Johnny's soul seemed to be flushed down the toilet and spun around, unable to hear or see anything.

This is locating the totems of Homo sapiens. There are many totems, and each creature may correspond to a totem. The blood demon has the memory of some hell lords and knows how to determine the totem.

This is just like telephone dialing. Only by dialing correctly can you find the correct totem.

Johnny doesn't know that he is now traveling through the dimension of totems. Countless totems form an extremely huge amounts of totem axis, eternally straddling the abstract and material world, representing all living things.

Spiders, gray wolves, cheetahs...even dragons, monsters...

Homo sapiens totem is one of them, inconspicuous but of great significance.

The spinning finally stopped, and Johnny felt like he was going to die. At the moment he perceived a hazy image, which was a statue of two people, a man and a woman, back to back.

"Lend me your magical power." Johnny started his begging journey.

Pain spreads throughout body and soul, and the trials begin.

If you want divine power, accept the test. If you pass, you will get it; if you fail, you will get it.

The pain deep in the soul can only be endured. The body is handed over to the blood demon, and the soul is controlled by Johnny. Life and death are just a matter of thoughts. Johnny endures the pain and never gives up.

Just get through it. Johnny kept encouraging himself to be brave and believe in himself.

Finally, after a twenty-minute ordeal, Johnny did not die, nor was he tortured crazy. When he opened his eyes, an extraordinary power surged out of his body.

At the same time, he also knows that from today on, he must fight on behalf of mankind. If he violates this, the divine power of the human totem will abandon him. This is the price of borrowing power.

Completing the trial is just the beginning of borrowing power. If you want to continuously borrow power, you also need to abide by the standards of divine power and cannot exceed it, otherwise the divine power will be interrupted.

Johnny found that he had become stronger. He looked thinner when he was wearing clothes and more muscular when he took off his clothes. Looking at his new self in the mirror, he was sure that he had succeeded: "Is this what Captain America feels like?"

"I said I won't let anything happen to you." Gorefiend said weakly: "Without soul replenishment, I need to take a rest."

"As for the soul, does the vampire's soul count?" Johnny asked.

"Definitely, can you get the vampire's soul?" The blood demon immediately regained his energy.

Johnny said: "I know where it is. When the Blade warriors take action, you can eat the souls of vampires on the side." Although he doesn't kill vampires, there are people who do.

The blood demon does not need to kill the person himself, as long as he has a soul, the same goes for others.

"I read it right. You won't be bound by the boundaries of black and white. Even if you are a demon, you can cooperate." The blood demon knew that many people talked about demons becoming perverted, but Johnny would not. He could cooperate.

"If heaven is good, then learn from heaven; if hell is good, learn from hell. I will not discriminate against devils."

"I kind of like you, kid." Gorefiend said, "Vampire soul, I'm looking forward to it."

Blade warrior is half human and half vampire. He has the power of Homo sapiens totem, bat totem, black magic and other powers. But at the same time, he also uses technology. Using multiple powers together, his combat power is very powerful.

He often cleans vampire nests, often killing dozens of vampires at once, which is quite brutal. Follow him, there are souls to eat, and the blood demon can be full.

Johnny doesn't bother Blade. After all, superheroes have a strong sense of territory and don't welcome guests.

After replenishing his soul, the Blood Demon said: "Next, we should go to Cytorak. The Lord of the Crimson Dimension is a generous man. It is said that he made a bet with the Lords of Hell."

"What's the bet?" Johnny asked.

"At that time, the Crimson Dimension had just been born in the spirit world, and Cytorak had no followers, so other hell lords laughed at him. But Cytorak said, 'Even if I have few followers, I will catch up and occupy more territory.' . The other lords naturally did not believe it and thought he was wishful thinking, so the lords said, 'You have few believers, but if your believers can run around the planet, then this planet will be yours, and we will withdraw voluntarily.' So both parties It is agreed that followers of Cytorak can occupy a planet as long as they circle the planet." Blood Demon talked about these past events.

"I think no believer can complete a circle around the planet." Johnny said.

"Indeed not."

"I just said, how can these hell lords abide by the rules? They will definitely cause trouble in all kinds of ways." Johnny said.

"It's not just the Lord of Hell who is causing trouble. Cytorak himself is too anxious. Although he will give the believers powerful power, he will always implant the idea of ​​sprinting in the believers, eager to hope that the believers will complete a circle around the planet. In this way, Come, the believers become very stupid. They have no power but don't know how to use it. They can only sprint stupidly. In this way, they always circle in place and cannot complete the task." Gorefiend said.

"Huh?" Johnny remembered that Cytorak's followers seemed to be like this, and Juggernaut's performance was indeed like Hanhan, not as good as the angry Hulk. It turns out that there is another reason. It turns out that Cytorak needs Juggernaut to circle the earth. As a result, Cytorak's order occupied Juggernaut's IQ high ground and turned Juggernaut into a fool.

Although Cytorak has few believers, he is very generous in giving power without considering the ability of the believers. His power is not to mention destroying the world, but it is also at the upper-middle level. But the price of becoming a believer is to fulfill the boss's orders, and the impatient boss will suppress your IQ, making you unable to use your full strength.

"So, if I try to borrow power, I will have to run around the earth and become a fool?" Johnny thought to himself that he was a magician and was following the path of wisdom, so turning into a fool would be too much.

"It is indeed possible. I can't say this, but Cytorak's power is indeed generous and powerful." Gorefiend said.

Johnny thought that it was all because of his IQ: "I think even if there are believers who really circle the planet, I'm afraid that the hell lords will regret it and find various excuses to refuse to fulfill the contract. After all, there is no relationship between the hell lords. The binding force is the jungle law of Hongguoguo. The weak eats the strong. Although Cytorak is not weak, he is no match against the entire hell."

"I think so too. They will definitely break the contract, but now there is no believer who can complete the bet to orbit the planet. Anyway, as far as I know, there is no one on any planet, nor on the earth."

Johnny is still envious of Juggernaut's strength. His defense can easily withstand various energy attacks, and his destructive power is also great. He can tear apart tanks with his hands. This kind of performance is not much weaker than that of the Hulk. Although it is not as powerful as Hulk, its performance on earth is already very strong.

It's just because the boss interfered, so he has no IQ.

Blood Demon said: "If you can master enough black magic, it is not impossible to use Cytorak's divine power for free."

Johnny wanted to learn black magic, and he also wanted to borrow power from Sithorne. If he wanted to learn the level of a hell lord for free, that would be the Sorcerer Supreme: "If I reach the level of the Sorcerer Supreme, I don't need Cytorak at all. Divine power.”

"But you can't say that. It's good to have more power. If you become Sorcerer Supreme, everyone will definitely stare at you. It's difficult to step on a few boats. So it's best to do it when you are still weak. I don't know. Unknowingly, sign all aspects of the contract first. When you become stronger, if you don't break the contract, they can't break the contract either, so that you can master a variety of powerful divine powers at the same time." The Blood Demon really understands borrowing power and proposed Take advantage of your weakness and sign more contracts, otherwise you won't be able to sign them in the future.

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