Chapter 210: Fog-locked Demon City

Now that the Demon Capital Waters Projection is about to open, Cheng Lin originally thought that there were only four official bureaus gathered, but now it seems that there are more than just secretly.

It is not uncommon for Rogue Cultivators to kill people. Even if Cheng Lin has been hiding in the ivory tower during this period of time, he has always heard of such news.

After all, with a population of more than one billion in Xia State, it is normal for practitioners to be involved in chaos.

Fortunately, every region basically has a bureau to maintain local order and arrest illegal Rogue Cultivators, so despite some disturbances, they were eventually put out in time.

After six months of continuous struggle, domestic officials and private practitioners have gradually reached a certain tacit understanding. The number of particularly bad incidents has become less and less. After all, Rogue Cultivators are not stupid, and muffled to make a fortune is far better than the official Hard steel is much better.

Only this time…

“It’s weird.”

Cheng Lin thought secretly.

Now that the demons have four divisions, the official forces are extremely powerful. At this point in time, even if they dare to commit such a big thing, Cheng Lin always feels that there is something unusual in it.

“Normal Rogue Cultivators, even if they are discovered, the first thing they want to do is to escape, hide, and kill people will only make things worse and attract the eyes of officials. Now this kind of behavior is too arrogant and weird. ”

“What does Liang Pi mean by provocation? The cultivator’s provocation against the government? It always feels like he knows something.”

Cheng Lin thought about it, but cautiously did not ask much.

Seeing the bad incident happened, the mood of several people also became a little bit bad. At this time, several people successively received the information of their own department convened to gather together, and several people simply said goodbye and left one after another.

Walking out of the practitioner’s alley, Cheng Lin found that there was a lot less crowds on the street, and the air was more of a solemn meaning. Some pedestrians no longer rejoiced, but hurriedly walked, all looked nervous.

“There are fewer people on the street? Is it because of the incident just now?” Cheng Lin glanced at the smoking man watching the stall in the alley.

The other party’s face was obviously more obedient this time, and he nodded and said, “It should be. Now that the news has spread, many citizens are a little worried.”

Nodded, Cheng Lin stopped talking, took a big step, and ran to the hotel where Jiu Si was.

The running speed of the second rank cultivator has surpassed that of athletes from many countries. Soon, Cheng Lin returned to the hotel. As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw several small lapels gathered together and were talking.

“Cheng Lin? Are you back?”

The gray-haired Feng Ge greeted him at a young age.

“Well, I’m back, what’s the matter? I heard that a vicious incident happened just now?” Cheng Lin asked.

Brother Feng leaned against the street lamp, nodded, and said solemnly: “It’s true, it’s a lot of trouble.

Mainly because some people took videos and uploaded them to the Internet, the public opinion is very bad.

People from the Second Division are hunting all over the city,

If it is not due to authority, a few of us would also like to help. ”

“These Rogue Cultivators are too courageous, right this time?” Cheng Lin asked tentatively.

Feng Ge shook his head when he heard this, and sighed: “This time the situation is more complicated.

As far as I know, it is not an ordinary Rogue Cultivators crime.

For this Rogue Cultivators, Cultivation Base reached the peak of the second rank,

Where can ordinary Rogue Cultivators have this kind of Cultivation Base? ”

peak second rank?

Cheng Lin was slightly surprised. This Cultivation Base is considered the backbone of the small lapel. What’s more, it is a group of Rogue Cultivators without cultivation resources?

Cheng Lin knows a thing or two about Rogue Cultivators. Their overall strength is very low, and they are basically hovering in the first rank. Only a few Rogue Cultivators have chances or special channels to obtain the cultivation Cultivation Technique and resources. Cultivation Base, but the number is very small.

Unexpectedly, the guy who just made the mess is also a second-rank pinnacle.

“Is there something else in it?” Cheng Lin asked shamelessly.

Brother Feng nodded, fetched a cigarette from his pocket, picked it up, and said: “According to known information, this Rogue Cultivators may belong to an illegal Rogue Cultivators organization in China.

It hasn’t been determined yet, but eight or nine are not separated from ten.

Only in the Rogue Cultivators organization can such a more powerful guy appear.

If this is really the case, then it’s likely that the people hiding in the magic city are a group, not an individual! ”

“Rogue Cultivators organization?”

“Well, you didn’t participate in work and don’t know much about this.

Not to mention the legal Rogue Cultivators in China, they are all registered in the government and are unwilling or unable to join us.

As for those illegal Rogue Cultivators, there are mainly two types, one is a single fight, or a mob of small gangs assembled.

These types are all my own, without background, Cultivation Base is generally very low.

As for the other category, it is a background and organized Rogue Cultivators group.

This kind of force is supported by forces behind it, or it is a force in itself that can obtain Cultivation Technique and resources, so there are many masters, and it is also the most restless force. ”

Cheng Lin was a little puzzled, and asked, “Background? What background can this group of people have?”

Brother Feng sighed, a sneer hung on his face, his voice was slightly lower, and he said, “This is hard to say.

Some are supported by foreign forces, such as the Federation, such as the Soviet Union, etc. This is part of the national struggle.

All major countries have planted and cultivated some practitioners in other countries,

Some organizations in our country are secretly supported by other big countries.

Conversely speaking, there are also organizations we support in the Federation, which are used by each other to obtain information and complete some tasks. ”

After a pause, his voice became lower again: “As for the other, some wealthy businessmen in the country, secretly cultivated forces,

For self-preservation or for other crazier ideas,

In short, it is also a category,

Mainly these two types are our key targets.

There are other things that we can’t talk about. ”

Cheng Lin’s eyes reveal the vivid color.

In this way, the magic city may now hide an illegal Rogue Cultivators organization?

This is interesting.

“What are they doing here?”

“What else can you do? Fish in troubled waters, 80% of them are eyeing this projection.” Feng Ge sneered.

Cheng Lin was slightly surprised, and said: “It seems that we rarely see Rogue Cultivators in our past projection exploration, right?”

Brother Feng nodded: “It used to be, but you may not know it.

There have also been some Rogue Cultivators coming in, but they were basically caught by us quickly, without any waves.

I dare not say anything else, our department’s operations outside the customs are still quite stable.

Rogue Cultivators often appear in other projections, but there are very few in our game. ”

Speaking of this, he couldn’t help showing pride in his tone.

After a pause, he said: “As for this time, the projection appears on the sea, and it is far easier to sneak in than on land.

Especially for some water system practitioners,

We can’t stop entering from underwater,

In addition, don’t think that the four divisions are very strong together.

It is precisely the joint exploration of the four divisions and bureaus that gives these Rogue Cultivators more opportunities.

After all, there is also competition between various departments and bureaus.

If it was only the second company’s own exploration and strict organizational discipline, it would not be so easy to penetrate. ”

Cheng Lin finally understood now.

Sure enough, the experience gained a lot after coming out, and the objects of the little lapels’ struggles were really not experienced when they were in the academy.

In this way, for this exploration, they need not only to fight those war spirits, but also to deal with possible illegal Rogue Cultivators.

“The spirit of war is dead, but humans are alive. In contrast, humans are more dangerous.”

Cheng Lin was secretly wary.

Some of the lightheartedness he had had before suddenly tightened a lot, and he realized that exploring the projection was far less simple and safe than expected.

At this moment, all of a sudden, only the mobile phones of the little lapels rang in unison.

Everyone was startled.

Looking down, it was a message sent by Yang Congxian collectively.

It is required to assemble quickly, go to the target location, and prepare by the sea.

“After waiting for so long, this projection can be regarded as a new movement!” Feng Ge put out the cigarette butt and said.

Immediately everyone went back upstairs, put on a full set of small lapel uniforms, and drove to the beach.

The atmosphere suddenly became serious.

The vacation ends and the formal work begins.

Cheng Lin arrived at the target location with everyone expectantly.

“Could it be that the projection has been solidified? It’s not easy to act in this dark sky.”

He thought to himself.

But when he arrived at the beach, he got out of the car and suddenly raised his eyebrows. What happened before him was a little bit beyond his expectation.

I saw sea fog in the entire coastal area in the dark sky.

Not only the sea, but also a large area of ​​residents on the shore, all covered by sea fog.

At this time, it was already very lively.

Not only the lapel, but also many local personnel from relevant departments are organizing the evacuation of people in coastal areas.

“what happened?”

Everyone was a little surprised.

At this time, Yang Congxian, Deputy Chief of the Nine Division, walked over from a distance.

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