About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 111.

But, but, but, I really don't know.

I really don't know, is it really good to do that?

Is love something that can really be, like, exchanged? Is it really something you can use as a bargaining chip to trade? It's not that I think there's anything wrong with Lin Yiran, it's not that I have anything against this kind of marriage arranged by my parents, and I don't know much about love, and if something like love can really get me any tangential benefit, I'm fine with exchanging it. I just, really, really, really....

Full of head, all of it is Qin Lan.

Qin Lan's smile Qin Lan's cry Qin Lan's everything.

I really, really like Qin Lan.

But at this time, I feel, I shouldn't go on, thinking about Qin Lan. Qin Lan, she's just like us, she doesn't have any experience, if I choose Qin Lan at this time, what about my parents? Are they going to leave their enterprise to the unfamiliar Lin Yiran? Lin Yiran is now maintaining her loyalty by her feelings for me, and if, say, I leave, will she, in fact, continue this life?

In front of me, the road was paved for me.

And myself, the path I chose.

Two roads, Lin Yiran's side, the elders laid everything out, perfect tarmac with street lights, traffic signs and zebra crossings all around, I don't need any brains at all, just follow my instincts and go to the end. I'm happy with this life, I'm happy with Lin Yiran, I'm happy with my uncle, I'm happy with my uncle, I'm happy with my sister... I'm not sure....

The other one, nothing, a dark future, I hadn't even considered where this path was going, it might just be a path that my adolescent spontaneity opened up under the guidance of my hormones, abandoning Lin Yiran and deciding to be with the girl I liked? The most important thing is that you will lose everything you have now, you will become a mediocre office worker, you have to worry about your life, your future to think about firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy, vinegar and tea. The nonsense....

Am I really, really ready for this?

For me, this choice is not a choice at all, it's not even a question worth thinking about, it's not a choice worth thinking about, why, why should I think about it? As long as you choose the first one, there's nothing wrong with it right.

Living your easy life as a rich kid?


I should, how to think.

Who will I hurt if I choose the first path? It's possible that no one will be hurt, maybe hurt Qin Lan, but will Qin Lan and I really be happy together? She's with me, and there's no certainty I'll ever be able to give her happiness, I'm not even giving her the possibility of a future.

Maybe I'll give her a temporary pain, but if I'm with her, it could be, a lifetime of pain.

However, I just need to take a picture and sign a name with Lin Yiran when I'm an adult, and everyone will be happy, me? I don't feel unfortunate ah.

Really, really, really...really, there's nothing, really, to choose from.

"I'm back, eh? Are you guys, like, talking about something?"

With a pleasant smile, Lin Yiran stood in front of us, looking at us with some puzzlement and smiling.

"It's nothing, Yiran, Qin Feng and I, we said something about your engagement."

Uncle Lin lifted his head, looked at his daughter, and said with a smile.

"Huh? Didn't I say that the matter of marriage was going to consider Qin Feng's feelings? Hey hey dad, you don't have to be like this, a marriage without emotions is also soul binding for Qin Feng, I want Qin Feng to tell me himself that he likes me before he does. Moreover, how can I let Qin Feng decide on such matters when Sister Yun isn't even here."

Lin Yiran looked at us with a smile and said.

Is that really what she, really, wants?

"Haha, also yes, you're right, dad, it's also a bit urgent."

Uncle Lin stroked his head somewhat embarrassed and said with a smile, then, he stood up, picked up the jacket on the back of the chair, looked at me and said, "Qin Feng, I'm sorry, today's words might be a bit too early for you, but, I still hope, you can think about it."

I stood up, looked at Lin Yiran's smiling face, and nodded gently.

Lin Yiran looked at my face and suddenly peeked over, gently, and kissed my lips.

"Ah!" I was shocked.

"Haha, this look of Qin Feng, so cute." Lin Yiran suddenly laughed without reason, and I somewhat embarrassedly stood to the side and touched my lips. I've already been forcefully kissed many times, but still, I don't have much resistance ah.

"But, Qin Feng, I also ask you, don't have any mental burden, what I'm enduring right now, I'm willingly."

Lin Yiran straightened up, looked at me, and said seriously.

"Because I like you, I don't need anything in return for what I've done for you."

She looked me in the eyes and stepped in front of me, gently, and took my face in her hands.

"I want you to say it yourself, to me, when you like me, and then with you, forever."

Lin Yiran's smile was in front of me, her pupils reflecting my eyes, the blue blue waves of blue waves gently rippling, the girl's breath surrounding me, the girl who had silently given so much for me for so long, smiling brightly in front of me.

I suddenly leaned closer and lowered my head.

The young girl's lips, warm, yet soft....

As, maiden, to my feelings....

Chapter 80 on my disagreement with my sister.

Sister is a creature that is a very unreasonable thing, and their various behaviors are so bizarre that they don't let anyone infer them at all. Or, rather, their behavior is just very much out of human thought.

"Go down."

I sat silently on the couch, the TV in front of me wasn't on, but I was also sitting on the couch staring at the LCD screen. Because, on top of me, or in front of me, was being held tightly by a pervert. She had her hands around my neck, her legs wrapped tightly around my waist, and her head on my shoulder breathing heavily.

"I don't want it I don't want it! I'm finally back! I finally got to see my sweet, dear, loving brother again!!!! I need to replenish my energy. I need to replenish my energy! Suck....hoo....hoo..."

I sighed heavily, obviously agreed not to come back today, as a result I opened the door today, suddenly a shadow shining straight at me, as jockey holding the poor man's head running around everywhere, tightly wrapped around me, forcing me to control the couch.

Hey hey hey help me I was joker riding trouble one of you guys save me.

"I'm going to count to three, if you don't get off, I'm going to forcefully rip you off."

"Brother brother brother brother brother!!! No, no, don't be so desperate, don't, I'll add, just a little..."

"Three, you don't have a chance."


The scenes can be very bloody, two men at war, just refer to the King Kong movie for all of you. Well, that's it, but please don't think of me as the building that gets ridden by an orangutan.

Five minutes later....

"Ah...ah...brother...brother...ah ...no...there...there...no...ahhh!!!! It's going to be...it's going to be weird..."

The pervert was lying on the couch in disheveled clothes, with shaking hands over his eyes, breathing heavily, saying some very strange things, and with dense beads of sweat on his body. I sighed heavily and said, "Shut up and put a band-aid on you will you stop the whole picture being so juvenile."

"Huh? I thought it wasn't just lesser children this is R18."

The pervert opened her eyes and looked at me with a bad smile. I silently put a band-aid on her knee, which had very accidentally let the pervert's knee hit the couch during the fight earlier, and it was bleeding.

My sister's fair as pearls knee still has bright red bumps and bruises from the bump, although the bleeding was covered by the band-aid I put on it, but, you can still see, the bruises from the bump.

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