About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 112.



"I'm sorry..."

I lowered my head, embarrassed to say. Ahhhh, such words are decidedly so embarrassing, and to say them to this pervert, I feel my whole face burning violently, really, so embarrassed. However, looking at this pervert's wounds, even if she deserved it, I still felt, very, guilty.

The president laughed softly, reached out and gently pressed my head, rubbed it very roughly, and then said, "It's okay, oh, because I know my brother didn't mean it."

I waved her hand open, then stood up and turned around and walked over to the kitchen. My sister behind me hummed softly and sat on the couch, kicking her two long legs back and forth.

This pervert, back here. This house, at last, echoed with this pervert again. The warmth of that pervert's body was still on my own hands, and I was surrounded by the familiar scent of that pervert's body.

I went to the mirror in the doorway, paused, didn't look back, and said.

"Anyway, sister, welcome home."

The voice there stopped, and then, a pleasant chuckle.

"Well, brother, I'm back."

I looked up sharply and swept up to myself in the mirror. Not to be outdone, I touched my face.

When was the last time I'd seen myself smile?

When this pervert came back, was I always, like, smiling?

Obviously, it's just a pervert. Why, all of a sudden, would I feel so lonely for the past few days?

"So, that means that you've already met Lin Yiran, brother."

The president asked me as he sat cross-legged on the sofa, eating a chip.

I was sitting on the couch just after dinner.

I nodded, then said, "And Uncle Lin told me about a very difficult problem."

"It's about getting you and Lin Yiran together, isn't it."

The council president said lazily as he looked at the news announcer on the TV.

"Well, yes...hello hello! This is your brother's life's work anyway, and you're just watching a news story about pork price hikes with an irrelevant attitude!"

Hey, hey, hey! Give me back my emotions! Give me back my earlier touch! Aren't you my sister? Show me your sick stance!

The president stretched, lay back on the couch, looked at the ceiling, and said, "Can I decide on such matters? Brother, I'll leave the decision of such matters to you ah, although I really don't want you to leave me... ah no, it's only right that I want you to be by my side forever, but I really don't want to prepare anything about managing the company now. It's a good thing to leave it to Lin Yiran."

The president's eyes turned over, then said, "Or do you have a problem with Lin Yiran? Is it because Lin Yiran is unattractive? Or for some other reason?"

"No, I don't have a problem with Lin Yiran. And there's no way I'm going to stay by your dead pervert's side, absolutely not!"

"Oooooh... Akira was complaining about how I don't have a sister before, but don't you think you're remiss as a brother too?"

"Hey, hey, hey, it's not my sister's duty to be a hooligan or to sexually harass her own brother, okay?"

"Huh? Isn't that what my sister is like?"

"It looks like we grew up without parents so you're having major problems with your education, I'll need to talk to your elementary school teacher, but it looks to me like you're hopelessly out of it so might as well bury it now."

The president shrank in aggravation, then buried his head in his knees and said in a milky voice, "Then if you don't have any opinions about Lin Yiran, isn't it good to get married. If you're asking for my opinion or permission, I don't have a problem with it. Or rather, my opinion is not something you can accept."

"What's your opinion?"

"Just the two of us, go to an island and..."

"Shut up."


I sighed, ruffled my hair, and then said, "Why do I feel so weird about you today."


The president looked at me with a puzzled averted head.

"Because, if it were a normal situation, your reaction wouldn't be so bland. Besides, if it were the usual you, the point of considering the problem would definitely not be to consider what I think."

I looked at the chairman, a little pouty. I'm really a little angry right now, and if I'm reasonable, isn't this pervert a brother-controller? Why did she react so flatly when her own brother was being discussed for marriage because of such things? Shouldn't she explode a wave and try desperately to stop it? Why do you now wear this "it's up to you" face, this unselfish image of what's good for me?

Unhappy, though I don't understand why, but I'm really unhappy.

The president was stunned, she smiled bitterly, looked at my head, and then gently said, "Well, brother... even I, I want my own life... if you marry Lin Yiran, I'll be able to ...Don't bother with this crap...I really don't want to run a company or anything like that."

"So, you want your life to be a sacrifice to me? Or, are you going to let me go and marry Lin Yiran and then you can have your own life?!"

I looked at the chairman, and my voice couldn't help but increase as I spoke.

I'm really a little angry now, no, this isn't just anger, this is anger.

"No, no, no, you can't say that, be reasonable, if it's Lin Yiran, it can't be a sacrifice right. For you, it can't be a sacrifice."

The council president seemed a little nervous, looking at me and explaining.

"That's not why I'm here!"

Why! Why! Aren't sisters and stuff supposed to be in the same camp as me? Why, why did even my sister abandon me, why! What for? What for? What for? What about me? What am I in my sister's mind, a disposable expendable object fighting for what I want in life? Is it okay for my sister to abandon me for her own life? Why, now I want my sister to talk, not to convince me!

Even if I don't know what to expect, even if I may not be prepared for the future, even if I don't know what I should choose or give up, I don't want to be so consumed by my sister!

Isn't that supposed to be my sister! Shouldn't I be considered?

"You...you don't deserve to be a sister at all!"


The right side of my face was smacked hard, I've said before, never underestimate a girl's strength, especially when they slap you, and now I'm going to say it again.


Backhand again.

"You calm down."

My sister crawled in front of me and slapped me hard, then looked at me and held my face tightly in her backhand. I had never seen my sister look so serious before, instead of a smile, there was some anger on her face, she held my face and stared me dead in the eyes.

It looked a little scary to me.

"Listen brother, we're brother and sister, let's not beat around the bush for each other okay."

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