But now looking at the state of these people, he can only take these people out of here first.

But now they are trapped in this building.

There is no way at all now. If Lin En and the others want to leave, they have to break through the traps here.

Now these people are standing next to Linn like fools.

Not only do they not know who they are, their super abilities have all disappeared.

Only then did Lin En realize how powerful those poisons were.

Lin En didn't know if his super ability had disappeared, so he used his super ability here.

Lin En's super ability has not disappeared, but it has weakened a lot. It seems that there are some shielding signals here that can block Tian's super ability.

Linn found that this place seemed like a cage, trapping them here.

It wasn't that easy for him to leave. He looked at the direction they came in. Isn't there a gate there?

Lin En wanted to go out through the gate, but when he walked over, the gate had disappeared without a trace.

There are dead walls everywhere and there are no gates at all.

Lin En was wondering how the door here could suddenly disappear.

There was a door just now, but then music suddenly started playing here.

The music sounds pretty nice.

When Linn listened to the music, he seemed to have forgotten where he was.

At this time, Gwen, Qin and Red Queen were actually dancing here to the music.

They actually jumped up. Lin En was even more dumbfounded when he saw the actions of several people.

What are these guys doing? Are they dancing?

These people suddenly changed into costumes.

In the blink of an eye, Lin En changed clothes somewhere, and in the process of dancing, the three of them suddenly changed directions at the same time, rushed to Lin En's front, and began to attack Lin En.

Lin En was just wondering what these people were dancing.

But when these people suddenly rushed over to attack him, Linn realized that they were confused.

Not only did they lose their memory, but they were also deeply confused by the music. This guy's skills are really high.

They actually let Lin En and the others kill each other.

He actually used this method to deal with Lin En.

Lynn looked at Gwen, Qin and the Red Queen looking crazy at the moment.

Their eyes are all white now, and their black eyeballs are gone.

Now the whole eye is white, looking particularly scary and frightening.

Lin En could only try his best to control them and tie them up with ropes to prevent them from going crazy like this.

But the three of them suddenly became so powerful. Didn’t their super abilities just now disappear?

After such a long time, how come they have super abilities again, and their super abilities seem to be even more powerful than before.

Linn dodged left and right, and he looked at a narrow passage next to him.

(Li Nuo's) He could only get there first to avoid the bar.

Linn quickly got into the narrow passage.

Gwen, Qin and the Red Queen didn't see where Linn went.

Their eyes can't see at all now.

They can only rely on their own intuition to find Lin En, and then they can find Lin En based on the sound.

Lin En is hiding now, and there is no movement from his side, so these guys can't find Lin En's whereabouts at all now. .

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