"It's been four days since we last saw the black lions," I said. "Their strength has increased, so the sacrifice has been advanced."

"Shall we adjust our plan?" Asked Keer.

"No," I said, "it's not a big problem to stick to the Seven Star spirit lock array for one more hour."

She sighed, "that's good."

"Listen carefully to the sound of gongs and drums. When they get near the main building, we will start to move!" I command.

She nodded. "OK!"

At this time, the sound of gongs and drums has entered the plant area.

The strength of the paper man has indeed increased a lot. Not only has the sound of gongs and drums become louder, but also the speed of moving has obviously accelerated. After they entered the factory, they danced lions, danced strange dances and walked towards the main building. On the other side of the main building, the black gas has condensed into black clouds. In the continuous rolling, the huge lion head appears and makes a huge roar.

We both heard the roar at the same time, and suddenly looked at each other, stunned.

After a few seconds, we both said, "drive!"

She quickly started the car, turned around and drove to the gate of the factory along the road to the east of the factory.

Almost at the same time, the huge black lion came down and rushed to the place where we had just stopped.

Ke'er saw the black lion in the rear-view mirror. She was very calm. She stepped on the accelerator, and Koster accelerated in an instant. She drifted and ran all the way.

The black lion lost all his timidity before. With a roar, he came after us.

It's tens of meters tall and very fast.

But our car is faster.

After several drifts, Koster rushes out of the factory and along the road to the Shiwang temple.

The black lion soon rushed out of the factory, roaring and catching up.

The papermen followed, and they came after.

But after a distance from the factory, the speed of the black lion is obviously slow. After all, it has not come out completely. Once it is far away from the body, its strength will inevitably be weakened. But this does not affect its desire for the Pearl. Although it is slower, it still firmly chases us.

Its speed is slow, the paper man's speed is even slower. Soon, a long distance has been opened between them, and the paper man is far behind by the black lion.

We came to the lion king temple, opened the door and got off, rushed into the main hall, and quickly arranged the array.

Outside the main hall, we used nine crystal balls to arrange the finished font array. Then we went into the main hall and put the remaining five crystal balls around the stone lion evenly.

Then, I asked Ke'er to step back and set up.

Ke'er ran to the door, looked at the black lion, and reported to me, "young master, it's not good, the black lion can't run, it seems to hesitate."

I ignored her, slightly saved my mind, pinched my fingers and made two points on the ground, and set up a Taiji array first. Then throw five fire talismans and five thunder town talismans into the array.

In an instant, the flame rises from the ground, and the whole main hall is covered by the gas field of five thunder fire array.

"Young master, the black lion sees the light of the fire here. It doesn't move!" Cried Ke'er anxiously.

I took out a guiding talisman and threw it into the five thunder fire array.

With a shout, the spirit of the flame suddenly strengthened a lot. A strong aura field soared and Qi surrounded the stone lion.

Almost at the same time, the roar of the black lion came from outside.

"It's back, young master!" exclaimed Ke'er in surprise

I stare at the gas field, make sure that the talisman works normally, turn around and walk out of the main hall quickly, come to Ke'er's side, pull her into the center of the crystal ball array, "you stay here, when I come back, remember to hold me!"

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