"No," I said definitely, "it's made by ghosts beating gongs and drums. Listen to that drum carefully. It's different from the drum in the world."

After listening carefully for a while, Ke'er wondered, "I don't think it's different."

"The drum in the world can play the Yang Qi, which means it's exciting," I whispered. "Listen to this drum carefully. Although it's vigorous, its ending is short and there's the sound of gold and stone."

She listened carefully again and nodded, "that's right, that's it! What does that say? "

"I said just now, it means that the drums are played by ghosts, so they are not hallucinations," I said.

"What shall we do now?" She asked.

I listened carefully and asked her, "listen carefully. What instruments do they use?"

"Drums, gongs, cymbals, and..." she frowned. "What's that noise?" "What?" I asked quickly.

"Let me listen..." she held her breath and closed her eyes.

After listening for a while, she shook her head. "No, that voice is mixed in the sound of gongs and drums. It's not true."

I thought about it and looked at the direction of the voice. "Let's get closer."

"Is there any danger?" She asked.

I took her hand. "That's all."

She nodded. "Well."

We walked out of the alley and walked over to the sound.

Soon, the sound of gongs and drums became louder and clearer, as if the ghost gongs and drums team were around us.

I can only hear its voice, but I can't see its shadow. I don't even know the Yin Qi of the spirit.

But when she got closer, not only did she hear it, but I also heard it.

"It's a bronze bell!" We both looked at each other and said the same thing.

Almost at the same time, a bleak wind came up.

As soon as I pulled her to one side, the wind was almost close to us, firmly and aggressively blowing in the past. Then, the sound of gongs and drums, the copper bell slowly went away.

But the Yin wind is not only not weakened, but also increased.

But suddenly he realized, "master, this is not a band, this is a team!"

"I noticed it too," I whispered. "Don't move, don't talk, wait for them to pass."

Ke'er swallowed nervously and nodded silently.

For more than ten minutes, the sound of gongs and drums has gone far, and the wind has passed.

I pulled her from the side of a road around the main building, at this time can clearly feel that a wind is slowly around the main building. The gongs and drums team seemed to be in the open, turning slowly and firmly. At the same time, the surrounding Yin Qi was gathered, and the whole main building was shrouded in the dark air.

It suddenly dawned on me, "no wonder that there were so few Yin Qi in Gen's position yesterday, so they were all gathered here..."

"yes, we should have come here last night", but Ke'er was also surprised.

"Shhh..." I motioned to her not to speak, and at the same time I clenched her hand and picked up the Lei Jue with my left hand.

These ghosts don't seem to realize our existence, or they don't care about us at all. They continue to play drums and gongs and circle the main building slowly.

After a few turns, a black cloud appeared over the main building, and then a cloud of Yin came out of the black cloud and rushed to the ground.

I only felt a stabbing pain on my body. I unconsciously held Ke'er in my arms and protected her with my back.

Ke'er looked at me nervously, his eyes filled with gratitude.

I smiled at her, signaled that she was ok, and then let her go.

Ke'er smiled and looked behind me. Suddenly, he was shocked and turned pale. He pointed to my back and said, "young master! What is that? "

I looked back and froze.

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