A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 176 The Exiled (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

Late at night, in a high tower in Zhentil Castle located at the westernmost point of the Moon Sea in the north-central part of Faerûn.

The legendary mage Manson was sitting on a chair, silently listening to the report of his subordinate Clarice.

As the lord of Zhentil Keep, the founder and supreme leader of the Zhentarim Order, he is not as easily angered as other evil camp guys.

Otherwise, just the important expansion operations of the Zhentarim Dark Intelligence Network, which were repeatedly destroyed by the Harper Alliance and interfered by the Chosen of the Goddess of Magic, would piss him off to death.

What's more, more and more people in Zhentil Castle are turning to the Church of Cyric. At the same time, this group of people has also shown a strong tendency to be hostile to the faction that still believes in the god of tyranny, Bane.

Just maintaining internal stability and ensuring that Zhentil Castle's basic base would not collapse due to civil strife would require a lot of energy and thought.

Similarly, Manson also needs to prevent ambitious young people from Cyric's church from snooping on the power in their hands.

After all, he had become the lord of this city through conspiracy and assassination, and he knew very well how deadly the poison-tempered dagger from the darkness was.

"Master, this guy who calls himself Soth obviously has a coldness and insidiousness that is completely inconsistent with his youthful appearance.

Moreover, he is also the chosen one of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, and is deeply loved by the gods.

I think it would be unwise to antagonize him.

Just the opposite!

Given his evil tendencies, cooperation may be a good choice.

The most important thing is that if such an ally is won, it means that the attention from the Harper Alliance and the Northern Lords Alliance can be diverted to a certain extent.

After all, it is absolutely impossible for these self-proclaimed kind and righteous guys to ignore a terrifying existence that has the power to destroy a city in an instant.

In addition, Soth also has irreconcilable conflicts with the Cyric Church.

We can use his hand to deal with some internal instability. "

In order to avoid punishment for failing the task, Clarice said everything she thought.

At this moment, she looked so nervous that she didn't even notice that the sweat on her back soaked the silk robe.

Mansong nodded expressionlessly: "Okay, I understand. Since too many accidents occurred during the operation, I will not pursue your responsibility. But remember, I hope this is the first and last time. once."

Hearing these words, Clarice's tense nerves and muscles instantly relaxed, and she almost collapsed on the ground. She quickly bent down and bowed deeply: "Thank you for your kindness. I swear, from now on, I will never let you down again.”

But just as she turned to leave, she suddenly heard Manson's iconic cold voice coming from behind.

"Remember to deal with those two idiots who provided wrong information."


Clarice trembled involuntarily and responded as quickly as possible: "Understood! I promise to let them taste the most painful and cruel way of death in the world."

Watching the woman rush out of the gate of the mage tower as fast as she could escape, the man with long black hair standing aside finally couldn't help but smile and said: "Teacher, you seem to have scared her a lot. But this failure is indeed true." It's not Clarice's responsibility. Even I can barely protect myself when facing an enemy like that."

"Okay, Ximanmeng, I have no intention of getting rid of Clarice, so you don't have to beat around the bush to plead for her.

Now what I want to know is who is this Soth?

When did he become the chosen one of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and plague?

Why didn't our intelligence network get even the slightest bit of information about a guy like this? "

Mansong crossed his hands on his chest, and his eyes shone with a dark and deep light.

Because what made him angry was not the failure of a mission, nor the fact that the heart of Baal, the god of murder, was destroyed in the box.

But there was a huge mistake in the Zhentarim's intelligence network all over Faerûn.

The man called Ximanmeng always maintained an elegant manner and explained calmly: "This Lord Soth is much more cautious than I expected.

He has always given himself the blessing of [avoiding detection].

So I just used prophecy magic to detect, but didn't get much useful information.

Instead, he tried to summon the souls of people who died in his hands, and unexpectedly got some useful information. "

"Oh? What is it? Tell me and listen." Mansong suddenly became interested.

Ximanmeng touched the small goatee on his chin and analyzed it seriously: "First of all, we can confirm that the first appearance of Soth is the same as the information provided by the Dark Intelligence Network spies. It was in a ship located in the Racing Channel. A deserted island in the south.

There, using poison and mass awakening of the undead, he successfully defeated and killed all of Hallett's men.

The second time he took action was to help the leader of a thieves guild in Calimport to carry out a massacre of ratmen in the sewers.

The method is to use necromancy magic rituals to first transform the rats into zombie rats, and then inject negative energy into their bodies to turn them into a moving negative energy bomb.

It has to be said that in the use of undead, this person has shown extraordinary talent, skills and creativity.

The third attack was caused by the rebellion of one of Hallet's cronies.

In retaliation, Soth killed the rebel and all his men, and looted the rebel's wealth.

According to the information given by Mook's soul, he used some powerful magic to transform a half-elf assassin named Yelnia into a shadow creature.

And use the characteristics of shadow creatures to continuously kill living people under the cover of night and then transform them into new shadows, until the entire house is cleared.

If nothing else goes wrong, Soth should now have a large shadow army in his hands.

I suspect that when he was fighting against the monster army outside the city of Mailatma, he secretly released the shadow army behind everyone's back, and transformed all the monsters he killed into new shadows.

As for the time when he became the elect of Talona, ​​it should be during the journey from leaving Mailatma to entering Zazesibo.

I have reason to believe that the battle that broke out near the ruins of Fort Tessel was the trigger for the entire incident.

As for what exactly happened and whether a god came to incarnate, it is still unknown.

However, I have ordered the personnel of Calimport to take action, and we should soon get confirmation from the young paladin named Aroline. "

It has to be said that Mansong's most trusted disciple, who is also the core of the Zhentarim dark intelligence network responsible for daily operations, does have two skills.

Zuo Si's experience in coming to Faerun was almost completely investigated.

Only when it comes to entangling talismans and gods does he seem a little powerless.

"So, this newly born elector seems to be a very vindictive and dangerous person?"

Manson also decisively joined in the analysis of Zuo Si's behavior and power.

Because in the continent of Faerûn, no mortal who is favored by God and given power to his chosen ones is not easy to mess with.

His childhood friend and rival, Fuzor Chambery, a voter of Bane, the god of tyranny, is the best proof of this.

Even Manson, a legendary mage, cannot guarantee that he can defeat this powerful priest 100% in a head-on battle.

Xi Manmeng answered without hesitation: "He is indeed a very dangerous person. Just an hour ago, I sent someone to investigate the Dragon Worship Cult's stronghold in the Xingxuan Mountains and found that it had been completely emptied."

"Empty? Where is the emerald nightmare that was transformed into a dracolich?" Mansong's face changed slightly.

"Either he was killed, or his life box was taken away by the other party and threatened and controlled. This is why I have been emphasizing the danger of Soth. So far, we know too little about his electorate ability and trump cards. . Even the real power and lethality of the terrifying energy burst mentioned by Clarice is a mystery." Ximanmeng emphasized with a serious face.

Manson nodded thoughtfully: "It seems that being an enemy of such a person is indeed not a good choice. Especially when we have no core conflicts of interest for the time being."

Ximanmeng continued to add: "Not only that. It seems that Soth has no intention of being an enemy of us. Otherwise, with his strong revenge, he would not let Clarice back. On the contrary, I think it is a very A clear sign of reconciliation, but also a warning to us not to bother him again."

"You are still as good as ever in the field of intelligence collection and analysis. So, you will be responsible for contacting this new voter and taking the opportunity to find out everything about him."

Manzon quickly made his decision after some thought.

Because he has been too busy recently, if this matter did not involve the heart of Baal, the late god of murder, and the elect of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and plague, he would not even personally intervene.

"Don't worry, I will find an appropriate time to visit Lord Soth."

After saying that, Ximanmeng bowed with a very elegant movement, then cast a teleportation spell and disappeared.

Manson picked up the latest list of senior officials from Zhentil Castle and put an X behind several of them.

Just over forty minutes ago, these people had secretly converted to Cyric and were no longer trustworthy.

Obviously, just from the dense number of X's on the list, it can be seen that Cyric Church's replacement of Bane as the mainstream faith in Zhentil Fort has become an irreversible trend.

After all, mortals in the evil camp are often very realistic, short-sighted, and selfish.

When a god dies and can no longer bestow magic and power, and cannot protect their soul after death, conversion becomes inevitable.

At the same time, Lagon, the leader of the Tangled Talisman far away in Calimport, also learned about Zuo Si becoming the chosen one of the goddess of poison and plague from Eloline, who had just returned.

At the moment, the lich is deep in thought while holding the information sent by his subordinates.

After several minutes, he asked again: "Is this news accurate? Why is Soth attracted by Talona? Is there something special about him that we don't know about?"

"Master, this news is 100% accurate. As for why Soth was chosen, I don't know. According to the young paladin's description, she saw some fragments through a dream-like perspective, and only remembered the God of Suffering. The part after the arrival. As for what happened before, she doesn’t know anything at all.”

Abenny Arbor told everything she knew.

It was easy to see from the shock in his eyes that he couldn't believe that Zuo Si had undergone such a drastic change not long after leaving Calimport.

This also directly led to the complete bankruptcy of the plan to absorb Zuo Si into the organization at the beginning.

You must know that the Entanglement Talisman will not attract believers of any gods, let alone special beings like the elect who can represent the will of the gods.

Because that would greatly increase the risk of tissue exposure.

"Go and notify Shangla, let him find a way to operate it, and be sure to find out what happened that night." Lagun gave the order directly.

For some reason, he suddenly had a bad premonition.

"As you wish!"

Without saying a word, Ebeni ​​Abo immediately touched another teleportation talisman and went directly to the lair of Shangla, the other talisman master.

Although the main power of the Entangled Talisman is concentrated in Calimshan, there are secret strongholds in the northern Kingdom of Tethyr, the Empire of Amn, Baldur's Gate, and even Waterdeep City.

In some places, they even succeeded in controlling some chambers of commerce, local bureaucrats and nobles.

It's just that for the time being, I can't cover the sky with one hand like I did in Calimshan, and I can do whatever I want.

On the other side, in the Valley of Shadows in the Cormanthor region on the southern coast of the Moon Sea, several senior leaders of the Harper Alliance were gathering together to discuss the important news sent by Jaheira and Khalid.

After passing the notes filled with tiny handwriting around one by one, the leading man took the lead and said, "Everyone, I believe you already know about the major events that happened near the ruins of Fort Tessel, as well as the person who was killed by the goddess of poison and disease. Lorna hand-picked Soth as the electorate. Tell us what kind of attitude we will adopt towards him next."

"Since Ilmat, the God of Suffering, is the guarantor, I don't think there is any need to worry. Moreover, please make it clear in the newspaper that this person himself is not interested in the behavior and teachings of Talona Church at all."

The other person shrugged his shoulders with an indifferent expression, picked up the wine glass and took a long sip.

However, a woman sitting next to him immediately retorted: "You are too optimistic!

After all, this guy named Soth is an extremely dangerous person.

Looking at his experience and actions, there is absolutely no difference between him and the evil people we fought against. They are all equally ruthless and cruel.

What's more, the terrifying viruses, bacteria and toxic substances endowed in his body are enough to easily kill thousands of people and destroy cities one after another.

I think it should be closely monitored.

Once an abnormality is discovered, take immediate action, preferably using confinement to isolate it permanently. "

When the only dwarf present heard these "deviant" words, he knocked on the table hard and reminded loudly: "Hey! Hey! Hey! Do you know what you are talking about?"

Our Harpers are a kind-hearted organization, how could we rashly attack a person who has not committed any crime without evidence?

Even if he is Talona's elect.

And as far as I know, this young man helped the local lord deal with an evil red dragon and his army of monsters when he passed through Mylatma. "

But the woman rolled her eyes with disdain: "Don't forget, the electorate represents the will of the gods. Do you think the people chosen by Talona will not be able to deal with such terrible things as poisons, plagues, and diseases? Does it matter at all?"

"This is sophistry! Just like the last time you suggested imprisoning all the rescued Sons of Baal, or throwing them into an alien plane, it is too extreme."

A middle-aged woman wearing magic leather armor and looking like a ranger shouted harshly.

Seeing these guys starting to quarrel endlessly due to differences in ideas and opinions, the man who spoke first turned his attention to the old man sitting next to the stove and smoking a pipe.

"Lord Elminster, what do you think of this matter?"


The first choice of the Magic Goddess exhaled a breath of choking white smoke and shook his head with a smile: "I have long stopped being involved in the management of the Harper Alliance. But for this young man named Soth, I I'm quite interested. Because not long ago, the Magic Goddess personally told me that he brought some unprecedented magical knowledge and power to this world."

"Unprecedented magical knowledge and power? Brought to this world?"

As a senior Harper who spends his days battling evil organizations such as the Zhentarim, the Red-robed Wizards, the Dragon Cult, and the Luskan Arcane Brotherhood, the man instantly grasped two key words.

Because even if it is understood literally, it means that Zuo Si is most likely from another plane or crystal wall.

"That's right. He is not from our world, but an outsider with very rare talents and abilities. In fact, not only Ilmat, the god of suffering, and Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, noticed him, Many gods, including the God of Knowledge, the Goddess of Magic, the God of Craftsmanship and Construction, are secretly watching his every move."

Elminster explained with a serious face.

As the mortal in Faerûn who may have the deepest understanding of creatures like gods, he knew very well why so many gods, including his own goddess, were so interested in this young man.

Ogma, the god of knowledge, is interested in the knowledge from other worlds in Zuo Si's mind;

What the Magic Goddess Midnight is interested in is her completely different way of using magical energy;

Gond, the god of crafts and craftsmanship, is interested in craftsmanship that has never been seen before, as well as all kinds of weird inventions from other worlds.

In short, whenever it comes to his own clerical field, God will inevitably become paranoid and particularly obsessed with it.

The original goddess of magic was just out of curiosity and wanted to see what the effect of the unprecedented twelve-ring spell "Carthus Incarnation" was.

As a result, it did not prevent Grand Arcanist Karthus from completing the entire spell casting process, which ultimately led to him having to commit suicide and reincarnate to save the out-of-control magic network.

So Elminster understood that the arguments among the Harpers' higher-ups meant nothing until the gods lost interest in Zuosi.

And he himself was also very curious about what method and special abilities Zuo Si used to come to Faerun.

Thinking of this, the old man who had lived for more than a thousand years slowly stood up from his chair, picked up his beloved cane, turned around, opened the door and walked out.

Whether it was for the magical goddess he believed in or to satisfy his curiosity, he decided to take a trip himself.

Zuo Si obviously didn't know that he had unknowingly become a target of attention from all forces and even the gods.

After safely passing through the "Lucky Valley" and leaving the dangerous Star Swirl Mountains, the caravan entered the famous Wildas Forest.

This is one of the few places in Faerûn, other than Evermeet Island, where a large number of elves still live.

Due to the bad attitude of the previous generations of monarchs in the Kingdom of Tethyr towards the elves, the elves living in the forest did not have any favorable impression of humans.

If anyone dares to break into their territory, these pointy-eared guys will kill them mercilessly.

Fortunately, the druids stood up at the critical moment and eased the fierce conflicts and hatred between humans and elves.

Otherwise, it is estimated that few caravans would dare to take this road, and there would be no difference between seeking death.

Whether it is the elusive scouts, rangers, and magic shooters of the elves, or their unique and powerful magic system, they can easily annihilate a fully armed human army.

Moreover, the elves also hide their homes and cities through powerful magic, so that outsiders can't even find the entrance.

Looking at the dense, pristine and endless Wildas forest on both sides of the carriage, two names came to Zuo Si's mind.

Joan Irenekas and Bati.

The original hometown of these two heavyweights is deep in this forest. Like Khalid and Jaheira, they will play an extremely important role in the future adventures of the Sons of Baal.

Zuo Si was not sure whether the other party was still staying in the elven city of Sodanisla, or whether he had been exiled for committing an unforgivable crime.

If it is the latter, then the sewers and cemetery of Ascaltra will become outright dangerous areas, and you need to be extra careful when exploring in the future.

The most important thing is that Zuo Si is very interested in the unique magic system of the elves.

In particular, Irenekas is also a legendary mage, mastering a vast amount of knowledge, powerful magic cloning technology and countless spells, and even almost succeeded in transforming himself from a mortal to a god.

It would be great if this knowledge could be obtained through trade or cooperation.

Just when Zuo Si was thinking about how to operate, he suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the front, and immediately stuck his head out and asked, "What happened?"

"Master, it's a group of elf patrols that blocked our way." The werewolf girl sitting on the roof of the car quickly lowered her head and replied.

"Elf Patrol? What's the reason?"

Zuo Si opened the door and got out of the carriage.

He really couldn't think of anything in this caravan that was worthy of the elves making such a big move.

After walking slowly along the long motorcade for about two hundred meters, he finally realized what the problem was.

I saw a very young female elf, holding an exquisite long sword like a work of art in her hand, staring at the dark elf captive who was mind-controlled by the strange object, her eyes filled with naked and undisguised disgust and disgust. hatred.

The other dozen elves behind her also had a similar reaction, raising their weapons to surround her.

Judging from their appearance, clothing and appearance, they should all be typical "green elves", also known as wood elves, and occasionally called forest elves.

The Wood Elves were the successors to the Irevandar Empire and the Ilythri Kingdom during the "Crown War". They were no different from other elves of their own race. They had also built huge cities and brilliant civilizations.

But as the last states they established were destroyed, they gradually lost their enthusiasm for building magnificent cities and began to worship the power of nature.

He prefers to use trees, vines and other plants to build a tree city that is close to nature through some spells in dense and inaccessible forests.

In the view of the wood elves, those symbols of civilization, especially tall city walls and solid fortresses, will eventually be eroded and conquered by a long period of time. Only the great nature is immortal.

no doubt!

It is not difficult to judge from the fierce reaction of the wood elf patrol that this is definitely a continuation of the ten thousand years of unforgettable hatred between the dark elves and the surface elves.

It is also the most realistic portrayal of the dark elves’ notoriety in the surface world.

Even if they haven't committed any crime, just wearing black skin will immediately cause countless troubles and hostility.

"You must hand over this vicious drow!"

The leading female elf made the request in an unquestionable tone.

It can be seen that she endured it very hard, and she wished she could tear the dark elf in front of her into pieces immediately.

"What's the reason? What mistake did this dark elf make? You can't just take her away for no reason, right?"

Zuo Si walked out of the crowd and signaled to the mercenaries who were on alert with their weapons drawn to be calm.

At the same time, he also deliberately summoned the steel golem following the caravan at the end to increase the deterrent effect on these pointed ears.

Although Zuo Si didn't want to conflict with these elves who had home field advantage in Wildas Forest.

But if the other party is determined to be unreasonable, then don't blame him for being rude.

The female elf glanced warily at the steel golem whose feet were deeply buried in the soil, and immediately asked: "Is she your companion?"

Zuo Si shook his head slightly: "No, no. She is my prisoner, property and research object."

"Prisoner? But I didn't see any ropes or shackles on her body. Don't tell me that you are leaving a dangerous and vicious drow with you without any restrictions."

The female elf obviously didn't believe what she just said, and there was even a little bit of sarcasm in her tone.

"Who told you that there are no restrictions on her body? Sometimes invisible shackles are more effective than tangible shackles."

With that said, Zuo Si walked straight to the dark elf and gave the order directly: "Kneel down!"


The dark elf, who was standing motionless one second, knelt down in an extremely humble posture the next second.

There was no resistance at all during the whole process, not even the look in the eyes or the mood swings.

In other words, her consciousness has long been trapped in a false illusion that does not exist by the psychic power of the strange object, and she has no idea of ​​her true state.

The current behavior is entirely guided by illusions.

In fact, controlling a person through psychic abilities and controlling a person using magic and divine arts are two completely different concepts.

The latter is to use violence to forcibly invade the brain and suppress a person's subjective consciousness, forcing him to succumb to the orders given by the caster.

The former is to trap the subjective consciousness in an illusory world similar to a dream, and guide the other party to do the behavior desired by the caster.

Although the results are the same, the principles and processes are not very similar.

"You...you used magic to charm her?"

The female elf's eyes widened in surprise.

Although the wood elves are not as good at and fond of arcane magic as other elven races, Soldanisla, one of the few wood elven cities on the continent of Faerûn, still has many mages.

Therefore, she can tell what a person under a charm spell looks like.

You must know that the dark elves are a group of extremely arrogant and arrogant guys, full of a strong sense of superiority, and believe that they are the best race in the world.

As for other races, they are all inferior and should be conquered, enslaved and massacred by them.

Therefore, a dark elf may kneel to a higher-status fellow race, but he will never kneel to any other race.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes. I said that she is my prisoner, property and research object."

"Then what are you going to do with her? As a slave?"

Another handsome male elf asked.

After learning that the dark elves were not part of the team, but existed like slaves, the hostility of all the wood elves present instantly eased a lot.

Some guys even showed unabashed expressions of gloating.

"It's very simple. I hope to get more information about the Underdark from her mouth, and by the way, I can study how the dark skin produces magic resistance. Of course, I don't mind if I encounter a hostile spellcaster. Use her as a human shield.”

Zuo Si didn't hide anything, and spoke openly about his method of "using" this dark elf.

Since getting the help of the strange object, he has already figured out the identity of this drow elf who was sold as a slave, and how many crazy things he did after coming to the surface.

This guy actually escaped from the huge leyline maze underground in Waterdeep City. He then sneaked into the homes of nearby residents and killed their entire family, old and young, and looted all their belongings.

The reason why he was caught by the slave traders was actually that when he was going to the Skull Port for trading, he accidentally exposed his iconic dark skin, and he was immediately slapped.

"Human shield? What a genius idea!"

The male elf couldn't help but whistle to express his happy mood at the moment.

For surface elves, there is nothing more comforting than seeing a dark elf suffering.

The leading female elf also put away her weapon, put one hand on her chest and bowed gracefully: "I apologize for my reckless and rude behavior just now. I thought you and this dark elf were in the same group."

Seeing that the misunderstanding had been resolved, Zuo Si also showed an understanding and kind smile: "It doesn't matter. I understand your hatred for the dark elves from the bottom of your soul. If you have nothing else to do, please get out of the way, the caravan is still on its way. "


The female elf immediately gestured to the members of the patrol to get out of the way.

Soon, the huge convoy began to move slowly again and continued to move along this possibly the only passable road in the entire Wildas Forest.

After watching the caravan disappear into the dense woods in the distance, another female elf asked: "Captain, why didn't you just insist that the other party hand over that damn drow?"

"Idiot! Didn't you see that they have a huge steel golem? If there is a conflict, that thing can easily tear us all into pieces."

The male elf next to him raised his hand and tapped the former on the head.

But the female elf was obviously unconvinced and immediately retorted: "What can the steel golem do? This is a forest! There is no way that bulky guy can catch up with us."

"It is true that the golem cannot catch up, but the mage who controls it can. Have you forgotten what happened not long ago? Arcane spell casters are a group of dangerous lunatics, so it is best not to provoke them unless necessary." The patrol captain solemnly said Warn everyone around you.

"But not all mages have Aireni..."

Before the female elf could finish her words, she heard the patrol captain's stern voice: "Shut up! Don't say that name! Call him the Banished."


The female elf was obviously taken aback and quickly lowered her head to admit her mistake.

But the patrol captain did not let her go easily, and continued to reprimand with a serious expression: "Remember, those two people have been deprived of their elf blood and identity because they committed an unforgivable crime, and their names as elves can no longer be used. . And it’s best not to mention them in any public place, that could get you into trouble.”

"Yeah, I remember."

"Captain, relax, this is not Sodanisla."

"That's not okay! I don't want my team members to be taken away by the priests for interrogation."

Just when these wood elves left the road and returned to the forest to continue patrolling, far away in the capital of Amn, Askatra, two people, a man and a woman, were hiding deep underground in the dark cemetery area, carrying out extremely evil and terrifying activities. Magical rituals.

Among them, the woman was lying in a coffin with an old and haggard look, surrounded by thick blood that exuded a pungent fishy smell.

Next to the huge blood pool, there were densely packed corpses that had been brutally killed and drained of blood.

Among them are residents such as humans, dwarfs, halflings, elves, half-elves, and dwarves living in the city, as well as monsters such as orcs, half-orcs, gnolls, hobgoblins, and ogres.

The total number is as high as two to three hundred.

"Badi, are you ready? Once you take this step, there is no turning back."

The man stood in the center of the huge magic circle and asked in a tone without any emotion.

"Yes, my dear Irenicus, get started quickly. I've had enough of this weakness and aging. Those damn bastards have taken away not only the appearance of our elves, but also the inner The essence of life and soul. I swear! Sooner or later, Sonnisla will have to pay for this, the price of blood."

The woman called Badi gritted her teeth and showed endless hatred in her eyes.

The man named Irenicas responded with a pair of chilling eyes: "Don't worry, we have plenty of time to plan this revenge. And the target of revenge is not only the city of Sodenisla, but also them. The God you believe in.”

The moment the last word came out of his mouth, he began to chant a crude spell loudly, pouring a large amount of plasma from the blood pool into the coffin.

Badi, who was lying inside, seemed to feel severe pain that could not be described in words, and his whole body let out heart-piercing screams.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!"

As the screams echoed in the huge and empty underground tomb, her old and weak body began to look younger and younger, even showing an abnormal paleness.

At the same time, terrifying negative energy flows into the body along with the blood, directly causing changes in the essence of its life.

When all this is over, Badi is no longer a living creature, but a powerful and terrifying undead creature-a vampire.

Since she was transformed through necromancy magic rituals and was not transformed by other vampires, she gained extremely terrifying power from the moment she was born, and there was no need to worry about being controlled by superior vampires.

Feeling his body regaining strength, Badi stretched out his tongue and licked his abnormally bright red lips, grinned and laughed loudly, revealing his two iconic fangs.

"Hahahaha! That's right! This is what I want! The endless thirst for blood will strengthen my obsession with revenge! Now, let me find a few elves for my first meal after rebirth."

After saying that, Badi put on the magic cloak prepared for himself to resist the sun, and his body instantly turned into a bat, flying out of the catacombs at extremely fast speeds.

After watching her leave, Irenicas touched his face, which was also aging rapidly, and murmured to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "It's time for me to implement my plan. Ass. The sewers of Catlawojin Mall are a good place. It is convenient for asking for information and you can obtain enough resources at any time. It is very suitable for establishing a stronghold..."

Soon, the man also used teleportation magic and disappeared without a trace.

As for the corpse of the victim on the ground, he never even glanced at it from beginning to end, as if it was just a pile of discarded experimental materials or garbage that needed to be cleaned up.

You don't need to ask to know that these two people are Joan Erinikas, who was punished and exiled because he wanted to steal the power of the Wood Elf's Tree of Life, and his "good" sister Bati.

Despite being forcibly deprived of the elf's life essence and soul, the body is aging at an incredible rate.

But they are still powerful and formidable mages, possessing a wealth of knowledge and spellcasting abilities, and able to easily evade death.

It's just that Bati chose to turn himself into a vampire, while Irenekas had other plans.

Because the latter knows the disadvantages of becoming an undead creature, and at the same time, he also has some strong obsessions deep in his heart that he cannot let go.

In this way, the two sinners exiled by Sonnisla began their evil revenge plan.

It is estimated that the Elf Queen never dreamed that her momentary soft-heartedness would bring such terrible disaster to the entire ethnic group.

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