About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 179.

She tilted her head, then brought the cuff to her nose and took a deep breath. Well, I won't feel gross this time, because this dress doesn't smell like me at all, because I haven't worn it once.

"Don't smell it, I haven't worn this shirt once."

"Cut it out, I'm telling you, it only smells like good nasty industrial crap."

"Then you're still wearing it."

"But isn't it common for my sister to wear her brother's oversized shirt and t-shirt or something? And don't you think that's sexy?"

"I pooh, that's my sister wearing my brother's bigger clothes! You and I are both about the same height and you fit perfectly in my clothes how can you look sexy, besides I can't even wear my clothes after you've worn them!"

Because the chest is stretched! It's stretched!

I looked at the unreasonable chairman and couldn't help but sigh again, I felt like I had said many times that I had already used up my sighing times, but I felt like I would have to make the use of the action of sighing more frequent from God even if it was Kryptonite, because I felt like I would be sighing countless more times in my future life.

"Brother don't sigh all the time oh happiness will drift away with it."

"Then I beg of you can you always do something that makes me sigh?"

Who'd sigh all day long if it wasn't for you! I tell you, if misfortune is a word, you will make up for my lost happiness! I feel like I won't have a lot of happiness in this life itself, so you have to compensate me!

I look at the chairman with a bad smile on his face and I can't sanction her yet. I'm reluctant to hit anyone right now because I'm so tired, but I said I couldn't talk to her yet. I looked at my wardrobe and then said, "Forget this one you can wear it away, but it's poorly made if you want..."

"Do you have any other clothes for me, brother? Is it worn? Is it worn by your brother?!"

The president came up like a dog that had seen the meat, if she was given a tail at this time then the tail must be wagging at this time.

I reached out and pushed her away and said, "You stay away from me, you stay away from me, no, you stay away from my wardrobe, I can only give you a few clothes okay, well, a lot of them are the kind of cheap clothes that are too big to buy and don't want to change."

"Well, it's okay, it's no problem to use them for pajamas."

The would-be president said with a longing look at me. I opened my wardrobe and looked through it, but I don't really think it's a good idea to buy t-shirts because some times they just fit better, and then they get bigger. I feel like I don't really have any talent for this clothes shopping thing, and I actually feel like the chairman doesn't have any talent either, but the chairman has the perfect skill of looking good in everything, and even now I look so sexy in this white t-shirt of mine that costs a few dollars a piece.

Or is it that girls are so sexy in just one t-shirt?

Maybe they'll try it on next?

Hey, hey, hey, what's going on in your head? Your sister's IQ went down and so did yours? You have to control yourself. I have a feeling that if I say that to Qin Lan, Qin Lan will probably dress like this and give me a tomb.

That would really make Qin Lan hate me.

But not necessarily.

I handed a few T-shirts to the chairman and said impatiently, "Okay, okay these clothes are for you, but I think you should buy some normal pajamas."

"Does my brother like the more erotic lace pajamas?"

"I don't care what you buy, but just don't wear them in front of me if you buy them."

"But people buy pajamas just to show their brother."

"Get your mind right, you're not buying pajamas for a bathing suit, you're buying them to make yourself comfortable and not to make me look good."

"If my brother looks at it, he might do things to me that make us both comfortable, ah. People lose on bathing suits, they have to win on pajamas, after all, pajamas and the heart are the way to win the final duel!"

"You're dreaming."

I sighed again and said, "It's just that the other day you asked who had a nice bathing suit and I didn't say you, but now it's all a bit of a struggle? Besides, I picked out both your and Wu Moxie's clothes, so if I say Wu Moxie looks good, it's not the same as saying you look good."

"Brother, your logic is quite confusing, and brother do you really think Wu Mo Xi's swimsuit looks good? I think Wu Moxie is the one who blocks the most of us."

"Who told you that the most leaks look good. Wu Moxie does look really cute in it okay, and I'm telling you, I think the most successful time I've ever picked out a dress was this time."

"What about me..."

The president pouted in dissatisfaction and held my arm, refusing to let go. I had my hand on the door knob two pages ago and by now the chapter was ending and I hadn't even opened the door. It's the chairman's fault for being so naughty!

I ruffled my hair, looked at the chairman, brainstormed the scene, froze for a moment, and said, "Well, it's just nice to look at, too. Well, it's really pretty."

"Brother you don't treat me like a cousin so easy to fool." The club president squeezed me hard and dead against me, and I felt a very warm, soft touch that was pressing against my chest.

I feel like I kind of understand why so many people like Lori, because it's so confusing!

"Well, um..."

I'm a little shy, really, even as a sister, you get really shy when you're pressed like that. I looked up at one side of the wall a little awkwardly and said, "It's really, really...um...beautiful."

The would-be president looked at me a little suspiciously, as if to see what I was really thinking inside. After a while, she released me and said with a smile, "Well, you still can't be mad at your brother."

You can't be mad at me at all.

I helplessly reached for the door and pulled it open, then said, "The supermarket's instant food, there's fish and pork over rice and spicy squid over rice, which one do you want?"

"Fish and chips."


Traveling, I saw Hainan and the sea. I stayed in a hotel and enjoyed the fact that I didn't have to do anything.

But in reality, I still like my life as it is now, sharing supermarket fast food with an idiot, and this idiot, discussing an idiot's problems.

Life with this idiot is my real life.

Chapter 124 about my fatal coincidence.

When you are on vacation, everyday life gets weird, or rather, it changes. In other words, the life you carried out before will be completely different, and the first thing to do when facing a new life is to deal with the remnants of your previous life.

Or, rather, to eliminate the effects of the previous life and what is left over, and since you are starting a new life, you need to erase all the things from the past. Starting a holiday life from scratch, as short as it is, is the only way to start over.

Otherwise, you'll have the look I have on my face right now. Especially, when you open the refrigerator door, and it's not even your own refrigerator door.

"That's why I said you should throw out the dishes and stuff while you're out and about."

I said with a clap of my hands, closing the refrigerator of the Chinchilla. Have you guys played the Resident Evil 7 demo? The scene you see when you walk to the kitchen and pull open the refrigerator door...well, it has to be better than that.

After all, there's still electricity here.

But the fact that these vegetables and fruits, which are sold as fresh, have been sitting in the fridge for so long, even if they are in the fridge, has created a deep sense of distrust in me. Or rather, they're no longer edible on their own. And those things that I had made for Qin Lan to eat before, which Qin Lan had casually put in the fridge without finishing them, were also completely inedible by this time.

"I forgot."

Qin Lan was lying on the sofa in the back, playing with her phone in her nightgown, and said lazily. It had to be said that Qin Lan was simply two different people outside and at home, she was sitting that upright as a queen outside, and lazy as a cat at home.

She's also the kind of cat that eats human food and looks at people with contempt, making people want to hit her but can't hit her. To say the least, I would rather have a cat like that, at the very least, a cat wouldn't interfere with my life too much, but Qin Lan, being such a living person, is simply a ticking time bomb.

It's not bad that my relationship with Qin Lan has recovered to this point.

With a glass of water in my hand, I walked over and sat on the couch on the other side, with Qin Lan's stacked feet right next to me. Looking at Qin Lan lying on the couch playing with her phone, Qin Lan's eyes were staring at the screen with a cute curve on her face. Although she was very lazy at home, Qin Lan was still just as pretty. Because, she is not going to be lazy on her makeup.

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