Chapter 211 Enthusiastic City Citizens

“Deputy Secretary Yang!”

The little lapels immediately joined their legs and saluted, and the previous relaxation disappeared, completely replaced by seriousness.

Yang Congxian nodded, looked at everyone, and said, “Are you all here?”


“Then wait here first, the follow-up teams of the division have already arrived, and then everyone will gather.”

“Deputy Secretary Yang, what’s the situation here?” a little lapel asked.

Yang Congxian sighed slightly, turned to look at the sea, and said, “Look carefully, what’s in the sea?”

Nautical miles?

Cheng Lin and the others looked up. It was night now, and there were crowds of vehicles and bright lights on the shore.

But the opposite is true on the sea.

The sea water is like thick ink, pushing up layers of waves with the salty sea breeze.

There was the sound of rushing sea water in my ears, and a deep silence and deep cage filled the place.

And in the dark sea, there is a long string of red light floating in the distance, like a red line, very eye-catching, and constantly rising and falling.

Furthermore, some patrolling boats rowed across the sea.

And in the center surrounded by the bright red light, in the darkness, a thick mist and the faintly visible islands of tall sea beasts stood there.

“Island? Projection?”

The little lapels were surprised.

“Didn’t it mean that the projection is invisible this time? You can only see it when you enter the projection range? How did we see it from such a distance?”

Brother Feng was puzzled.

This is also the doubt of others.

Only Cheng Lin looked at the island quietly, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and he had a guess.

Yang Congxian shook his head and said: “According to observations here, this invisible island began to show signs not long ago, and the clouds and fog have also changed a little. They seem to be closing, much lighter than at the beginning.”

The invisibility disappeared?

Cheng Lin blinked, and he probably understood that this should be the guardian formation of Wuxiangxiandao that was about to disperse.

During the deduction, he already knew that this fairy island formation can usually hide the island, but every year, it will be scattered briefly on a specific day, and then become invisible again.

During this process, the fog surrounding the island will be sucked back by the ancient well in the back mountain.

Calculating the time, after the game is over, the world of the game has moved forward for another year, the spirit of battle is restored, and the reopening of the fog array is also a matter of course.

Cheng Lin could want to understand this, but the others didn’t understand it, and could only attribute it to the weirdness of the projection.

“It’s been over ten hours,

The speed of the projection is very slow this time, but the conspicuous is about to become a solid.

The strong Spiritual Qi accompanying the projection has caused some Spiritual Qi convection phenomena,

Partially changed the meteorological environment here, and this caused sea fog,

This is the first time I have seen this projection on the sea. Water is more troublesome than land. ”

Yang Congxian said somewhat depressed.

“However, the slow speed of the projection this time is also a great thing, at least it facilitates us to transfer the masses.” He smiled again.

Transfer the masses?

Yes, Cheng Lin clearly sees that many people are moving along the coast. Under the leadership and command of the local staff of the government, almost all the residents around the coast have been temporarily moved to more inland places.

As for why it should be transferred.

The reason is simple.

Today these islands are only projections, but if they wait for them to solidify and become entities, they will inevitably squeeze the seawater. If this projection has no foundation, the islands will sink when they are solidified.

If the projection is attached to the underwater part, then the volume of the island will be very large, suddenly solidified, and the squeeze caused by the sea water will definitely form a scene such as a tsunami.

For example, if there is still an egg in a cup filled with water, the water will gush out.

Compared to the area of ​​the entire East China Sea, although the few islands in this district are large, they are nothing.

But this is the case, the movement caused by the instant squeezing of the seawater is certainly not small. The researchers on the magic city have already measured the projected area and simulated the range of influence with a computer.

The transfer work has been carried out from noon until now.

This is why Yang Congxian sighed.

“If the projection is more solid and quicker, and there is no time to transfer the people, it will be another big trouble.” Yang Congxian said with some fear.

After speaking, he led a group of people and followed the crowd to retreat and walked through a forest to a square.

The location of this square is very high, so there is no need to worry about being affected by the waves. At this time, the small lapels and the rest of the staff of various departments and bureaus have been withdrawn here one after another.

Cheng Lin alone saw hundreds of lapel lapels, and all of them were elites, with many second ranks, each from four divisions.

In addition, a group of people attracted his attention.

It was a group of people wearing clothes very similar to Ren Yi’s white coat.

There are a lot of them, crowded with a bunch of vehicles, and those vehicles are filled with all kinds of strange and complicated instruments, and there are small lapels around them that stand guard to protect them.

“That’s the exploratory research team on the magic city’s side.”

Brother Feng came over and introduced.

“There are a lot of scientific research teams studying psychic energy here in the magic city. The exploratory team is at the forefront. The scientific research team composed of elites from each team is selected to conduct the fastest research and analysis of the findings in the projection. It is said that it will still Enter the projection.”

Cheng Lin nodded.

He glanced curiously, but it was a pity that he was too far away and couldn’t see clearly. It was inconvenient to get close at this time. He really wanted to know to what extent the group of people had studied psychic abilities.

The more people from the Jiu Division got together, and because Cheng Lin was the first group to come, he occupies a very high position.

The outermost periphery of the entire square is a railing. This square is a “convex” shape. The bulge at the front is gathering the small lapels of the major bureaus, while at the back, there are more citizens of the magic city.

The little lapels and the citizens crowded together in a square, but they were quite distinct.

Cheng Lin glanced curiously, and found that there were so many citizens who came to see the excitement, and there was a tendency to gather more and more.

“The murder of Rogue Cultivators just happened. Do these guys dare to run out?”

Cheng Lin was a little surprised, but after another thought, I understood. If it is safe, is there a safer place for the whole Demon Capital?

There are probably thousands of small lapels in this square, and there are better fourth-rank and fifth-rank masters. At this time, which Rogue Cultivators dares to jump out is really tired.

More people gather.

The officials didn’t know if they didn’t want to stop it, or couldn’t stop it. In short, it seemed to turn a blind eye to this, but it was safe enough here anyway, and they wanted to see it, but it was fine.

At this time, we can see that the people in the big city of the magic city are chasing hot spots.

As time passed, the traffic behind the square became a sea and it was almost impassable.

Enthusiastic citizens of the magic city are not afraid of hard work, and do not sleep, running over to watch the excitement.

Cheng Lin saw with his own eyes that some people even carried sleeping bags out of the trunk, which turned out to be a protracted battle.

Some climbed to the roof of the car and stood up and looked out at the sea. Unfortunately, at this time, it was dark and naturally they couldn’t see anything, but even if they couldn’t see it, it wouldn’t delay them taking pictures with their mobile phones excitedly.

In addition to taking pictures, there were also men and women with backpacks. They directly found a place and took out their notebooks and started tapping. They seemed to be figures in the media industry and ran here to get first-hand materials to write information.

In addition to those who are obsessed with work, there are also some weird men and women who don’t know where to get a lot of fluorescent panels.

It’s just what celebrity concerts are usually watched, or the small cards with slogans held by some celebrity fans under variety shows, colorful and fluorescent, especially conspicuous in the dark.

Cheng Lin didn’t see this stuff less on TV. Logically speaking, the names written on it are probably the names of celebrities, the nicknames of idols, and words that always support life and death.

However, the pair of fluorescent panels in front of them are different. Many of them are written with words such as “Er Division Come On”, “Er Division is the Best” and the like.

Cheng Lin looked dumbfounded, what does this mean?

Is it because you know that the four divisions and bureaus are exploring together this time, so you are cheering for your local divisions and bureaus?

The emotions are understandable, but is this a bit too much?

But, soon, he knew what was really going too far.

Because he took a closer look and discovered that those fluorescent panels that support the second division are still in the minority, at best they support “Cheng senior”!

In different corners of the crowd, there are young women holding large fluorescent boards with both hands, with words such as “Cheng senior I love you”, “Long live Cheng senior”, “Call for Cheng Cheng”. , Its number occupies the vast majority.

Look carefully, the men and women holding the cards still have Cheng senior cartoon stickers on their faces, and they shouted while holding the cards:

“We want to read Cheng senior’s message!”

“Cheng senior fan magic capital support group is assembled!”

“Cheng senior, I want to give you a monkey!”

There are also people who give out glow sticks in the crowd. The cost is very low. A foam stick is filled with colored light bulbs. It is not expensive, but it is bright…

A group of people picked it up and waved, and they were also quite imposing, at the root of it, the dignified and suppressed atmosphere that was originally projected was rushed to the ground.

“Am I so popular?”

Cheng Lin was dumbfounded.

Well, I didn’t expect this at all, are all young people like this now? The desire to follow virtual idols is also so strong.

Cheng Lin faintly feels that he has the hope of catching up with Hatsune Miku in the future…

After all, everyone is a virtual idol.

Moreover, there are people who hold up a placard and look forward to reading the message?

Uh, are the demands of the masses so urgent?

Don’t worry about the card holder, the one who emits light sticks in the crowd, aren’t you tired carrying such a big sack?

You… Hey, why does Fatty with glow sticks look familiar, let me go, isn’t this Chai Daofi?

Cheng Lin was speechless.

Xin said that you Chai Daofi really deserve to be the number one fan who claims to be me.

Don’t you hire all those who raise the placards?

Cheng Lin faintly felt a headache. For the first time, he felt the enthusiasm of the young people in the magic city, but it felt a bit weird.

Especially when a familiar voice came from behind him, it was even more weird:

“Yeah, look at Cheng Lin, big cities are open. The projection hasn’t come out yet, and the Cheng senior fans have all been dispatched, hahaha.”

Sun Xiao hugged Cheng Lin’s shoulders and smiled happily.

Behind him, Fu Zhongting, Xie Qingke and others were watching the scene with surprise.

They are here too.

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