A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 177 Amn, the Almighty Money (please subscribe to the 10,000-character post)

After resting for one night in Mossy City, the only town on the Wildas Forest Trade Road, the caravan set off again soon.

Although they were inevitably attacked by some monsters and wild beasts along the way, they finally passed through the dangerous "Broken Tooth Mountains" without incident.

Neither encountered the ogre magicians who tried to establish a country on the border of Amn, nor the monster army under their command, which numbered up to 100,000;

Nor did he encounter powerful creatures such as dragons and giants;

Even the Cyric Church, which built a fortress here, didn't come to cause trouble for some reason.

This directly led to the fact that what should have been the most dangerous part of the entire journey was passed without incident.

Looking at the plains that suddenly opened up in front of him, Bernard finally let out a long breath, rubbed his eyes that were severely swollen and blackened due to long-term insomnia, and sighed slightly: "We finally arrived in Amn. It's really wonderful. I can’t believe that after everything I’ve been through, I’m still alive.”

"Don't be too happy too early. We are still some distance away from arriving at Ascatla. If you let down your guard at this time and are attacked by the enemy, it will be more than worth the gain." Zuo Si took the initiative to issue a warning.

Because the closer you get to a big city, the more monsters and monsters there are, and the danger increases exponentially.

Not to mention the shadow thief organizations that are spread in every corner of the streets and alleys, there are so many evil god churches and temples that can make people feel numb.

You must know that Amn is the only place in Faerûn that does not prohibit the worship of evil gods.

As long as he is a true God, no matter how crazy his teachings are, he can openly recruit believers on the streets and build temples.

In some places, the temples of two rival gods are even less than thirty meters apart.

One can imagine how fierce the various overt and covert struggles would be.

Today I'll kill a few of your followers, and tomorrow you'll assassinate one of my priests. It's basically the bloody daily routine of Amn's religious beliefs.

In addition, in this money-oriented country, there are endless mercenaries, slave-catching teams and adventurers who are willing to take risks for profit.

Some daring ones will even ambush caravans and passers-by along the way, using this method to quickly gain wealth.

Zuo Si didn't want to see the young businessman assassinated when he was about to arrive in Ascatla.

"Thanks for reminding me, I will be more vigilant."

Bernard nodded slightly, then took out the map and spread it out, pointing to the road extending from the Broken Tooth Mountains and said: "Continue forward across the Esmere River, and we will reach the City of Barns. ——Pusu.

However, I did not plan to stop here, but crossed directly to the next stopover, Crimour.

I will stay in Cremour for a while, sell a small amount of goods and merchandise, contact some former friends, and find someone to inquire about the current situation of the Chamber of Commerce.

Before returning to Ascaltra, I must make all preparations, including fighting a lawsuit to regain the inheritance rights of the Chamber of Commerce after my father's accident. "

"No problem. You can arrange this matter yourself. I am only responsible for solving the parts that cannot be solved by law." Zuo Si responded meaningfully.

"I feel relieved to hear you say that."

A faint smile appeared on Bernard's face.

Because in terms of law, as the eldest son, he had an absolute advantage from the beginning, and the other brothers and sisters simply could not compete with him.

In contrast, what really frightened the young businessman were the shady methods.

Of course, if he really couldn't get his things back through legal means, he wouldn't mind using a second backup plan.

After all, businessmen all have "flexible moral bottom lines."

For things like the law, if it is beneficial to you, then obey it; if it is not beneficial to you, then find a way around it.

Anyway, in Ascatla, the capital of gold coins, everything has a price.

As long as you have enough wealth, nothing is impossible.

Judicial fairness and procedural justice are just terms used to conceal the essence of money and power transactions.

With a strong desire to recapture the Chamber of Commerce, Bernard quickly ordered the caravan to speed up.

Since most of the roads after entering the territory were very flat and dry, very suitable for carriages to pass through, the team's moving speed was several times faster than on the rugged mountain roads.

In just a few days, they successfully entered the important trade hub and caravan transfer station in northern Amn - Cremur.

Although the city is far less prosperous than the large seaside ports, it does have a surprising number of hotels and taverns.

Especially the merchants on the main roads, you can see one almost every ten meters away.

I have to say that for a small city with less than 40,000 people, this is really strange.

Bernard noticed the confused eyes of the people around him and immediately explained with a smile: "These hotels and taverns are not for locals, but for caravans like us.

As the only way to go north to Baldur's Gate, Waterdeep City, and Neverwinter City, the number of caravans and adventurers in Cremuel has always been quite large.

On the busiest days, the immigrant population can even exceed the resident population.

And this city is the only place where you can rest peacefully without worrying about thieves and pickpockets.

Because the Shadow Thief once owed a favor to a powerful family in Kremur, he ordered that no one be allowed to steal here.

Violators will be severely punished. "

"No thief? It doesn't sound bad." Rhett had a look of satisfaction on his face.

Because when he was in Zazesibo, his wallet was stolen by a pickpocket once.

From then on, this half-orc barbarian warrior vowed to treat the thieves as his "old enemies" in this life, and would catch each one and maim each one in the future.

"Hurry up and find a hotel to stay in first. I can't wait to have a drink to relieve the fatigue of the journey." Alaina urged impatiently, licking her lips.

In order to prepare for the possibility of a fight breaking out at any time, she had not touched even a drop of alcoholic beverages for a whole week.

Now that we are in a relatively safe city, of course we have to indulge ourselves.

Anyway, as long as they don't fight or cause trouble, Zuo Si usually doesn't care too much.

"We don't need to stay in an inn when we get to Cremoor. Let's go and let me take you to meet a friend. I believe he will entertain us with the most sumptuous banquet and fine wine."

After saying this, Bernard immediately directed the caravan to turn around and move towards the area to the west of the city near the castle.

After a while, we arrived at the door of a huge and luxurious villa.

Although it may not be as good as Albany Arbor's mansion in Calimshan, it is not comparable to ordinary villas.

Not to mention anything else, the golden flowers blooming in the yard alone are worth at least two thousand gold coins.

Because gold symbolizes gold, and gold represents wealth, it is the favorite color of Wojin, the goddess of wealth, and is also sought after by the upper class in Amn.

The young girls selling flowers on the streets of Kremoor can even sell a golden flower without any variegation for a high price of one silver coin.

Business travelers in the past were also very happy to buy one, and then put it in their hats or clothes pockets to seek good luck, hoping that they could make a lot of money in the transaction.

Seeing such a huge motorcade parked at the door of his house, an old man who looked like a housekeeper hurriedly walked out of the house accompanied by guards, and warned with a serious face: "This is the territory of the Nasiva family, and any unauthorized person is not welcome." Invite people to visit. If you have any important matters or want to do business with the Nasiva family, please make an appointment in advance."

"Hahahaha! Long time no see, Tafu, can't you even recognize me?"

Bernard laughed and walked up to the other party and gave him a warm hug.


An expression of shock and disbelief suddenly appeared on the old man's face, his eyes widened and he exclaimed: "Master Bernard? It's you! Oh my God! Goddess of Fortune bless you! I thought you had already...already..."

"Dead, right?"

Bernard nonchalantly completed what the other person was embarrassed to say.

Having experienced ups and downs in life, he looks much more free and easy than before.

"Yes! Now the news is spreading throughout Askatra that you and your brothers and sisters were massacred. Such a heartbreaking and vicious incident even alarmed the paladins of the Knights of the Burning Heart." Known as the Tower The husband's old man sighed slightly.

"What happened to my father and the Chamber of Commerce?" Bernard asked nervously.

Taff wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and replied in a slightly heavy tone: "Your father, Sir Elrot, heard the bad news and fainted from grief that day.

Although he managed to survive under the treatment of the priest, his health was getting worse day by day.

As for the Chamber of Commerce, it fell into a certain degree of chaos after you and your brothers and sisters were killed. Only the part in Amn is still functioning normally.

But I believe that with your return, everything will quickly return to normal.

What's more, you brought such a huge caravan. "

Bernard was obviously relieved to hear that his father was still alive: "It's good that my father is fine. By the way, where is my good friend Babette? Isn't he at home?"

"Master Babette went out to handle some family business in the morning, and I believe he will be back soon.

When he sees that you have returned safely, he will be happy to hold a banquet to celebrate.

Oh, look at my memory, after talking so much, I didn’t invite you and your friends into the house for a cup of hot tea. "

As he said that, Tafu quickly made an invitation gesture and motioned for everyone to go inside.

However, when I saw the huge steel golem and the ferocious leopard as big as a tiger, I was inevitably frightened.

Thanks to Zuo Si's timely reaction, he prevented the steel golem from entering the courtyard and instead left it at the door.

Because according to this guy's weight of over twenty tons, it is estimated that the floor will collapse within minutes of entering the room.

In comparison, although the "big cat" looks a little scary, in Faerûn, a world full of magic and divine arts, it is not so unacceptable.

In any big city, you can occasionally see rangers and druids strutting through the city with their animal companions.

In this way, everyone entered the living room of the house under the leadership of Tafu, and asked the servants to bring hot tea and snacks.

Of course, for those guys not interested in tea, he also provided two bottles of wine as drinks.

While everyone was eating snacks, drinking drinks, and talking about the major events that had happened recently.

After a while, a man in his thirties, wearing a green dress, walked in from the door. Without saying a word, he hugged Bernard hard as he stood up from the sofa, and said in an ecstatic tone: "Damn it! I knew you bastard wouldn't be killed so easily. Tell me, how did you escape from being hunted by Captain Hallett of the Blood Hand?"

You know without asking that he is the Babette Nasiva whom the old man mentioned just now.

Bernard responded with a wry smile: "I have actually been captured by this terrible pirate.

It's just that I was lucky and happened to meet Mr. Soth on a desert island.

It was he who killed more than two hundred pirates, captured Hallet himself, and protected the caravan from overland through numerous difficulties and obstacles before finally returning to Amn successfully.

Come, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Soth, a mage with powerful power. "

"You...you can't be joking, right?"

Looking at the boy of about ten years old in front of him, Babette obviously thought that his friend was crazy.

In his impression, mages need a long period of study and research to gain power, so they usually become more powerful as they get older.

A child like this who can become an apprentice who can cast zero-level spells can be called a "genius".

Bernard quickly shook his head and explained: "No, of course not. Don't be deceived by Lord Soth's appearance and age.

He became what he is now because of an accident.

In fact, his real age is much older.

Especially when passing through Mylatma, he even killed a powerful and evil red dragon and the army of monsters under this red dragon.

See those armors made of red dragon scales and leather?

They are the best proof. "

At the prompt of her friend, Babette noticed the orc who was drinking with Alena in the corner of the room, and the dragonborn knight who always stood behind Zuo Si without saying a word.

The pale yellow and shiny vertical pupils under the latter's fully enclosed helmet immediately made him feel as if he was being stared at by some ferocious beast.

In addition, there is a ferocious leopard lying next to the sofa that is as docile as a pet cat.

Obviously, the person who can tame these powerful warriors and beasts cannot be an ordinary child.

Babette quickly came to his senses and immediately put one hand on his chest and bowed deeply to Zuo Si: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Soth. I was rude just now."

"No need to apologize. You are not the first person to have this misunderstanding, and you are not the last one either." Zuo Si smiled and forgave this unintentional mistake.

Because along the way, he has fully realized how negative his age will be when they first meet.

If it weren't for a group of powerful-looking summoned creatures following behind him, others would probably treat him like a child.

And this situation will not improve in four or five years.

"Taf! Go and notify the kitchen immediately and ask them to prepare the most sumptuous food. I want to entertain the guests at noon." Babette directly ordered the family's old butler.

"As you wish."

The latter bowed with one hand on his chest, then turned around and left with graceful steps.

Unlike the upper ruling class of Calimport, which requires 100% obedience from servants and slaves, the ruling class of Amn obviously pays more attention to a sense of ritual.

Take the old man who left just now. Whether he speaks or does things, he always follows certain etiquette and norms.

It seems that only in this way can the aristocratic status and social status of the Nasiva family be reflected.

In addition, in the country of Amn, basically all wealthy businessmen must have noble titles.

Because as long as your property reaches a certain level and you pay a special "tax" to Ascatella, you can obtain a document signed by the six-member council and the corresponding noble title.

Of course, this kind of nobility is not the same as the traditional nobility that is bound to the land.

The latter also needs to perform military service and protect the country and the people, but the former only needs to enjoy the benefits of the noble title.

While the old butler went to arrange lunch, Bernard immediately pulled his friend to sit down and asked with a serious face: "Do you know the current situation of my family?"

"If you are asking about those brothers and sisters who are in a competitive relationship, I can tell you clearly that they are all dead. This is the result obtained after repeated confirmation through prophecy magic. In other words, the only ones left in your family are you and Your youngest sister, Isadora, is alone."

Babette told everything he knew about the situation.

Although he still doesn't know exactly what happened, just because so many people in the same family were killed at the same time, anyone who is not a fool can smell the atmosphere of conspiracy.

"Is my father in charge of the Chamber of Commerce now, or is it my youngest sister?"

After Bernard was silent for a long time, he finally raised the question he was most concerned about.

Although he was a little sad to hear the news of his siblings' deaths, this sadness was quickly diluted by the fierce competition in his daily life.

After all, for a businessman, only profits are eternal.

As for family, friendship, love, etc., it cannot be said that there is no such thing at all, but in the face of huge interests, these must all be put aside.

"It's your father who's holding on. What, is there something wrong with Isadora?"

Babette noticed her friend's unusual reaction and immediately tried carefully.

An extremely bitter expression appeared on Bernard's face, and he answered in a polar voice: "If I said that Isadora planned all the current situations, would you believe it?"

"What? This is impossible! She is only twelve years old! And she looks so shy and cute!"

Babette suddenly stood up from the sofa, her whole body was so shocked that she was speechless.

Because anyone who has met Isadora will feel like him that there must be some misunderstanding.

But Bernard's next words instantly plunged Babette into a terrible silence.

“This news was told to me personally by Bloodhand Captain Hallett after he was captured.

According to him, Isadora was compensated with 60% of the Roldan Chamber of Commerce's annual profits.

At the same time, Harlet, the pirates from Luskan in the northern part of the Sword Sea, and six bandit groups entrenched near the main trade routes of Amn were invited.

Just to kill all my brothers and sisters, including me, once and for all.

He also promised to allow the other party to use the ships and caravans owned by the chamber of commerce to smuggle contraband and make profits after the matter was accomplished. "

"Oh my god! This world is crazy and scary."

Babette felt a chill rising from her feet and couldn't help but shiver.

He didn't even know what to say to comfort the friend in front of him.

I don't know if he would go crazy if something like this happened to him.

Seeing the two people's overwhelmed reactions, Zuo Si comforted him: "There's no need to be so pessimistic.

Maybe the girl named Isadora was controlled by magic, or maybe some monster like a shapeshifter secretly replaced her.

Anyway, nothing is certain until I see this girl in person.

Because the Council of Six considers all arcane casters illegal except for the Masked Mage Organization.

Therefore, the city of Askatra is particularly vulnerable to invasion by monsters with camouflage abilities.

I suggest you all be careful too.

You must know that living in the city does not mean safety. There are also countless dangers hidden in those dark corners that cannot be seen. "

Zuo Si will never forget how many terrifying monsters are hidden in the sewers of the capital of Amn, as well as the undead in the intricate maze underground in the cemetery area.

It may not be as good as the Mad Mage's Leyline Maze in Waterdeep City, but Waterdeep City has two legendary mages and electors of the Goddess of Magic personally sitting in charge, as well as a large number of high-level mages and countless arcane and divine spellcasters. .

Amn's poor masked mage probably isn't even qualified to carry someone's shoes.

In Faerûn, the strength of a country or city has never depended on the number and size of its army.

Rather, it depends on how many arcane and divine spellcasters the city has who are willing to step up in a pinch.

This is why city-states like Waterdeep City and Silvermoon City have strength comparable to any country.

The latter, in particular, has defeated the large-scale invasions of the orcs several times. Almost every time, the number of the orc army exceeded one hundred thousand.

Hearing that the culprit of this incident might not be his sister, Bernard immediately seemed to grasp the last straw, and a glimmer of hope ignited in his eyes.

Babette on the side touched his chin and said: "It seems that before returning to Ascatla, I have to find a way to get you a spellcasting license."

"Spellcasting license? What is that?"

Alaina, who knew nothing about the capital of Amn, blinked.

"Askatra prohibits anyone except masked mages from using arcane magic outdoors or in public.

If anyone violates the rules, the masked mage will go out and arrest them.

There are only two ways to avoid this situation.

One is to become a member of the Masked Mage, and the other is to obtain a spellcasting license. "

Babette explained very patiently.

"Then how do you get a spellcasting license?"

Half-orc Rhett also asked curiously.

Babette smiled and replied: "It's very simple, just prepare enough money. In Amn, money is everything. If you find that it is not everything, there is only one possibility, that is, the price you paid is not enough." many."

"Damn it! This is simply a naked robbery!" Rhett complained angrily.

Maybe he is not smart, but he is definitely not a fool. It can be seen at a glance that the Amn official is using the masked mage's monopoly on arcane power to deliberately slaughter those outside mages, warlocks and bards.

“How much does it cost to buy a license?”

"I'm also a little curious about how dark the hearts of the top leaders of the Amn government are."

"three hundred?"

"At least five hundred!"

"I think it's more than a thousand. Don't forget, mages are a bunch of rich people."

For a while, everyone was speculating at what price this so-called "spellcasting license" would be sold.

But soon, they realized that the hearts of the six-member council were many times darker than they expected.

"If it is a temporary license, it only costs 5,000 gold coins. If it is a permanent license, it will cost 50,000 gold coins." Babette reported the price meaningfully.

The whole living room was suddenly silent.

Everyone opened their mouths, completely disbelieving that Amn officials dared to blackmail arcane casters so blatantly.

What kind of "magic license" is this?

It's just unabashed robbery!


It should be said that for robberies, you can make money quickly by selling your license!

Only Zuo Si sneered and said: "There is no need to spend that wasted money. I don't need a spellcasting license, because neither the masked mage nor the six-member council dare to do anything to me. I believe that the shadow thief should have taken my The information is sitting on their desks.”

The top floor of the Ascatla Administrative District Government Building, more than 300 kilometers away.

This is the exclusive office of the Six-person Council, the highest decision-making body in Amn.

At this moment, six people with the highest authority gathered together and looked at the information in their hands that had just been sent by the Shadow Thief.

After about a few minutes, one of them was the first to ask: "Is this information accurate? Have the chosen people of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, really come to the land of Amn?"

"Absolutely accurate. This is the latest news that our people came back from Port Calim. The source of the intelligence is a believer of the God of Suffering. She is an eyewitness and a paladin. The possibility of lying or bragging can basically be ruled out. "

The leader of the shadow thieves replied in the affirmative without thinking.

"Then how should we respond? No electorate has ever visited Askatra so far, and we have no experience in this area at all. What's more, he is also the elector of such a special god. If he accidentally offends him, he might be The outbreak of a large-scale plague will cause a huge blow to our population, economy and trade."

One person pointed out the problem with worry and anxiety.

The leader of the shadow thieves smiled and comforted: "Don't worry. According to the information we collected, this electorate doesn't seem to be difficult to get along with. Even when passing by Mylatma, he even helped the lord there solve an evil red dragon and The army of monsters led by the red dragon is a very powerful arcane spell caster.”

"Alone? Unbelievable!"

"I heard that the chosen ones have great powers given by the gods, and some can even live forever."

"It sounds really enviable."

"You mean...we can use him?"

Hearing these increasingly outrageous words, the shadow thief leader quickly waved his hand: "No, no, no. What I mean is that there is no need to go to war, and there is no need to be too nervous.

After all, in Amn, any true god can legally preach and build his own temple.

All we have to do is allow Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and plague, to establish a church stronghold in the temple area just like we do with other gods.

In addition, I also found out that when he came to Amn this time, he was actually with Bernard from the Roldan Chamber of Commerce.

There seems to be some cooperation agreement between the two. "

"Is it the Roldan Chamber of Commerce that has been in big trouble recently and its heir almost died?"

The only woman present showed a surprised expression.

Because this matter really caused a bit of a fuss, and even made many wealthy businessmen and nobles in the city feel in danger.

"That's right! I think we can make a little fuss about this matter and test the voter's reaction. If we can reach cooperation, that would be the best."

When saying these words, the leader of the shadow thieves had a playful expression on his face.

He had heard that in the ongoing guild war in Calimport, Apke, who had cooperated with Zuo Si, was killing people with the help of poison.

If the cooperation is successful, the shadow thieves will be able to obtain a stable and large supply of poison.

In addition, the Council of Six can also use the plague to intimidate and attack Amn trade competitors, forcing them to sign some treaties that are beneficial to Amn merchants.

It's simply killing two birds with one stone.

"Like our relationship with the Knights of the Burning Heart?" A man dressed as a mage asked very cautiously.

"Yes. Although the paladins of the Knights of the Burning Heart are not entirely in our interests, they play a vital role in maintaining order, law and easing conflicts with civilians, don't they?" The thief leader asked with a half-smile.

What he likes most is to see the paladin hate and hate the Shadow Thieves Guild so much, but look like he can't do anything about it.

After all, the Shadow Thieves are a semi-official criminal organization in Amn, and they are qualified to participate in top decisions like today.

But what about the Knights of the Burning Heart?

Although those paladins have a high and respected status, they are still just tools in the hands of the ruling class, nothing more.

Amn's numerous and loophole-laden laws are the best proof of this.

Anyone who can enter the six-person council and hold the highest power in the country cannot be a fool.

Several other people quickly realized the huge benefits contained in this and nodded in agreement with the plan.

In any case, the Roldan Chamber of Commerce is a member of the upper ruling class of Ascatra, and is also one of the forty-two families that truly control power and wealth in the city, although it is only at the bottom.

If they can get the support of a voter, the six-person council wouldn't mind helping out a little, so that Bernard can smoothly take over the Chamber of Commerce and become the next head of the family.

At the same time, Tethyr and the border city of Calimshan in the far south were Mylatmar.

Jeffrey, the owner of the only local mage tower, was reminiscing in his private room with an old friend who came to visit him.

I saw him looking at the other person up and down first, and then cautiously probed: "Succeeded? Are you really a lich now?"

"Well, I succeeded. This body now neither feels old nor tired or sleepy, nor is it affected by hunger, pain, disease and various desires. For a mage, For me, this is simply the most ideal situation. Speaking of which, I would like to thank you for your letter of recommendation."

Vanessa took off her hood, revealing her face that had begun to dry up slightly.

Like all humans who become lichs, even if they use necromancy magic to embalm their dead bodies, there is still no way to avoid the dryness of their skin.

Unless it is soaked in antiseptic fluid all day long, it will inevitably decay slowly, taking anywhere from a few years to a few decades to a hundred or two hundred years, and eventually only a skeleton will be left.

Jeffrey sighed with envy: "It's great. In this way, you can calm down without being disturbed by the outside world, and conduct research and experiments day and night."

"In fact, before I came here, I had just been studying and experimenting for several days without sleep. If nothing happens, I will be able to become a master of the nine-ring arcana in a month or two at most. ." Vanessa's tone was full of strong confidence.

This confidence comes from the notes Zuo Si gave him, as well as the several seven-ring, eight-ring and nine-ring spells copied from the "Book of the Dead".

With these things in hand, any mage with enough talent can take the final step.

What's more, the Lich doesn't need to rest at all.

Experiments that would take normal human mages several years to complete can often be completed by lichs in just months or even weeks.

The longer she has been a lich, the more Vanessa likes her current body and condition.

He doesn't have the same trouble as his new lich that suddenly turned into an undead creature overnight, but still longs to eat, drink, and sleep in bed.

Instead, he devoted all his energy to touching the deepest magic network and researching the necromancy magic that he was most interested in.

"Did you...really give the phylactery to Soth?" Jeffrey stared into the eyes of his old friend and asked.

Vanessa nodded slightly: "Yes. And I don't have any regrets or resentment about this. He has a lot of potential to become a truly strong man, and he is also a person worthy of loyalty and refuge. He even gave me a lot The precious knowledge and the powerful nine-ring spell that I had only dreamed of before.”

"What? He has a nine-level spell!"

Jeffrey stood up from the chair with a sudden movement, his movements were not like an old man whose life was about to come to an end.

"Not only are there, but there are more than one. But I can't show it to you, let alone tell you any details about the Lich Transformation Ceremony. If you really want to get these, then give up your unrealistic fantasies as soon as possible. Transform into a lich like me and hand over the phylactery." Vanessa suggested in a very sincere tone.

As an old friend of more than forty years, he knew Jeffrey's character very well.

At best, it is called caution, at worst, it is timid. You will never make a choice easily until something happens, and you will always feel that you may encounter something better.

Jeffrey was obviously moved, but he hesitated and shook his head: "Give me some time and let me think about it again."

Upon hearing this, Vanessa immediately mocked mercilessly: "Consider? What else do you want to consider?

Or do you think there is any other channel through which you can obtain the complete ritual of transforming a lich?

In the magical desert of Tethyr, the only people you can come into contact with are the red-robed mages who have opened concessions at the port.

But I can assure you that they definitely do not have the knowledge and technology to transform lichs.

Even if there is, it will not be handed over to an outsider like you. "

"Damn it! Why do you have to break the beautiful expectations in my heart!"

Jeffrey cursed angrily.

"I'm doing this all for your own good!

do you know?

Soth is recruiting mages like you and me who have high enough spellcasting levels, but their bodies have begun to age, decay, and are slowly dying.

Just imagine, if there were several or even a dozen of these new lichs together, what a powerful force it would be?

We can even set up our own organization and find ways to obtain more resources and knowledge.

The sooner you join now, the higher your status will be, and you can even become the founder and elder of the organization.

As long as you and I join forces, we will definitely be able to firmly occupy a place in this organization in the future. "

After going in circles for a long time, Vanessa finally revealed her ambitions and intentions.

Through the battle in Lucky Valley, he clearly realized that it was almost inevitable for Zuo Si to become the leader of a force.

And if he wants to become the leader in this new force, he will need some helpers who know the basics.

Jeffrey, who has been dating for more than 40 years and knows each other well, is obviously one of the best candidates.

Of course, Vanessa did not place all her hopes on the old mage in front of her, but made a list.

All of them are near the end of their lifespan, but are unwilling to die like this, and are looking for mages to extend their lifespan or transform into lichs or vampires.

Although the number of people was not large, he was sure to convince each other one by one.

If the plan goes well, it won't be long before Zuo Si will have six or seven new lichs around him who can cast at least six-level spells.

Although this kind of power is not enough to compete with those powerful spellcaster organizations.

But if you include his apprentices, they can definitely surpass the Arcane Brotherhood that controls Luskan, the city of thousands sails in the north.

When she thinks about the huge power she may have in the future, as well as the resources and knowledge gained from it, Vanessa's ambitions grow like weeds.

After all, after giving up all desires and enjoyments, the only things he could pursue were power and knowledge.

Finally, under the strong persuasion of his old friends, Jeffrey finally made up his mind and agreed to start preparations to transform the lich.

In this way, Vanessa visited her close friends one after another in the next few days, and unknowingly recruited a group of elderly mages with high levels of spellcasting.

Zuo Si probably would never have dreamed that he had just successfully transformed a lich, and as a result, the lich began to actively develop and go offline.

Looking at the posture, creating a new caster organization is almost a certainty.

Of course, the mages who can be persuaded by Vanessa often have little background or power, and have achieved what they are today through their own efforts.

Therefore, they usually cherish everything in front of them more than those who have "big legs" to hug, and do not want to become nothing again because of the advent of death.

As for the camp...

Anyone who is willing to transform himself into an undead creature is probably either neutral or evil, and there is no way there is anyone from the good alignment.

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