I smile calmly, "don't worry, there are more than ten thousand fierce ghosts, but they can't come up with it easily."

She had a bottom in her heart and smiled confidently, "MMM!" "Well, it's late." I look at my watch. "Let's go to the factory, set up the array first, then have a rest there, and wait for the black lion."

"Good!" She nodded.

We walked out of the lion king temple, went to Koster, turned around and drove to the factory.

When I arrived at the factory, I asked her to drive around the steel plant. At last, I chose a tennis court in the southwest corner of the factory. The layout of the factory is Luo Xiushan's handwriting. The buildings with high and low scattered height are integrated with the location and atmosphere, which is very exquisite. There are three positions in this layout. The main position is to the east of the main building, which is an inspection building. The second position is to the northeast corner, which is the warehouse. The weakest position is to the southwest corner, which is in this tennis court.

As soon as Zishi arrived, the paper man offered sacrifices to the Styx lion. At that time, the place near the main building must not be used. The northeast corner is not very safe. So, the southwest corner tennis court is the only one available.

The so-called Sha position is the air port of Fengshui layout, which can also be understood as an interface. Seven Star lock spirit array is arranged here. The Qi field of the array can be integrated with the layout here, which can greatly enhance the power of the array. It's used to frighten the fierce ghosts in the ground, which can get twice the result with half the effort.

The so-called harmony between heaven, earth and man. When you set up the array here, you should take advantage of the earth first. The rest depends on harmony between heaven and man.

After arranging the array with seven crystal balls, we went back to the car and drove to Xun's position in the southeast corner of the plant area and stopped.

I asked Ke'er to lift up her clothes and save her mind. First, I made a talisman in her heart and then pulled her body. Ke'er has a good figure, white skin, full of youthful heat. I look red and heartbeat. Remember the website m.luoqiuzw.com

I coughed and settled down. Starting from her left shoulder, from top to bottom, I made a talisman and a tranquilizer.

After finishing the repair, I put the formula on her left chest.

My face is very hot, clear throat, "OK."

But her face is red.

She arranged her clothes, then smiled at me, deliberately teasing me, "young master, who is in good shape with your girlfriend?"

"All right," I said lightly.

"Really?" She looked at me curiously.

I nodded.

She looked at me deeply for a while, leaned up to my ear and whispered something that I was embarrassed to say.

"You..." she chuckled.

"Hahaha... Look at your blush. I don't care. What shame are you doing?"

I smiled helplessly, "I've convinced you..."

she went back to her seat with a smile, took a bottle of water and twisted it, smiled and handed it to me, "come here, have some water."

Embarrassed, I took over, took a sip, and let out a long breath.

As a boy, I was teased by a girl. I was really drunk.

I feel very hot on my face, even my neck.

Ke'er took another bottle of water, just took a sip, and suddenly became alert.

"What's the matter?" I asked her.

"The sound of gongs and drums..." she looked at me. "Here they are..."

I was stunned and looked at my watch. It was only nine o'clock.

"It's impossible. It's an hour away!" I said.

"Shhh... Listen..." she pointed out.

I listened carefully. Sure enough, there was a faint sound of gongs and drums in the distance.

I have a little thought. I see.

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