We had a rest in Lichuan's office all day. After dark, we went downstairs and went back to the car to continue our investigation.

This time, I asked her to drive to the southeast corner of the factory.

The place of Southeast sundam is the most active place for spirits. Since there is no evil spirit here, let's see if there is any monster, fairy or Buddha.

"The devil, the fairy and the Buddha?" But the son is stunned, "you say demon I can understand, how can fairy Buddha still be sneaky?"

"There are two kinds of fairy Buddhas," I said. "One is the real fairy Buddhas, and the other is the false fairy Buddhas. In fact, they are demons."

"False fairy Buddha?" She's interested. "What's a real fairy Buddha like? How to distinguish them? "

"Immortals and Buddhas are actually one entity, but they have different appellations," I said. "Taoism is divided into five immortals, namely, heaven, God, man, earth and ghost. Buddhism is divided into ten Bodhisattvas, including arhat. Those who have more than ten Bodhisattvas are Buddhas, which are the same realm as the immortals of Taoism. The immortals live in the heaven. Immortals, immortals, ghosts and fairies live in the world; Buddhas and Bodhisattvas live in the world of Buddhas, and other nine Bodhisattvas live in different realms... "

I took a look at her and said," well, it's complicated to say, and I can't say it all at night. "

But the child understood, "that is to say, the real fairy Buddha is not in the world, even in the world, they will not do harm to the world, right?"

"That's understandable," I nodded. Remember the website m.luoqiuzw.com

"what about the fake fairy Buddha?" She asked.

"There are two kinds of false immortals and Buddhas. One is sealed by the people. If the people don't understand the Buddhism and Taoism, there will be many spiritual bodies attached to the Buddhism and Taoism. They will confuse the people's psychics with various images," I said. "Many people are not confident, so most of them have no judgment. When they see it, they think it's true. These spirits take advantage of this characteristic of the common people, climb the Buddha and attach the path, and enjoy the incense. However, although they bear the name of Buddha and Taoist immortals, they are actually mountain goblins or ghosts and immortals with some accomplishments in previous lives, so most of them have temper and are easy to be used and haunt the world. "

"What about the other?" She asked.

"The other is the more powerful demons," I said. "These demons are very powerful. They are no less powerful than the gods and Buddhas. For various reasons, they live in the world, showing that they are not easy to mix, so they are included in the world's Buddhism and Taoism system in the name of various Dharma protectors. Of course, it's almost impossible for such a monster to appear here, so don't ask more. "

She sighed, "it's a long experience to follow the young master. If you didn't tell me, where would I listen? I thought that Miss Yu was so powerful. After listening to this, I understood that the spiritual world of emotion is so huge. There is spirit outside the spirit, and there is heaven outside... "

" for ordinary people, the less they know, the simpler life will be. "I looked outside and smiled lightly," you follow me, and later life can't be simple. "

Ke'er laughed. "I like it!" I looked at her, smiled and nodded.

"What now?" She asked me, "are you waiting as you did yesterday?"

"I can only wait," I look at my watch, "but I don't think I'll wait for nothing tonight. I'll get something."

"Well!" She looked around. "If you say there is harvest, there must be. Let's wait patiently."

As we chatted, we watched and waited. Unconsciously, the midnight came again.

But the sound of gongs and drums was heard again.

"Here we are again, young master," she said, looking at me. "It's a lot bigger than yesterday."

I lowered the window and listened carefully. I didn't hear anything.

But this time I don't think it's strange. She can just hear it.

"Where's the sound?" I asked her.

She listened carefully. "It's far away. It's going to take a while."

"Don't worry," I said lightly. "Let me know when you get close."

"Good!" She nodded.

For more than half an hour, neither of us spoke.

Ke'er closed her eyes and listened to the sound carefully. When the sound of gongs and drums came into the factory, she opened her eyes and said to me, "here, in the factory!"

I opened the door and got off. "Let's go!" "Good!"

She got out of the car and we went to the main building together.

From the gate of the factory to the main building, a broad main road divides the factory into two parts: North and south. We lurk in a lane beside the main road and carefully look at the direction of the sound, hoping to find something.

The sound is getting closer and closer. The sound of the drum is shaking my ears.

But like yesterday, there was nothing but sound.

"Young master, is it an illusion?" Asked Ke'er in doubt.

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