About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling Control Sister Chapter 151


"There's no buts, you can't move out anyway."

I withdrew myself and looked at the chairman, frowning. Then I said, "What is it you're up to, can't you just say it? What's the point of you holding back when it's already this late."

My sister looked at me, she took a shaky sip of milk, then looked at me, took a deep, shaky breath, and asked, "Can I, can I really talk?"

"You said."

I took a deep breath, put down my glass, and looked at her seriously.

My sister took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and was silent. Just watching her, the two of us remained wonderfully silent.

"Me! No! Yes! Jean! Dee! Dee! Order! Marriage! Ah!"

Sister suddenly jumped to her feet, shrieking and slamming the glass in her hand down on the floor with such force that a crisp crack exploded along with the spinning pieces that flew out with the milk. My sister's hair came apart completely, dancing up and down with the rage of its owner. My sister looked at me with her own hair and yelled, "What the hell! On what grounds? Why do I have to move out? Why should she, Lin Yiran, be able to take my brother away so easily!"

"I've been living with my brother! Why do I have to move out? Why should I leave my brother? I want to be with my brother all the time, can't I! On what grounds!!!"

The last holy shit was hissed out with almost every ounce of strength, the blast nearly tore my eardrums apart and I felt my ears begin to buzz, at which point I felt like I should check my sister's vocal cords.

My sister sat back on the couch weakly, gasping for air. I looked at her quietly and asked, "Are you done breathing? I can talk now."

My sister looked at me and I stepped in front of her.


I raised my right hand again with a grimace and backhanded it once more.


"I'll give you these two back in their original form."

I watched as my sister covered her face and sobbed, saying grimly, "Who was the one who said don't sneak around for each other's sake before? Whoever said before that it's good to say what's on your mind, I'll give you back what you said to me that night in its original form. I'll give it back to you, including these two slaps."

I took a deep breath and slammed my hand down on my sister's shoulder, pinning her down dead on the couch, looking into her fearful eyes and yelling, "WHAT!!!! Why are you saying this now? Wouldn't you have told me that in the beginning? Wouldn't it be better if you just told your uncle to just tell me in the beginning! Why don't you ever say anything?"

"I think... I think... I think my brother and Lin Yiran will be happy together!"

My sister held tears in her eyes but yelled at me, "Isn't it good to be with Lin Yiran? You have to get married! It's not a bad idea to be with Lin Yiran! I think you can be happy later!"


Well, this time I slapped her more than once.

The previous two slaps, I was definitely merciful, just sounding loud but definitely not painful, but this one, I hit my sister solidly in the face.

The sister was beaten for a moment to say a word, teeth bit through the lip, a few drops of blood. I guess this time will also be accompanied by the effect of ringing in the ears. After all, I'm a boy, I still have strength.

I didn't want to hit my sister, or rather, I never wanted to hit her. But this time, I was very angry, I was very angry, and I felt that my sister had done something completely and utterly wrong. It was only right, then, to pay the price for the wrong.

"That's not the happiness I want! Don't say you're doing it for me. We said we wouldn't sneak around for each other, didn't we? You have such things to say! Just lie on top of me and cry and make me say no like you used to! Why are you doing this? Do you think you left just for me? ! Do you think I can be happy without the sister I've always lived with?! Can I be happy? I must have a sister for my happiness! A life without my sister is never the life I want!"

My eyes were starting to blur, my voice was hoarse, and I reached up to rub my eyes, but they were damp.

Ugh? Did I cry?

When I realized I was crying, I couldn't control the large streams of tears anymore. I never thought I could cry like that, how long had it been since I'd cried? How long has it been since I cried in front of my sister? That dream scene, that dream of the sunset, I cried once again in front of my sister.

"So...so...so...don't you go, sister! You're right here with me, sister."

I, in front of my sister, am still just a child.

At least, I was crying like a child.

A pair of warm hands gently took me into their arms, and once again I breathed in the soothing warmth that had once brought me endless warmth and comfort. I reached out and hugged my sister's body tightly, just as I had once done in my dream, and cried out loudly in her arms.

"It's okay, it's okay, brother."

My sister took a deep breath and reached up to wipe the tears from her face, her inhaled lips were trembling and her voice was shaking, she was hardening her desire to cry, she was pushing back her own tears. Just so her stupid brother wouldn't be sad, she was forcing herself not to be sad.

"Sister won't leave you, sister won't leave you."

I feel like I've grown up, I feel like I'm long gone from the old me who used to hug my sister and cry at every turn.

But in reality, I hadn't grown up at all, just like I used to be, just like I used to be then, I had always been the child in pain in my sister's arms.

Just like in the dream, just like when Lin Yiran left.

My brother and sister were crying in each other's arms, and it was exactly the same when Lin Yiran left as it was when he came back.

"So, I'm sorry."

I said to the person on the other side of the phone as I stood on the balcony, holding the phone with my somewhat frozen hand.

There was silence for a moment, and then, happily, in a voice I knew well, asked me, "I see, so, can you tell me why?"

"Well, I don't want to, let my sister move out so early, after all, my sister is going to be taking her SATs. In the meantime, I want to give her an environment that's no different from what she's had in the past."

There was silence there again, but this time it was a little longer.

I waited a little guilty, my legs a little cold, but I'm sure it wasn't because of the bitterly cold wind from the balcony.

"I'm sorry."

I said again.

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay. After all, as I said, I have to respect your choice. But, if my sister graduates, do I, still have a chance?"

I froze for a second, then nodded and said, "Yeah."

"Okay then, if there's nothing else, I'll hang up, goodnight honey."

There seemed to be some urgency there, and I hung up before I could say goodnight back.


Nonetheless, I said, softly, to the phone that was no longer sounding.

Chapter 105 About My Incorrigible Ex-Girlfriend (End)

"I'm sorry sorry, I'm late."

Lin Yiran jogged to his seat and with an apologetic smile said looking at Qin Lan who was drinking a glass of hot orange juice across the room. Qin Lan nodded, raised her head, pointed to the chair across from her and said, "Well, it's okay, come on, sit down Yiran."

Lin Yiran nodded with a smile and sat down in his seat and took a sip of the hot milk that looked like Qin Lan had already ordered, then fanned himself and asked Qin Lan who was sitting across from him, "Lan Lan, do you have something to say to me today?"


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