Chapter 341

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a team of guards of honor meandered from the south.It is especially clear on the snow-capped land.

Jia Min and others rode forward to greet them, and within a short while, they were greeted by the team.It was the prince who came.

After seeing Li, they came to Bu Kui together.

Wang Ziteng is not very tall, only about 1.6 meters [-], he is slightly fat, and he is very kind.

If you don't know, you will think that he is just a rich man.It is believed that he is the shopkeeper of a certain shop.

Jia Min and Wang Ziteng walked side by side, at the forefront of the team.Saying something from time to time.

Of course, it was mainly Wang Ziteng who asked and Jia Min came to answer.The most discussed topics are not business affairs, but family topics.

Regarding the topic at home, Jia Min is actually reluctant to talk about it.It's not that he has nothing to say, but that he doesn't know what to say.For example, the topic of Baoyu, the scale is not easy to grasp.

Wang Ziteng obviously cared more about Baoyu and asked many questions about Baoyu.

In Jia Min's eyes, Baoyu is now a spoiled child, even a waste.

However, when we meet for the first time, how can we tell people that their nephew is a waste?Moreover, the standard of evaluating things by oneself may not be the same as that of others.

So, I said some things without pain or itching, and used the excuse that I hadn't been at home for more than ten months and didn't understand the situation as an excuse to pass the rest.

Soon he arrived at the post house and arranged Wang Ziteng into the upper room. There was no one else in the room, so Jia Min took the opportunity to kneel down and kowtow to Wang Ziteng.

"Nephew pays respects to uncle."

What I met outside was the etiquette in the officialdom, but this time, it was the family etiquette for nephews to meet uncles.

Although I don't know what Wang Ziteng's impression of him is, and this uncle is not so worthy of the name, but this ceremony is to be seen.

"Brother Min, get up, we are all relatives, so there is no need to be formal."

As he spoke, he helped Jia Min up with a smile.Afterwards, Baochai also came in to see his uncle.

Wang Ziteng didn't seem to be surprised that Baochai was here. Jia Min judged that he knew that Baochai was here beforehand.

Ever since Jia Min arrived at Jia's mansion in May last year, Wang Ziteng has been patrolling outside and never went back.Now that Baochai is here, he knew in advance, it seems that he basically knows everything about the family.

In fact, there is nothing strange about this.

Although he is patrolling the border, the communication with the court and the family will never be interrupted.As a military leader, there will be no shortage of manpower around him, and there are official information transmission channels to use. It is not only possible but necessary to know the situation at home and even in the court.

Wang Ziteng seems to like Baochai very much, and he is obviously more affectionate than Jia Min.Jia Min said a few words politely, told Wang Ziteng to rest for a while, and would clean him up in the evening, leaving Baochai to talk to his uncle, and took his leave first.

The reception banquet was very grand, and all the main officials of Bu Kui attended.

Wang Ziteng didn't drink too much, he only drank a few small cups and stopped.After eating, he told his subordinates to continue drinking and having fun, and then he went back to the post house first.

His subordinates were not polite, so they ate wine by themselves, only Master Jiang and two personal guards followed.

From this point of view, Wang Ziteng was very tolerant towards his servants.This situation is probably the same at other times.

Jia Min wanted to accompany Wang Ziteng back to the post house, Wang Ziteng did not refuse.

"Okay, brother Ming, go back with me, I just have something to ask."

Wang Ziteng can be regarded as an imperial envoy, although he is his uncle, but when he is here, he still needs to discuss business matters.

As Bu Kui's chief official, it is also due to report local affairs to the imperial envoy.

There are three main aspects of Jia Min's report to Wang Ziteng.

The first aspect is the flow of people.

Three main contents are introduced.

The first is the current general situation of Bukui exile affairs, including the number of detainees, the composition of personnel, the number of government houses, the annual economic scale of exile, the situation of Bukui Yamen and some basic measures for the supervision of exile.

These are some basic figures. Knowing these, you can basically get a general idea of ​​Bu Kui's exile affairs.

The second is that after he arrived in Bukui, he carried out some reform measures for exile affairs.

Including raising food standards for migrants and improving living conditions for migrants.Standardize the production and living system of migrants, reduce the death rate and escape rate of migrants, etc.

In these aspects, Jia Min's achievements are actually very impressive.

The abnormal death rate of migrants has dropped from the previous 30.00% to a little over one thousandth.

The escape rate of exiles has been reduced from [-]% to [-]% in thousand.There are also previous reservations.

This year's inflow economic results not only achieved profitability, but also increased by more than [-]% compared with previous years.

Numbers are boring. If the numbers are converted into concrete facts, the living environment of exiles has been greatly improved than before, and very few exiles have died here.

More importantly, the exiles no longer regard Bu Kuipei as a place of death. They would rather accept punishment here than risk escape.

In fact, Jia Min is very proud of this achievement.In this regard, he even paid more attention to the results of the South Wendura Battle.

As the chief of Bukui, exile affairs are actually his main business. As for the battle of South Wendura, it is actually just a means to maintain the safety and stability of Bukui.

However, Wang Ziteng in front of him, including the former Jiang Shilang, seemed not too interested in Jia Min's achievement.

How Wang Ziteng will view this achievement in the future, Jia Min is still unclear.However, the previous Jiang Shilang, as an imperial envoy who came to Bukui to inspect exile affairs, later put his main attention on the victory in the battle of South Wendula.

This made Jia Min feel very sorry.Although he doesn't say it on the surface, but in his heart, he thinks that Jiang Shilang's priority is reversed.

Regarding the third aspect of exile affairs, Jia Min is currently focusing on the pilot work of standardizing the commutation of exiles, as well as the direction and main ideas of future work.

Among them, the standardization of exile commutation pilot work is his focus, and it is also a reform measure of great significance in the future.

In the past, there were basically two ways to release exiles.

One is the expiry of the exile for the people, and the other is the emperor's pardon.

The former mainly depends on boiling.It's the end of the year, so I let you go.

However, many times, the migrants died before that time, or ran away.

The reason for this is that apart from the harsh living environment, the main reason is that there is no hope in sight, so many people shatter their cans and muddle through.

The latter depends on luck.However, even if there is a chance of pardon, not everyone has a share.There are still some rules and regulations that restrict it.

Therefore, those who can really benefit from it are actually very few.Moreover, the opportunities are not equal, the rich and powerful are always the ones who get this opportunity first, and it is difficult to benefit ordinary exiles.

The reform that Jia Min wants to carry out is a generalized system of preferences reform that allows all exiles to have the opportunity to reduce their sentences.

The main idea is to divide a number of assessment items based on the facts and actual performance of the crime of exile, and then subdivide it into multiple scoring items, and finally commute the sentence based on the scoring.

In general, the assessment items can be divided into four major items.

The first item is the criminal facts and social harmfulness of the exile, and whether the exile has the awareness and behavior of repentance for his criminal behavior.Are you aware of the ideological roots of your crimes, and are you able to reflect on yourself?

This item is mainly ideological.

The second item is to look at the actual performance.Do you have a sense of law and a sense of law?Can you abide by discipline and law, abide by various supervisory regulations and disciplines, and various management systems of the distribution center?

The third item is labor performance.Including whether to actively participate in labor, observe labor discipline, complete labor tasks, labor quality, etc.

The fourth item is the learning of culture and skills.

Jia Min has promoted literacy and numeracy education among exiles, as well as some practical technical training.

The purpose is to improve the quality of migrants and enable them to master certain technical skills so that they will have the ability to earn a living after returning to society in the future.Can survive and even lead a relatively prosperous and decent life.

In this way, exiles will not take risks because they can't live on, and go back to the road of crime.

After returning to society, many exiles are discriminated against and have no way to make a living. As a result, they develop a mentality of hatred and revenge against the society, and they re-enter the road of crime.

One of the important purposes of Jia Min's reform is to avoid such consequences.

It is true that crimes must be punished, but punishment is not a panacea.Severe torture and cruel laws exist in every dynasty, but there are people who dare to take risks at any time.

In addition to being wronged, the viciousness of many exiles is relatively deep.Punishment alone is useless.

While punishing, giving them a way out in the future is the fundamental way to solve the problem.

These people are major hidden dangers in society, and terrible negative energy may erupt at any time.

It is a good strategy to gradually lead them to the road of changing from evil to doing good.

Therefore, the reform implemented by Jia Min is actually of great significance.

It's just that Wang Ziteng's attitude made Jia Min feel a little disappointed.

At first, Wang Ziteng showed more interest and listened more attentively.However, the more Jia Min talked, Wang Ziteng seemed a little impatient.It was only because it was a business matter that Jia Min's speech was not interrupted.

Previously, Jia Min also told Jiang Shilang about his thoughts.Because Jiang Shilang is in charge of exile affairs, he should be more interested in this.

If this reform is successful, it will actually be a major political achievement for Jiang Shilang.It may also be an important turning point for his official career.

It's a pity that Jiang Shilang didn't realize the significance of it, and he didn't have much interest in it.

The same is true for Wang Ziteng now, so Jia Min can only lament that they lack strategic vision.

(End of this chapter)

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