat ahead.

Alves was surprised to see a group of uniformed and knife-carrying teams passing by his side from time to time.

Moreover, the clean and tidy appearance on the street also opened his eyes.

This is different from the small city of Calais, or from all the cities on the continent of Europe.

There is no sewage flowing on the street, and there is no stool that can be stepped on at any time. The flat and wide street is so pleasant and gratifying.

Breathing the smell-free air and looking at the endless stream of pedestrians, Alves thought: Maybe I should live in this city.

But before he felt much time, there was a burst of noise and crying in front of him.

Raising his head, Alves walked over with great interest, and the two servants behind him followed closely.

Walking with the flow of people, Alves didn't need to look for it specially. In less than 5 minutes, he arrived at the place where the excitement took place.

I saw that in front of a mansion, there were hundreds of people watching the fun, densely packed in front, and Alves couldn't see a single trace of the specific situation.

He looked around, and found that there were many mansions nearby, the roads were flat and spacious, and all kinds of flowers were in full bloom. At first glance, it was a wealthy area with extremely high land prices.

However, this place where ordinary people dare not set foot easily, is now like a busy street, overcrowded, destroying the quiet environment here.

What made him even more strange was that in this noble place, he heard the cries of women and children, and the voices even became louder and louder, which was absolutely unreasonable.

Seeing this, with curiosity in his heart, he stepped forward and slowly squeezed to the front under the guard of two strong servants.

After wiping the sweat from his forehead, Alves looked around.

I saw that the spacious door was roughly opened, and the traces of damage on the door panel were extremely obvious.

Beside the gate, four of them were dressed in black tights, with gold thread on the cuffs and necklines, red and black cloaks on the back, and sharp and majestic swords on their waists. They looked very imposing. daunting.

And the onlookers were very obvious, no matter how crowded the back was, they never dared to come within ten feet of that group of people.

Alves didn't know what these people were doing for a while, but he could guess that they were government officials, and the common people were afraid of them from the bottom of their hearts.

He carefully glanced at these people, but turned his gaze to the crying sound inside the gate.

I saw, inside the gate, on the grass in the yard, a lady in a long skirt hugged her several children, sobbing softly, and the child in her arms was about seven or eight years old, it seemed that it was because of fear , Let go of your throat and cry bursts.

A man in his twenties, dressed in Chinese clothes, stood aside with a heavy face, silent.

(End of this chapter)

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