Chapter 340
Although Baoyu and others didn't go, Jia Lian still had to go back when he should.So he took Shen Bingyi and the girls Shen Bingyi bought, as well as Gu Panpan and the girls she bought, and set off for Bukui.

Accompanying them were some refugees recruited by Zhao Bancheng and Huang Xide. There were more than 200 people in total, and they drove towards Bu Kui in a mighty manner.

At this time, Bukui's city wall project has been under construction, and there is a shortage of labor.Recruiting these exiles is to alleviate the urgent need.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to hit the road in this deep winter.

The emperor forbade Jia Min to talk about marriage before the age of 20, Jia's mansion already knew about it.After being puzzled by this for a while, he reluctantly accepted it.

However, family succession is a big deal after all, and Mother Jia also wanted to see her great-grandson as soon as possible, so she called Mrs. Wang and Jia Zheng to study the matter of asking Jia Min to take a concubine first.

Seeing what Jia Mu said, the two naturally had no objections.As for the relationship between Jia Min and Baochai, because of the emperor's will, they naturally cannot marry now.

However, since the two families have a marriage contract, they still have to admit it, so they have to wait a few years before getting married.

After the calculation has been made, Jia Lian is asked to go back and tell Jia Min that if he should take a concubine, he will take a concubine.

Just the day before Jia Lian's departure, brother and sister Xue Biao and Xue Baoqin arrived at Jia's mansion, and Aunt Xue immediately began to arrange the marriage between Baoqin and Mei Hanlin's family.

Wei Ruolan stayed behind in secret and continued to investigate the Xinyou case.

Although no obvious breakthrough has been made in the examination case, a large amount of original data has been obtained, some evidence has been obtained, and the direction of investigation has been basically determined.

It's just that it took a lot of trouble to re-investigate because of the long time.Fortunately, there is still time, and there is no rush.

However, there are still some gains from Jia Lian's trip.

The problem of the Servantes couple is solved.

As the supervisory authority for exiles, Bukui Yamen does not have the right to investigate and judge unjust cases among exiles, but it does have the right to suggest re-investigation of unjust cases.Appeals for injustice cases of exiles must also be forwarded.

The so-called referral refers to transferring the appeal to the original judgment organ.

Therefore, Jia Min raised the case of the Servantes couple as an unjust case and handed it over to Jiang Shilang to bring it back.

Jiang Shilang really worked hard. He transferred the files of the Servantes couple's case from the original judgment organ. After discovering many problems, he started the joint trial procedure of the Ministry of Punishment, the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Dali Temple.

Even if it is the San Judicial Division, it is not an easy task to overturn the following judgment, because once it is determined that this is an unjust case, it will involve the accountability of the original investigators, and many people will lose their black hats because of this. .

Therefore, in order to prove that they did not make mistakes at the beginning, the original investigators must try their best to obstruct the re-investigation and cover up their mistakes.

This will not only offend a large number of people, but also make the process of re-investigation protracted and far away.Many re-investigation cases, in the midst of such delays, finally fell through, anticlimactic.

Therefore, Jiang Shilang adopted a compromise method. Instead of completely overturning the case, he changed the sentence on the grounds that the sentence was too severe.Change the period of exile of the Servantes to four and a half years.

They have been in exile for more than four years before, and by the end of this year, it will be four and a half years.Therefore, before the Chinese New Year this year, even if the exile expires, the Servantes and his wife can regain their freedom.

As for the years when they were wronged, they had no choice but to accept their fate.

That's when I met Jia Min. If it was someone else, no one would care about them.It was also because Jiang Shilang impeached Jia Min before that he felt that he owed Jia Min favors, so he worked so hard. Otherwise, even if Jia Min wanted to avenge them, he would be helpless.

Baoyu and the others did not go to Bukui for the time being, which made Jia Lian temporarily relieved.

For these goods, Jia Lian is also very helpless now.Although he was not at home for nearly a year, he still learned what they did from Wang Xifeng.

Especially this time, the jealousy and fight over the wintersweet flowers has become a joke among the big families in the imperial capital.

Jia Lian still knows how capable Wintersweet Blossom is.Although she is not Jia Min's opponent, she is more than enough to play with Baoyu and the others.

Because of being named the "Flower of Wendula", Wintersweet Flower has now become a celebrity in the imperial capital. Apart from Baoyu and others, she also has many contacts with children of other aristocratic families.

She just used her fame and the psychology of those people to take advantage of them, and played them in the palm of her hand.

Regarding this, Jia Lian once talked with Baoyu and the others, but they just perfunctory him.Jia Lian knew it was useless to say it, so he didn't bother to say it anymore.

However, he also had a little bit of luck, glad that he had persevered in the training at Yeduju.

If he had given up like Baoyu and the others, wouldn't he be like them now?It's scary just thinking about it.

When I think about Yuanchun and Jia Min, I feel that Baoyu and Baoyu are in the sky and the earth.

In the past, Jia Lian often mixed with Baoyu and the others, but this time when he came back, he felt that getting along with them was a bit out of place.

After all, it is in Bukui that we can find that sense of belonging.

Bu Kui, South City Gate.

Although it was tolerable, the winter in Bukui was much colder than that in the imperial capital.

Although it was a sunny day, there was still snow and graupel floating in the sky.

This kind of snow graupel is usually invisible.However, if you look against the sun, you will find some small particles shining brightly, which are snow graupel.

Today's South City Gate looks somewhat like a city gate.The city walls on both sides have already been partially built and began to extend to both sides.

Although the city wall project started in autumn, due to the huge amount of the project and the shortage of labor, the progress was not fast.

On both sides of the city gate, it only extended for more than a mile.

Of course, this is relative to the situation of sufficient labor force.According to the current labor force, this progress is actually very fast.

Despite the relatively cold weather, the city wall project has been going on.

The permafrost layer here is two or three meters deep. In some places, the underground layer is still permafrost. Even in the hottest summer, the soil layer will not melt.

Therefore, the current works are mainly earthwork accumulation works.It's just piled up the soil, and the walls haven't been compacted yet.This step needs to be carried out after the beginning of spring and when the weather is warm.

The soil being taken now was taken from the ground after the permafrost layer was broken.The soil layer will freeze again at night, but it is only one layer. After breaking through this layer the next day, you can continue to collect soil.

The place where the soil was taken will become the channel of the moat after renovation in the future.The introduction of Songhua River water is the moat.

Now, Jia Min, Feng Ziying, Chen Yejun, Feng Zijing, Chen Yeqing, Zhao Dahai, and Yang Lin are standing at the gate of the South City Gate.

Next to him are Jia Min's soldiers, Baochai and Yinger.

This time I came to Nancheng Gate for two reasons.

One is to inspect the city wall project by the way, and the other is to welcome Prince Teng, who is patrolling the border of nine provinces.

Because Wang Ziteng is Baochai's uncle, she also came.

Jia Min felt a little baffled by Wang Ziteng's sudden arrival here.

It was not because Wang Ziteng was his relative, but because such a senior official suddenly came to a small place like Bukui, which always made people feel a little abnormal.

If Jiang Shilang came to Bukui last time mainly to inspect exile affairs, then what is Wang Ziteng doing here as a military leader?
Although the victory in the Battle of South Wendura had been achieved before, the battle was over, the tribute money was handed over, and the establishment of prefectures and counties was also started.The first batch of newly appointed officials will also arrive in Pukwe soon.

The establishment of prefectures and counties is mainly a matter of the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Household Affairs, and has nothing to do with the military, let alone people of Wang Ziteng's level to personally handle it.

Therefore, Wang Ziteng must have a special purpose in coming to Bukui.

In fact, Jia Min didn't like the court always coming. The last time Jiang Shilang impeached him hastily, he finally had to find a way to deal with the aftermath.It made Jia Min feel dumbfounded.

This group of people came, one by one, full of airs, as if they themselves were the emperor.If they were really asked to provide any practical help to Bu Kui, it was impossible to count on them.

The key question is not here yet.The main reason is the conflict of ideas between Jia Min and them.

Whether some of the things I do can be understood by them is a big problem.Even if you spend a lot of effort explaining and communicating with them, you may not be able to achieve good results.

As for how they would tell the emperor when they went back, Jia Min was even more at a loss.

It's okay if you meet a big official with a public heart.Even if the ideas are different, even if he opposes Jia Min's approach, Jia Min is not afraid.

As long as they can tell the truth, that's fine.He can explain what the court doesn't understand.If the explanation is not clear for a while, it can be verified through practice and time.

I'm afraid that those big officials who have personal prejudices and ulterior motives will either distort the facts, or guess or fabricate out of thin air after they go back.

The mountains are high and the rivers are far away here, and if you can't explain it in person, there may be a lot of troubles.

Such cases are not uncommon. Many fair, honest and talented local officials have suffered setbacks in their official careers because of this situation.Seriously, he even lost his job.

Although Wang Ziteng is Jia Min's uncle, Jia Min knows that the gold content of this uncle is actually not high.

Baoyu and Baochai are Wang Ziteng's nephews and nieces, and they are related by blood.Jia Min and Wang Ziteng have no blood relationship.

Besides, when Jia Min first arrived in Jia's mansion, his relationship with Mrs. Wang was very tense.Mrs. Wang even sent Zhou Rui to poison Jia Min on his way to Jia's mansion, trying to kill him.Although there is a truce with Mrs. Wang, the relationship with Baoyu is not good.

Therefore, Jia Min really didn't express any optimism about Wang Ziteng's impression of himself.

Everyone else thought that the arrival of Wang Ziteng was a great thing for Jia Min, but Jia Min didn't think so.

However, Jia Min is not worried.

Such a matter, as long as you are selfless in your heart, it is actually very simple to deal with.

In personal relationships, treat them with the courtesy of juniors.When it comes to business, it's business.

The so-called selflessness in the heart is the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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