Chapter 236 Jingle Bells

 The water thrown out by a married daughter no longer belongs to her natal family, and she cannot be buried back to her natal family after her death.

   is the most obvious customary feature of this era.

Even in later generations and the new society of the 21st century, there are still some areas where customs have not changed.

 In fact, this kind of thing mainly depends on the individual and what their parents think. If you can't change the general environment, stay away.

 Staying away is very simple in later generations, but in this native traditional concept, it is easier said than done.

 Bai Lu sympathized with Wang Cuihua for three seconds, but she still had to say: "Xiao Cheng is a human being, not an object. He cannot give in to anyone who says so. Xiao Cheng has the right to make his own choices."

Wang Cuihua thought she had impressed Bai Lu, and her face was full of excitement: "Brother Xiao Cheng has no objection, as long as you agree for me to live here."

Bai Lu didn’t understand where her confidence came from: “When did you ask Xiao Cheng, and when did he agree?”

"He will agree if you agree." Wang Cuihua prayed: "Bai Lu, please let me live in."

Bai Lu refused: "Go and ask Xiao Cheng."

The home belongs to Xiao Cheng, and Bai Lu is only renting it now and does not participate in the decision-making of rights.

Wang Cuihua wanted to ask Bai Lu: "As long as you agree, Brother Xiao Cheng will definitely listen to you."

  Bai Lu refused: "He has his own ideas."

Wang Cuihua said: "He listens to you."

Bai Lu: "Can't you find someone else?"

“No!” Wang Cuihua said firmly: “No one can compare to Brother Xiao Cheng. As long as Brother Xiao Cheng and I are together, no one will dare to bully me in the future.”

“No one is bullying you now. Everyone knows that you are the wife of Xiao Cheng’s brother A Biao.”

“This is only temporary. After Brother Xiao Cheng marries a wife, everyone will only know Brother Xiao Cheng’s wife and not remember me. Someone must bully me again.”

Wang Cuihua's face looked helpless and pitiful, her eyes were red, as if she was about to cry in the next second.

“Bai Lu, please allow me to live here.”

 Bai Lu ruthlessly refused: "I don't agree."

Wang Cuihua wiped the non-existent tears from the corners of her eyes and said shamelessly, "I'll just assume you agree."

 “What are you dreaming about in the Spring and Autumn Period?”

Bai Lu tore the green beans into pieces and threw them into the vegetable basket in front of Wang Cuihua.

The sudden serious expression and the cold voice startled Wang Cuihua, but she did not dare to cry.

He only dared to pout: "Bai Lu, don't be like this. You are so kind, why don't you give me a chance?"

Just as Bai Lu said "no", the phone on the high table suddenly rang - "Ding, ding, ding!"

"Jingle Bell-"

Wang Cuihua didn't have a phone at home. She came to Xiao Cheng's house earlier to pick up chestnuts. When she saw the new phone, she was so envious.

I have long wanted to hear what the phone sounds like.

“It must be Brother Xiao Cheng who calls back at this time.” Wang Cuihua flew towards the high table.

 imitating Li Shuixian's posture when he saw Li Shuixian talking on the phone in the store before on the street, he reached out and picked up the phone.

Hauntedly shouted: "Brother Xiao Cheng~"

   Goosebumps fell all over the ground.

The call paused for a long time, until Wang Cuihua thought she was using the wrong phone position, so she changed her position several times.

Just as he was about to ask Bai Lu, a cold voice suddenly came from the phone: "Where is Bai Lu?"

Wang Cuihua looked back and saw that Bai Lu was still tearing the green beans apart and glanced towards her with cool eyes.

“Bai Lu is washing vegetables in the yard.” Wang Cuihua covered the phone like Li Shuixian and whispered: “Brother Xiao Cheng, let me stay and have dinner with you tonight.”

  The voice in the receiver did not have any emotion, and was colder and deeper: "Ask your sister-in-law."

Wang Cuihua's hand shook, she covered the phone, turned her back to Bai Lu and whispered: "Bai Lu has agreed."

As soon as he finished speaking, a clear and loud female voice sounded behind him: "I don't agree." Wang Cuihua: "..."

A low laugh sounded on the other end of the phone, and soon disappeared: "Give the phone to Bai Lu."

Wang Cuihua didn't want to give it, so she held the phone for a long time without moving, and waited for a while before speaking.

 “Xiao Chengda…”

     ——“Beep, beep, beep!”

Wang Cuihua heard this sound for the first time and was a little confused. She turned her head and looked at Bai Lu blankly.

“Brother Xiao Cheng, why didn’t you speak?”

The beeping sound was so loud that Bai Lu could hear it across the table. She regretfully informed: "He has hung up the phone."

Wang Cuihua still didn't know what it meant to be hung up on, so she just assumed that Xiao Cheng was busy with something.

Reluctantly put the phone receiver back on the landline.

Less than three seconds after I put it down, the ringing tone of the phone that shook my eardrums rang again.

"Jingle Bell!"

Wang Cuihua, who had just turned around, immediately returned, picked up the phone and shouted: "Brother Xiao Cheng~"

 “Give the phone to Bai Lu.” Xiao Cheng was very direct.

Wang Cuihua didn't want to give it, but thought that Xiao Cheng might have something important to tell Bai Lu.

 You can only give the phone to Bai Lu.

At the same time, he stood aside and listened.

Bai Lu didn't care about her, she just said hello to Xiao Cheng and then fell silent.

It’s not that the voice has disappeared, it’s Xiao Cheng who is talking and Bai Lu is listening, as if they are talking about the purchase order.

Wang Cuihua didn't dare to get too close. Bai Lu covered the phone again, so she couldn't hear clearly.

I only heard Bai Lu mention the location.

Brother Xiao Cheng’s electrical appliance store opened yesterday. It should be somewhere in the electrical appliance store.

After Bai Lu finished speaking, she paused for a while, and the other end of the phone seemed to be asking someone to find her.

Soon a man's voice said "Found it" was heard, and then Brother Xiao Cheng's voice sounded again.

 “What do you want to eat tonight?”

Wang Cuihua suddenly approached and heard this sentence clearly, and Bailu no longer hid it.

 Said a word in front of her.


There are no shrimps for sale in the city. What does Bai Lu want to do with shrimps? Are you dreaming about eating them?

Wang Cuihua waited for Xiao Cheng to say no, but she waited for another word: "Okay."

 What’s good!

There are no shrimps for sale in the city, but Brother Xiao Cheng promised Bai Lu. Are you going to the river to fish for shrimps?

There are not many shrimps on the riverside. Usually, neighbors go to net fish, and at most they net a few small crabs. We don’t see any shrimps for ten days and a half, and the shrimps we have are very few.

 At most you can taste it, but you can’t eat it as a vegetable.

Bai Lu was just making things difficult for Brother Xiao Cheng.

Wang Cuihua didn’t even hear what was said after that, and Bai Lu’s troublesome words about wanting to eat shrimps echoed in her ears.

So as soon as the phone was hung up, Bai Lu couldn't help but say: "How can you make things difficult for Brother Xiao Cheng like this? You know that there are no shrimps for sale in the city, but you still want to eat shrimps. Do you want Brother Xiao Cheng to go to the river to fish for you? The river is also There are no shrimps, when will you let Brother Xiao Cheng catch them?"

“You’ve already torn the green beans apart. Just eat the green beans. If you do this, Brother Xiao Cheng will be angry. It’s better for me to stay and cook for you.”

Bai Lu heard the last important point and said very naively: "A Cheng likes to catch shrimps for me and also likes to cook for me. The food he cooks is delicious. He can cook when he comes back in the evening, so I won't bother you." Take the trouble.”

Wang Cuihua knew clearly that Bai Lu had told lies on purpose to anger her, but she still couldn't help feeling envious and jealous.

"You can't do this. Brother Xiao Cheng is so busy with business..."

 (End of this chapter)

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