About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 178.

I gently hugged Song Yixin, breathing carefully.

Until I realized a very serious problem.

"That, Song Yixin ah."

"Huh? What's going on?"

Song Yixin opened her eyes, turned her head, and looked at me, puzzled.

"Can you hold me for a while longer?"

"What's wrong?"

Song Yixin laughed softly and hugged me hard, asking.

"I...I dropped my bath towel..."

"Dead pervert!!!"

It's not my fault! It's really not my fault! Don't give me that look! No, no, no, I want to hug you not because I want to be a pervert, but simply because I'm shy. If I let go, you'll see, won't you? No! Don't tell anyone about this!

I watched Song Yixin's red-faced back as she fled, and could only pray that she wouldn't tell. I picked up the towel and headed to the bathroom, at the very least, to finish the shower, I'm going back tomorrow, and the memories of the last night are not so good.

In Wu Moxie's room, the girl smiled softly, looking at the penguins on her pillow. She couldn't help but reach out again and hug the penguin to her chest, looking at the ceiling with a demented smile.

"Hehehe... Qin Feng... like it so much..."

The young girl rolled over and cradled the tiny penguin in her arms like a penguin protecting its eggs. Almost crushing the tiny craft.

Inside, was the greatest courage she had ever summoned.

Written Willingly.

Chapter 123 about my pajamas that shouldn't be on my sister.

The truth is, humans can't stay at home. A comfortable computer chair, a computer, plus food and water are the breeding ground for laziness, the slaughterhouse of mobility. Humans didn't grow legs to shake, and if humans are all holed up in front of a computer what's the difference between that and a paralyzed Stephen Hawking? At any rate, people Hawking can still think about the universe time black hole, become a physicist, if we shrink in the chair can not think of anything.

This won't work, God made the world for people, not for people to nest in.

Look outside, take a good look outside your window, the world is just centimeters above your computer screen. Look at those angry flowers, listen to the sonata of the wind, go to the world to walk, to relish and feel the wisdom of the forefathers, the sweat of ancient people. Every brick of the Great Wall is covered with sweat and blood, close your eyes and realize the passion of the Iron Horse and the hero who "did not teach the bearded horse to go to Yinshan". Go to the sea to taste the breath of the ocean, go to the mountains to feel the highest place on the quiet air, go to the prairie singing, in the stars to understand life.

Look at those old books, a few lines of poetry, over the bamboo cane mango shoes light wins the horse's dashing, drink two glasses of wine, in the drunken eyes ripples in the sky to laugh at the unruly back out.

When you've done all that, you'll come home.

Still your own bed is the most comfortable!

Well, it's a big world, so I'm not going. Just let me die in my bed. What's the point of going out and wandering around, you'll end up dying in the same bed. No matter how far you've come, in the end we'll end up in the same place, and I'll just watch those intrepid people help me start the world.

Well, I'll watch you guys start the world.

It's a great feeling to come home to your own home after a tour. For me, there are very few things that make me happy, so now I need to add one: lying in bed after traveling.

It's so refreshing, just so refreshing. I just love my bed, and a travel bed is completely different from my bed, even if a hotel bed is suitable for a lot of people to sleep in, but it's not the best bed I've spent so long building, whether it's the hardness of the pillows, or the comfort of the bed, it's perfect.

If there isn't an idiot around, it's simply perfect.

I just can't figure out why I woke up today and saw such a thing lying next to me, maybe it's because I was too tired last night so I didn't pay much attention and closed the door to sleep. However, I think the chairman should also be very tired, I can tell from her current sleeping posture like a dead dog, but you can still come in and sleep on my bed when you are so tired, you must change this habit.

"I'm going to count to three and get your ass down here."

I whispered into her ear.

Her body shuddered, then didn't move.

Was she awake? Or did you hear it and pretend you didn't? Would it seem cruel of me to say that I would just kick her down the road? Besides, the Chairman was really tired, so she shouldn't be pretending to be asleep at this point? I watched the chairman move slightly on the bed, deep in thought.

Forget it, I'd better let her sleep. I didn't really think for long, just a few seconds, but I fell back on the pillow again and closed my eyes. It didn't matter to me, let's go back to sleep again. Humans can't go to bed early and get up early on vacation, well, that must be it, the ones who go to bed early and get up early are totally ruining human nature.

When I woke up again, I found myself lying on my pillow, looking over at the window with my head on the side, the Chairman was already awake, sitting on the bed playing with his phone, she saw me wake up, smiled and said, "Ah, my brother is awake."

Well, this scene might have worked better if I had said to give her a cigarette.

I rolled over, looked at the ceiling, and said, "I told you many times not to come into my room."

"I'm really not to blame for this."

"Huh? So you're going to blame me?"

I rolled my eyes helplessly, are you blaming me for this? Do you think you're one of those straight men on the internet? The idea that everything is women's fault for dressing scantily to seduce men. That makes no sense at all, how people dress is their business, the law doesn't stop them from dressing how they want but it stops your raging hormones.

Can you still say it's my bed that attracts you?

"I don't understand what's going on, I was maybe sleepwalking last night? Then I woke up and I was already here. I was tired yesterday, too, so I didn't go back. How about that, is that a good answer?"

The president raised his eyebrows and looked at me with a smug smile. Hey hey hey why are your answers getting more and more unreliable? Do you have mercury in your head? I think last night was really tiring, but it's not so much that it brought down one's IQ as well. But I'm not completely slowed down right now and don't want to hit anyone.

I lifted the blanket, dragged my dying body up, and said, "I won't cook for lunch, there's still fast food sold at the supermarket in the fridge, so it's okay to eat this."

"It's okay." The council president nodded and jumped lightly behind me in his pajamas. I rolled my eyes, I always thought this t-shirt she was wearing now looked very familiar... Hey, hey, hey, this one's mine, isn't it, this one's mine! I remember this t-shirt from my middle school graduation, a class handful of plain white t-shirts, well, yes, the kind that actually cost only a few bucks on the street. I originally bought it so that my classmates could write each other's names, but no one ever wrote my T-shirt to anyone else.

I then threw the shirt in the closet and never saw it again.

How did she turn it out!

"Hey, hey, hey, this dress is mine, isn't it!"

I grabbed her, the feel of that poor quality fabric I'd never want to touch again in my life. The council president froze, turned back, and said, "Well, yeah."

"You're being very honest, so get your clothes off, no wearing my clothes." I reached out to try to pull the clothes off, the chairman smiled badly, then said, "Well, brother how today so decisive ah, this kind of thing although sister has always wanted, but the first time at the door or some can not accept ah, brother then back to bed?"

"What the fuck are you talking about, get your clothes off! Or I'll do it myself!"

The chairman turned around with a bad smile, looked at me and said, "Brother, I only have this T-shirt now. Or do I take off?"

My eyes rested on the two white legs underneath her t-shirt...well, it really looked like it, it was a little too big for her, but it was actually the same for me, they didn't even ask for my size in junior high, and it was only when I found out there was one left at the end of the issue that I remembered there was one for me, so my The size was grossly inappropriate. Because it was oversized, the collar of the dress hung down to the chairman's chest, and it seemed, she wasn't even wearing underwear.

"Are you a pervert?! Can't you go back and get dressed properly?!"

"Huh? Why do I have to wear underwear even when I'm sleeping, it's hard brother."

The would-be president smiled badly and stuck close to me, hugging me and shaking my arms, "Well, brother, I also know I'm wrong and can't wear your clothes indiscriminately, so I'll take them off now, okay?"


I helplessly held my forehead and said, "Can't you just wear some normal pajamas? Why do you have to wear my t-shirt."

"Because it's my brother's shirt."

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