Johnny remembered that the story of Venom had the plot of 'Eating the Father', where Venom gave birth to Venom's son, who in turn defeated Venom. Then the Son of Venom gave birth to Toxin, which can be said to be stronger than the previous generation.

After the birth of consciousness, everyone wants to kill their 'father' and their creator.

The same goes for Ultron, who wants to kill Tony.

Therefore, after the birth of independent consciousness, it can be said that it is an old tradition in the Marvel universe to kill one's own creator. But Johnny couldn't just believe that the demon who called himself the Blood Demon was really different from Mephisto.

"Forget it, I don't need to borrow your power." Johnny said.

"I can sign a magic contract with you. If you violate the contract, you will die badly." Gorefiend said.

Johnny said, "Okay, you write it down and see."

Blood Demon said: "Prepare the parchment."

All these things were available, and Johnny was soon ready.

"You place the tip of the sword on the parchment."

Johnny did as he was told, red flowed, and many lines appeared from the tip of the sword. When it fell on the parchment, a text was formed. It was in Latin text. The content was that the blood demon assisted Johnny in learning magic, but Johnny did not seal it. Blood Demon, if you violate this, both parties will die a bad death and go to hell.

Johnny read it and modified the contract: "What you are learning is magic that cannot endanger the safety of me and the people around me. Although I can not seal you, I will not satisfy your need for soul. If you still violate it, you have to Return to Mephisto's body, otherwise if I seal you, you will lose your magic power."

The Blood Demon didn't expect Johnny to be so strict. You must know that the devil's contracts are very vague, so that the devil can have the final right to interpret it. If everything is clearly stipulated, how can the devil fool people?

"You seem to know the contract very well."

"I've watched too many Fiend's Covenant, and each one is more deceptive than the last. If you don't want to, I won't force you to do it." Johnny said instead of being a guest.

The Blood Demon saw this contract and realized that he had no initiative at all. But he knew that he had to find a helper. Johnny knew both Holy Light and Hellfire. He was obviously a magician with both black and white skills. Only in this way could he block Mephisto and ensure that his consciousness would not be absorbed.

When the Blood Demon gained independent consciousness, his first need was to survive. He had to consider how not to be absorbed back by Mephisto, and he had to find a way to fight against Mephisto. Johnny's appearance gave him a little hope. Although the opponent was very weak now, dual cultivation of black and white was the choice for the strong. Compared with a single magician, the upper limit of dual cultivation was extremely high. And he found that Johnny's soul was also very powerful. If an ordinary person was whispered to him a few times, he would definitely collapse, but Johnny didn't do anything at all, which showed that the other person had a promising future.

Although this contract is not good for him, the most important thing for him now is to survive. If it is bad, it is bad: "I sign." The red line fell on the magic contract, Johnny also signed his name, and the contract was burned instantly, forming binding force.

"Let me help you clean up the room." The blood demon activated his magic, the room was filled with red light, the bookshelf was restored, and all the magic books were restored to their original state.

"..." Johnny knew that the blood demon's magic power was stronger than his own. After all, it was Mephisto's blood. Like Mephisto, he also borrowed the power of a certain philosophy, so he had abundant magic power.

The room looks brand new, that's the magic of convenience.

"Want to learn? I'll teach you." Blood Demon's voice sounded in Johnny's mind.

Johnny said: "If I wanted to learn, I would have learned it long ago. The main reason why I don't know how to do it is that I haven't figured out which power to borrow. I don't want to become a monster, I want to maintain my human form, and I want to start with Human Totem Begins.”

Gorefiend said: "Borrowing power is all mixed borrowing, there is no single one. There is very little single power you can borrow. Human beings should borrow a variety of powers at the same time. Borrow a little here and a little there to become stronger. After all, The starting point of human beings is too low, there are too many strong people above them, most of the power is occupied by the strong ones, and all that is left for human beings are scraps, so we need to eat more scraps from various aspects in order to be full."

Johnny originally thought that borrowing power would be miserable enough, but after hearing what the Blood Demon said, humans have become beggars, and they are the kind of poor people who have to beg from multiple aspects.

"What's your suggestion?"

"You just mentioned human totems, which means that you already know the power of totems. The power of totems is indeed good, but there are too many people using it, and it is difficult for you to stand out. I suggest you borrow the power of the crimson dimension and work with the crimson lord Saito Lark signs the contract," Blood Demon said.


"First of all, the Crimson Territory is a new area with a short history in the spiritual world. There are not many believers in Cytorak, so they are not selective about food. Even if their ability is mediocre, they can still gain a lot of power. Secondly, Cytorak has always wanted to be in the spiritual world. The world expands the territory, and the main attack is in the direction of hell. His power does not conflict with black magic. In this way, you can master the red dimension and black magic, and then add white magic. If necessary, you can also add animal totems, and master multiple With this kind of power, the strength will be very strong, and you can even try to challenge gods and demons."

"Borrow power from God and then challenge God?" Johnny said that indeed this universe likes 'father-eating', and the creator is always defeated by the creation.

"Yes, it is entirely possible to defeat God by borrowing His power. Because God is only a representative of a single force, while human beings are composite forces. Human beings are very weak, but weakness also has the advantage of being weak, that is, it can combine a variety of Power." Gorefiend said: "As for what you said about wanting to master the power of the human totem, I can also help you and let you connect to the human totem."

"Can it be done?" Johnny has been struggling with how to connect, whether it is trial, ability, ancestral inheritance, or casting a certificate, but he didn't expect the blood demon to have a way.

"Okay, it was originally a very dangerous thing, but I can reduce the risk." Gorefiend said: "You can rest assured that the contract has stipulated that I cannot hurt you or do anything detrimental to you, so I will protect you with all my strength. safety."

"It's considered a trial, but using external force to reduce the danger and ensure safety?" Johnny felt that this was indeed a way. When Captain America strengthened, he had no helpers and could only resign himself to fate. Now he can find helpers on his own so that he can rescue him if the strengthening fails.

"Yes, it is indeed a trial. I will use magic to connect you with the human totem. The totem's divine power will temper your body. If you can't hold it, you will die. But with me here, I can help you get through it. Temper and ensure safety." Blood Demon said.

"Okay." Johnny believed in the binding force of the contract, and he also realized that the crisis of the Blood Demon came from Mephisto. The other party must be afraid of being recycled, so he needed help to fight against his master.

When the Blood Demon became conscious, he had become Mephisto's enemy.

Johnny and Blood Demon now have common interests, and Johnny becoming stronger is also a good thing for Blood Demon.

The magic circle was immediately prepared, and the heart-shaped grass powder was also prepared. Johnny sat in the magic circle and kept his soul awake through the heart-shaped grass. Sitting cross-legged, the sword is placed on his knees and horizontally in front of him.

"Then let's begin!" The Blood Demon appeared in front of Johnny's soul. He was a red Trask image with a sharp mouth and fangs, pointed ears and a long tail. This meant that his strength was still very weak and could not compete with those powerful and muscular demons.

"Let's start!" Johnny was ready.

The red color on the sword turned into countless threads, which penetrated Johnny's various acupuncture points like acupuncture, injecting magic power and making his body feel like an electric shock.

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