Take the arsenal to Da Ming

Chapter 298 Dodo's Tragic Death

Chapter 298 Dodo's Tragic Death
After all, Duduo was not overwhelmed by the anger and depression in his heart, or the reality avoided him to be more calm, because he couldn't afford to lose, and he didn't have the capital to take risks.

Therefore, he could only suspend the attack, and then wandered around the new army, trying to find another opportunity.

Seeing that the Qing army voluntarily withdrew for a certain distance, they did not launch another attack.

The new army immediately cleaned up the battlefield, buried its own dead soldiers, sent the wounded to the rear, and continued to advance.

The soldiers in the four Jiangbei towns also had a different aura.

Although their losses in the previous battle with the Qing army were more than five times that of the Qing army, but with their own efforts, they repelled the Qing army and made the Qing army dare not continue to attack.

This point has also been affirmed by Huang Hairu, the leader of the new army.

Huang Hairu is one of the important generals under King Guangming Tangning's command, so it is not easy to get his approval, this is also a good start.

Duoduo tried to attack the new army's food road. Even if he couldn't cut off the new army's food road directly, as long as he caused a certain amount of damage to the food transportation team, it would definitely cause huge psychological pressure on the new army on the front line.

After all, the West Route Army of the New Army has more than [-] people, and the daily consumption is a huge number. Once there is a problem with the food road, it will inevitably have serious consequences.

As a result, he took out [-] elite soldiers to attack the grain roads of the new army, and only [-] people escaped in the end.

According to reports from the soldiers who had escaped, the new army seemed to have received the news a long time ago, and there was no panic at all.

After their attack failed, a group of cavalry suddenly appeared behind them and launched a fierce attack.

Then, without exception, they failed and suffered heavy losses.

After understanding the whole process, Doduo wanted to vomit blood.

He still can't figure it out. The new army seems to be able to predict it like a god. It is obviously a sudden attack. With the normal information transmission speed, even if it is several times faster, it is impossible for the other team in the rear to get the news. .

However, the new army seemed to know it in advance time and time again, and it hadn't really launched a surprise attack, and the new army had been strictly prepared.

Could it be that Tangning was really good at predicting things?Can everything be known in advance?
Not only was Duduo puzzled over this question, but the entire Qing Dynasty was also somewhat unclear. Many people even felt that Tang Ning had supernatural powers.

If it wasn't for him, Duoduo could still live till now, he might believe it too.

There was no other reason. If Tangning could predict everything like a god, he would have been killed by the new army's artillery when Duoduo was outside Yangzhou City.

Faced with this situation, the brave and resourceful Prince Yu, who has made outstanding military exploits, felt helpless at the moment, feeling like he had nowhere to bite his teeth.

Seeing that the West Route Army of the New Army was getting closer and closer to Shengjing, they had been tracking and looking for opportunities along the way, but they were unsuccessful, and the raid on Liangdao also failed miserably. This forced him to fight Duoduo.

Shengjing obviously also knew about the battle situation of his Duoduo tribe, and for the first time had a big opinion on him, Prince Yu, even the regent Dorgon could not excuse his younger brother at this time.

Because compared to the elite new army led by Tang Ning when Haoge faced Tang Ning, there were still many elite soldiers. This time, the main force he faced with Duduo was the surrendered army under his own command. Instead, let him continue to approach Shengjing.

In such a comparison, wouldn't he, Duoduo, be worse than Hauge?

Under various factors, Duduo had to make a choice, and finally gritted his teeth and launched a decisive battle.

The two sides fought fiercely, and in the end, Dodo was defeated.

There was no other reason. Duduo was forced to fight decisively. The new army also changed its previous strategy of letting the infantry fight with all its strength. When Duduo's main force attacked its own infantry camp, the cavalry attacked fiercely at the first time to contain it.

The musketeers quickly rounded and outflanked, and first repelled the [-] reserve troops of Duduo's troops who came to rescue, and then joined forces with cavalry and infantry to encircle and suppress the main force of Duduo's troops that had been dragged down by the melee.

Duoduo led the army to fight without surrender and was defeated.

When his troops set off, there were 3000 troops, and those who finally fled back to Shengjing City were less than [-]. Most of the rest died in battle, and more than [-] people were captured.

It can be said that Duoduo was forced to die to a large extent.

Because Duoduo knew well that his winning rate in a decisive battle with the new army was very low.

However, Shengjing City is not far away. If you don't try your best to stop it, it will not only make people feel good, but also affect the confidence of the entire Shengjing City.

Therefore, he can't escape, and he can't avoid the battle, otherwise, even if he escapes back to Shengjing City, he won't end well.

What's more, he Duoduo also has his own pride.

In the end, the result he expected happened. Although he tried his best to inflict heavy damage on the new army, the difference in strength between the two sides was too great, especially the four towns in Jiangbei where the new army could consume too many troops. Hold on.

After the cavalry and musketeers of the new army completed their detours and outflanks, he, Dodo, had no way out.

It's a pity that he didn't cause much damage to the musketeers of the new army, because this is the real new army. No matter how much damage was done to the troops in the four towns of Jiangbei, he didn't have the slightest sense of accomplishment.

Sadly, he, Duoduo, died in the hands of these people he despised the most.

Because at the end of the battle, they expected that Duduo would be defeated, but they were unwilling to surrender. These people directly regarded him as a delicacy, and rushed one by one frantically, wanting to tear off a piece of meat from Duduo, and then As a victory.

He saw with his own eyes that some of them did not hesitate to kill their companions in order to compete for military merit.

In the end, he could only see crazy enemy troops around him, and there was no one of his own around him, and then he was completely submerged.

He didn't know that after his death, the body was dismembered directly.

The dismembered corpses were still robbed by many people, especially the heads. The scramble was extremely fierce. It was not until the cavalry and musketeers came forward to suppress it that it came to an end.

But at this moment, Duduo's body had already been disassembled into countless pieces, every piece of body was also bloody, and the head was almost unrecognizable.

After the news of Duo Duo's death in battle spread to Shengjing City, Duo ErGun changed into plain clothes and wailed loudly. The Qing court was inexplicably horrified at the loss of a prince with outstanding military exploits.

They were no longer able to send troops out of the city to stop the new army that was about to approach Shengjing City. Through this battle, they also clearly realized that defending Shengjing City would undoubtedly be a dead end, and the foundation of the Qing Dynasty would also be destroyed.

Those who once strongly suggested to stick to Shengjing City also fell silent.

Abandoning the city and fleeing directly was definitely not the best choice. In the end, they chose the third method, sending a team of thousands of people to defend it symbolically.

It can not only show the determination of the Qing Dynasty, but also slow down the speed of the new army a little, and buy some time for the evacuated personnel.

In order not to consume the elite of the Qing Dynasty, the main strength of this team is some old people and wounded soldiers in the city.

Because their value to the Qing Dynasty has become smaller and smaller. For the future of the Qing Dynasty, it is worth sacrificing them first.

(End of this chapter)

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