About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 150.

I sighed, I really shouldn't call this person to consult on such issues, but, but, but I can't call Qin Lan, "Hey Qin Lan, I'm telling you the good news I'm getting engaged to Lin Yiran."

I guess she'll be at the hospital door with a knife in ten minutes.

So, it's only a matter of consulting Xiang Zhe who won't have any effect on me, and also, this is the only male of the same age in my address book.

"Ah, what else can I say about this matter... To say it's not an arranged marriage, right, if you like it or not, that's not a problem, besides, Lin Yiran is quite good in this regard, what do you have a complaint?"

"I, I don't know why, I just feel, like I'm missing something, or I don't even know how I'm supposed to live my life tomorrow, I don't understand why."

I sighed, I really don't know what I'm feeling right now, or rather, I'm feeling so many emotions that I've stirred together into a mess, and I have no idea, how I'm supposed to go on with the rest of my life. No, it's not because of the engagement with Lin Yiran, but, it feels like something is different.

"Well, also, after you get engaged, you probably won't be able to have much interaction with your sister."

The voice over there became lazy, and the sound of a mechanical keyboard came out, this idiot actually opened a round when talking to me, this person is hopeless I tell you!

"Huh?! Why, even if I'm engaged, my sister is still my sister."

"But your sister is a female anyway, how can you, as a fiancée, watch your fiancé live with another female? You have to eliminate all possible dangers ah."

!!! I realized with a jolt.

I seem to have, like, forgotten.

The most critical part....

I am indeed engaged to be married.


Sister, there hasn't been any, indicating anything....

Chapter 104 About My Incorrigible Ex-Girlfriend (II)

I have always believed that communication is the best way to be able to solve problems. Or rather, it shouldn't be communication, it should be, several people put their points of view to each other, and then choose a method that everyone can accept.

Humans invented language, and language is a tool, and the meaning of the existence of tools is to solve problems, but language is an objective tool that has no entity, so the problem solved is something that has no entity. I believe that humans invented language not to provoke girls to reproduce, but so that they could live a few more years and have a chance to reproduce.

However, there are times when communication doesn't solve some problems. Communication will only determine what will always be illusory without substance, and illusory things are the easiest to tamper with, then, which means that the problems solved are not actually reliable.

However, many problems still need to be communicated.

Well, communication is necessary.

There are many things that can't be solved by keeping them inside, and it's not at all useful for solving some problems. When there is an obvious problem between two people, instead of having a cold war, why can't we just sit down and talk it out? Why pout at each other?

There was no need for it, and mutual pouting without talking would do nothing to solve the problem.

So, at this point, I decided to have a good conversation with some pervert.

I put two glasses of milk on the table, then looked at the chairman, who was sitting on the other side of the couch wiping his eyes, and sat down on the couch and said, "There are times when it's better to talk about things, so don't think you can cry on your own just because you don't have any at home."

The president choked up and nodded, reached for a glass of milk, and sat down on the couch, shrinking down and looking at the floor without speaking.

I wasn't in a hurry either, I sat on the couch and looked around at the familiar furnishings I had once known but hadn't been back for a long time recently, they were gathering dust but largely unchanged. I was more than pleased that the chairman was a more sensible person and wouldn't challenge anything he wasn't good at.

For example, Qin Lan blew up a microwave oven.

After I hung up the phone, I sat down for a bit, then got up and changed my clothes, and left the hospital to take a taxi home. I don't think this matter can be delayed any longer, although I'm a person who can do nothing to delay if I can't, but there are some things on which I will never delay.

Human mobility counts, and if you use it more for the usual things, you may not be able to keep up when you have to.

I want to know my sister's thoughts.

I want to know the reason for my sister's change.

This month dependent, my sister has changed so much, so much, that she's not my own sister at all. I didn't believe that nothing could change this pervert, and if anything was causing my sister pain I was going to fix it, my mobility was used entirely for such things, and I absolutely had to know why.

I want to know why my sister was so exhausted that night.

I want to know why my sister shuddered that day and asked me if I had kissed.

I wanted to know why my sister's back was turned to me, I wanted to see her face!

So, I'm back.

When I opened the door, I saw my sister, hugging her knees and crumpled on the couch in tears.

"So, you've calmed down a bit too. Can you just tell me what you're thinking right now from beginning to end, it's okay, you don't have to talk about it for as long as you want, we have a long time."

I looked into my sister's eyes and moved to sit next to her, taking a sip of milk and asking.


My sister looked up at me, a little confused, and I looked at the tears in the corners of my sister's eyes, sighed, took out a tissue and carefully dried the tears, and said, "Didn't we agree not to cry in front of me? So don't go on crying in front of me at this point, don't you know I'll feel bad if you do?"

"It's okay..."

My sister sniffled, tilted her head up, obediently let me wipe my face, and said, "It's the last time I'm going to cry in front of you anyway."

"What's wrong, just say it."

I stepped back and sat on the couch, taking a sip of milk. My sister's words were ambiguous. No, they were vague. What did he mean by 'the last time'? It could be that my sister won't cry in front of me anymore, or it could be that she's leaving.

"Brother...I...I'm moving out."


I almost spurted out a mouthful of milk, and though I held back at the last minute, it choked me solidly. I coughed violently, almost coughing my lungs out.

"Cough cough...cough cough! Ah..."

I felt like I'd died once and come back to life again, and my sister, worried, patted me on the back, looked at me, and asked, "Is everything okay, brother."

Do I look like I'm okay to you?

"Hoo...hooah...what did you just say, you're moving out? Why?"

I looked at my sister, gasped, and asked.

My sister was stunned, her eyes a little wandering not daring to look at me, and hesitantly said, "That... that... after all, you're engaged, aren't you... I... it's not good for me to continue living here right... so... so I'm moving out..."

I pressed my hands fiercely on her shoulders, forcing her face to turn to look at me, and my sister, seeing me so close, froze violently, reaching out with some fear and trying to push me away. But I'm a boy anyway, and I'm not going to lose if I fight hard enough.

"You give your reasons properly, that's not the reason you want. This isn't a pique or a joke, you can't move out of the house."

I don't sound good because I'm a little angry right now, doesn't my sister, the person, know that some things are not to be joked about? You can't talk about moving out like that. Don't you know you're going to starve to death if you move out, and don't you realize you can't take care of yourself at all? Look at Qin Lan. Don't you know? What's your problem with me taking care of you? I wouldn't let her live with me even if she was engaged and not really married.

So there was absolutely no need for my sister to leave, it must have been because she thought I wanted something or was pouting.

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