His men rushed forward and surrounded Linn, and then some smoke appeared here.

Linn knew that the smoke must be poisonous.

Is this guy trying to stun himself with smoke?

Linn said to Gwen and the Red Queen.

"Hurry and cover your mouth and nose to prevent the smoke from being inhaled into your body."

When several people heard Lin En's words, they quickly covered their mouths and noses to prevent them from inhaling the smoke into their bodies.

Only by using this method can they protect their own safety.

Now they dare not say to help Lin En, they can only say to protect their own safety.

When the smoke was peeled away, these mysterious figures suddenly disappeared.

It suddenly became extremely quiet here, and the masked man just now disappeared without a trace.

Lin En thought this was a bit strange. How could this guy disappear suddenly? Is there any trap waiting for him to break through?

Lin En took a look, and several people around him said to them.

"You hide behind me and protect yourselves."

While Lin En was talking, these people stood there motionless.

Lin En felt puzzled, what was going on with these people?

Could they be poisoned?

Why don't you answer your own questions?

Linn still wanted to talk to them again when he turned his head again.

These people fell to the ground with a plop.

These people were really poisoned. The smoke just now was poisonous. Even if they covered their mouths and noses, it was useless, the smoke still entered their bodies.

These people were still poisoned, but why was Linn okay?

Lin En seemed to have inhaled the smoke into his body just now. Why didn't he seem to have none at all?

Linn stepped forward and patted Gwen's cheek gently, and kept calling his name.

Gwen slowly opened her eyes. Linn felt relieved when he saw Gwen open his eyes.

He thought Gwen was fine, but Gwen looked at Linn with a strange look.

Lin En was stunned for a moment, as if Gwen didn't even recognize him.

Lynn said to Gwen.

"Gwen, why are you looking at me like that? Don't tell me that you don't recognize me."

"Who are you, who am I, where are you?"

When Lin heard what Gwen said, it was really similar to what he had just guessed.

When he saw Gwen's eyes just now, he felt that Gwen looked at him strangely, as if she didn't know him. [Sure enough, Gwen's words were what Linn guessed was the schedule.

Lin En shook his head helplessly and said to Gwen.

"Is this a scene from a TV series? Can you stop joking with me like that? If a little smoke is inhaled into 330's body, you will lose your memory."

Linn didn't want to believe that he thought Gwen was joking.

But Gwen really didn't remember him, and after a while both Kung Fu Qin and Red Queen opened their eyes.

The performance of these two people was similar to that of Gwen. They also looked at Linn with the same strange eyes.

Lin En saw that the companions who had broken him no longer recognized him, so how could he get them back to normal?

Do we need to let them breathe some fresh air to get them back to normal?

Lin En still wants to continue searching for the secrets here. .

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