Chapter 237 Helpless and doting

After listening to Wang Cuihua's long and sincere speech, Bai Lu asked, "Don't you need to make money today?"

The topic changed so quickly that Wang Cuihua didn't react for a moment. She subconsciously showed the small blisters on her hands: "My hands are injured and they haven't healed yet. I can't stir-fry chestnuts."

“You sell me the electric chestnut frying machine, and I can fry chestnuts and sell them.”

Bai Lu glanced at the healed blisters in front of her and said faintly: "It's already healed."

 “It’s not good, it’s still hurting!”

Wang Cuihua waved her hands, with a look of pain on her face: "It still hurts like crazy when cooking at noon. I can't cook at all."

 Bai Lu sympathized for 0.1 seconds: "You can use your left hand."

 “I’m not left-handed.”

Realizing that something was wrong after saying this, Wang Cuihua immediately added: "Brother Xiao Cheng is not left-handed, he is an all-around genius. He can do everything. I can't learn it at all."

“So I want to be with Brother Xiao Cheng and learn my skills from Brother Xiao Cheng. Bai Luqian please leave Brother Xiao Cheng to me.”

 Going around and around again.

  Bai Lu didn’t like hearing the word “rang” very much: “Xiao Cheng is a person, not a thing.”

Wang Cuihua is now afraid of both Xiao Cheng's cold face and Bai Lu's cold face. Although Bai Lu is usually approachable, she can occasionally be cold, like now.

"Brother Xiao Cheng is certainly not a thing." Wang Cuihua corrected her mistake decisively.

“Brother Xiao Cheng is the most powerful person, so Bai Lu, just agree with me.”

   Bai Lu cuts off the green beans with a "click".

Wang Cuihua’s beautiful face twitched and she retreated decisively: “I mean, you agree to my staying for dinner.”

She wanted to see if Brother Xiao Cheng would really go to the river to catch shrimps for Bai Lu and caught a few shrimps.

   Bai Lu knew what she was thinking without even thinking: "If you want to eat shrimp, there are many in Nanshi."

Wang Cuihua was shocked, her eyes were as big as bull's eyes: "You mean, Xiao Cheng didn't go to the river to catch shrimps, but bought shrimps in Nanshi!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! It takes many hours to travel from Xinzhen to Nanshi. How can Brother Xiao Cheng go to Nanshi to buy shrimps? It's also impossible to ask someone to buy them back. After such a long journey, all the shrimps are dead. !”

Bai Lu just smiled and said nothing.

The crabs and shrimps that Xiao Cheng had brought back yesterday were still alive and well.

Wang Cuihua was struck by Bai Lu's calmness and calmness, "You are lying to me, right?"

“You must be lying to me. Brother Xiao Cheng is so busy with business, how can he have time to go to Nanshi to buy shrimps.”

Wang Cuihua would rather believe that Xiao Cheng went to the river to fish for shrimps than to believe that Xiao Cheng went to Nanshi to buy shrimps.

Even if she called someone to bring it back from Nanshi, she didn't want to believe it. It was definitely not true.

Nanshi is so far away from Xinzhen. Brother Xiao Cheng hates trouble the most. How could he deliberately have people transport shrimps from such a far away place just to please Bai Lu?

 This is not true!

 It must not be true!

It was Bai Lu who didn’t want to give up Xiao Cheng’s brother to her, so she deliberately told lies to annoy her. It’s definitely not true!

Wang Cuihua rambled and refused to leave. She wanted to wait for Brother Xiao Cheng to come back and see what happened with her own eyes.

At this moment, Xiao Cheng is entertaining guests in the store, not just ordinary guests, but Liu Zhenguo, a rare guest.

 Liu Zhenguo was indeed a rare visitor. During a period when the investigation of cases was supposed to be low, he went out on patrol twice openly.

 Both times it was an electrical appliance store on Chengnan Road, and both times it was because of Bailu.

 The first time is mutual help. The second time was thanks: "Thanks to the information provided by Bai Lu this time, we were able to successfully solve the major human trafficking case."

Xiao Cheng remembered that Bai Lu told him that the exchange for inviting Liu Zhenguo to come out was the underground casino den.

 What does it have to do with the human trafficking case?

Liu Zhenguo said without waiting for Xiao Cheng to ask: "Yesterday, our people went to the den to stay and accidentally encountered a man carrying a child to the countryside. He felt suspicious and followed him. Later, he found a large hidden cave in the mountain opposite the den. There are 26 trafficked children.”

 Evil incidents of child abduction and trafficking occur all over the country, and there are also missing children in Pingcheng.

 Especially in recent times, more parents have come to report crimes than in the previous three months combined.

 It shows how serious the situation is.

 Child abduction and trafficking gangs also have anti-investigation capabilities. The time and location of the crime are different each time, and the escape route is planned in advance, deliberately avoiding peak traffic areas.

All road sections where the police will appear are avoided in advance so that they have no way of starting and it is difficult to find clues.

Had it not been for sending a large number of people to the den this time, no suspicious characters would have been encountered, and a bigger conspiracy would have been revealed.

When Liu Zhenguo thought about the results of last night's trial, the ceramic tea cup in his hand cracked: "These scumbags, they don't kidnap and traffic children to be raised by rich families, but they take them to big cities, cut off their hands and feet, and throw them on the streets to beg."

"This time, the trap was exposed. The time to contact the gang outside was up. There was still one child short of the target number. I was exposed by taking the regular route in a hurry and was rescued by our human intelligence. If not, the twenty-six children, He was taken away overnight last night..."

 ‘There is still one last child left.’ As soon as Xiao Cheng said these words, he didn’t know what he thought of, and a fierce aura condensed in his deep eyes.

 “Two broods in one group?”

Liu Zhenguo initially thought there was a connection, but after further investigation, he found out that it was not the case.

“The leader of the trafficking gang is in other provinces and has dens in many places. He is not from our province.”

Liu Zhenguo has already contacted police stations in other provinces, and they are also formulating plans.

However, what surprised him was Bai Lu: "You have married a good wife who suddenly became enlightened. Not only did you happen to encounter people in the underground den going out, but there was also a human trafficking gang hidden near the den. Before, she was ignorant. The little girl must have been frightened."

Judging from Liu Zhenguo's position, he can think of all the information about Di Bailu from childhood to adulthood, but it's just a matter of time.

Xiao Cheng understood the meaning of his words and calmly refilled their teacups. He said in a leisurely manner: "I have been with you for a long time, and I have become bolder."

 Liu Zhenguo couldn't help but laugh in surprise when he saw the unprecedented doting look on Xiao Cheng's face.

 “You must treat others well and don’t let them down.”

  Xiao Cheng: “I am making money to support my family.”

 This statement neither disappoints nor makes a statement.

Liu Zhenguo smiled heartily and said in a skillful and friendly tone: "You are making money outside to support your family, and she is not idle at home. She even dressed up beautifully yesterday to come to congratulate you. She is such a smart and interesting little girl."

  "Very skinny." Xiao Cheng's brows were quite troubled: "He ran out without looking at him for a while."

Having known each other for such a long time, Liu Zhenguo saw for the first time that Xiao Cheng, who was fearless and unscrupulous, had no choice but to do it because of a girl.

I have to say, it’s very magical.

 It seems that this time he has really stopped and returned to the right path.

Liu Zhenguo was pleased and sighed: "Come out and see me. It's not too late for me to welcome you. Just go about your business and I won't disturb you anymore. Let's have another drink when you have time."

 “Always waiting.”

 (End of this chapter)

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