Take the arsenal to Da Ming

Chapter 297 Turning corruption into magic

Chapter 297 Turning corruption into magic
Faced with the pressing forces of several groups of new troops, the Qing government still did not make a decision on whether Shengjing should abandon the guarantee or how the people in the city should deal with it.

Since it was impossible to make a decision for a while, the new army could not be allowed to advance quickly, and the Qing army had to send three armies to deal with it, each with about 2 people.

The reason why they dared to use troops in this way was because they confirmed that the main force of the three armies of the new army were all the surrendered troops from the four towns in Jiangbei and others who had defected to the Qing court.

These surrendered troops are still the same people, and the weapons have not changed much, except that they are equipped with more artillery.

Facing such an army, if the elites of the Qing Dynasty dare not fight with them, then there is no need to discuss the issue of Shengjing City, just run away.

Of course, the only asymmetry is the strength of troops. Each Qing army has to face at least seven times its own army.

However, this is not a big problem. After all, after entering the customs, they can often win against an army ten times their own.

Of course, the real new army led by Tang Ning was excluded.

The two sides eventually met unexpectedly. The first to meet the Qing army was the West Route Army who had just occupied Guangningwei and then continued northward.

Moreover, what they encountered was the Qing army led by Duoduo.

You know, a few months ago, the four Jiangbei towns were still serving under Duoduo's command.

Although they had thought of various scenarios after meeting the Qing army before, when the Qing army suddenly appeared in sight, the soldiers from the four former Jiangbei towns still felt a little fearful in their hearts. Even more emotional.

There is no way, many things cannot be changed at once, unless they can truly defeat the Qing army.

Fortunately, they were not fighting alone. Although the cavalry of the Ning Army and the Dashun Army behind them were not as large as those of the Qing Army, there were still real new troops.

The new army has not many troops, only about 5000 people, but that is also a very strong backing.

The infantry of the four towns in Jiangbei was placed in front of the new army, the cavalry of the Guanning Army and the Dashun Army were placed on the flanks, and the Musketeers of the New Army were placed in the rear.

In this formation, the main force of the battle is naturally the troops of the four towns in Jiangbei. The cavalry look for opportunities to attack the enemy from the two wings, while the musketeers of the new army mainly play the role of supervising the battle.

If the four Jiangbei towns in front are really defeated, the Musketeers can also come out to stabilize the situation.

After all, the Qing army only had about [-] cavalry. Even without the infantry in the four towns of Jiangbei, with more than [-] cavalry and [-] Musketeers, they would not be weaker than the Qing army at all.

It's just that the new army doesn't want to stand at the forefront and suffer losses, and can take the opportunity to train the soldiers of the four towns in Jiangbei, which are large in number but not strong in combat effectiveness.

In fact, not only the new army was in charge of supervising the battle, the chief generals of the four towns in Jiangbei also formed their own supervising teams, because they knew that now they had to use their lives and it was not the time to preserve their strength.

They also knew that the Zuo Army of Zuo Menggeng and the Dashun Army of Gao Yigong and Li Guo, who had surrendered before them, had performed well, and each general had been appointed and rewarded to varying degrees for their military exploits.

And those people from the four Jiangbei towns were discarded by the Tartars and then recruited by the new army. If they didn't die, the fate of Li Chengdong, Liu Liangzuo, Liu Zeqing and others would very likely happen to them.

This is no joke. Two generals had already been shot because of ineffective combat. No one dared to say a word.

Today is different from the past. When they took refuge in the Qing court, in order to win people's hearts, the Qing court did not dare to attack the general directly to prevent rebellion.

But now, is the new army still afraid that the troops in the four towns in Jiangbei will rebel?Not afraid at all, so what about tens of thousands of people?Those who dare to disagree will probably be dealt with.

You know, the main general of the entire army is Huang Hairu, and after the troops of the four towns in Jiangbei surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, it was Huang Hairu who fought the new army for the longest time.

Now, they are under Huang Hairu's command, dare not be careful, how can Huang Hairu show mercy?

Furthermore, Li Chengdong, Liu Liangzuo, Liu Zeqing and others who were relatively prestigious before have all been killed.

The current chief general was appointed by Tangning, and his prestige was far from enough. Even if he wanted to gather a crowd to make trouble, few people would listen to him.

Therefore, the four towns in Jiangbei knew from top to bottom that they could only obey their orders honestly, and there was no possibility of being caught between the two forces for opportunism.

Because of this, the lord general didn't want to get himself into trouble, so he naturally tried his best to urge his subordinates to fight hard.

After observing the formation of the new army, Duoduo took the initiative to launch an attack, but since the new army had cavalry on both wings ready to sweep the formation at any time, he did not dare to put all the main force in at once, and kept a part of the reserve team as reserve troops at all times. For emergency use.

On the vast grassland, the sound of cannons rumbled and the shouts of killing shook the sky. The Qing army repeatedly attacked the infantry phalanx in front of the new army, causing considerable casualties to the infantry.

Those who dared to retreat without obeying the order were killed by the supervising team on the spot.

If a general retreats without authorization, all the generals and all the soldiers under his command are obliged to kill him on the spot, otherwise, all the generals under his command will die together.

If the leader of a small team retreats without authorization, the soldiers of the team have the responsibility to kill him, otherwise, the whole team will die.

This kind of order was not made by the new army, nor was it made by Tang Ning, it was made by their own chief general.

There is no other reason. If his team does not fight well, he himself is likely to be shot as a bad command and a bad battle.

In this situation, it is natural to try to save one's own life first, and the number of soldiers casualties is the second.

If the general dares to use his life, the combat effectiveness of this army will not be worse.

Therefore, they, who were just fighting the five scum, stubbornly withstood the Qing army's attacks again and again, and the formation did not collapse.

Duoduo wondered if his eyes were wrong. He couldn't be more clear about the teams in the four Jiangbei towns.

In the beginning, I was defeated when I encountered the new army, and then I was defeated when I encountered the Chuang army. In the end, I was also defeated when I encountered the left army.

In short, it is difficult to find an army that can keep them from retreating. These people can also bully and bully ordinary people.

But now I didn't expect that in just a few months, when he met the elite of the Qing Dynasty under his personal command, Duoduo, they actually withstood it again and again without retreating. How could he understand this?
Duoduo really doubted life, and couldn't help but yell at the general who was sent to attack.

Does Tangning really have that much charisma?It can turn decay into magic.

With the loss of thousands of people, even a gang of mobs can't break through the line, so how can they face the cavalry and musketeers of the new army?
With the current battle situation, I am afraid that there is no chance to directly confront the cavalry and musketeers of the new army, because the [-] cavalry in his Duoduo will be completely consumed by those mobs.

Curses come and go, but Duoduo did not impulsively lead the main force to launch a decisive battle.

Because he knows that he only has one chance, once he loses, he will lose completely.

And the new army lost once, but it didn't matter. Even if the mob was defeated, the new army still had cavalry and musketeers.

Especially the hollow phalanx of Musketeers trained by Tang Ning seemed to be like a sharp sword hanging in his heart. When he was asked to send troops, he had been thinking about how to deal with it.

But now, the first hurdle that was not taken seriously at all, let alone how to break the hollow phalanx of the new army, was indescribably upset and shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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