It is said that the Emperor of the United States is so arrogant and thinks that he is the father of the world. He can actually allow other countries to intervene in the internal affairs of the country and allow SHIELD, a subsidiary of the International Security Council, to have various privileges in the Empire of the United States, just like the Emperor of the United States. It’s the same as what I did. Even in Avengers 1, the World Security Council could order S.H.I.E.L.D. to launch a nuclear bomb in Manhattan, New York, with just one order. This seemed unreasonable at first glance.

It makes people wonder if there is some undisclosed behind-the-scenes transaction between friends?

The answer is yes, and it starts with the creation of modern S.H.I.E.L.D. during World War II.

There are two S.H.I.E.L.D.s, one is ancient thousands of years ago, and it is also a global organization whose history can be traced back to ancient Egypt thousands of years ago.

A great hero led the people on earth to repel the alien invaders Zerg. His shield was used as a symbol to establish a secret organization to guard against major threats.

Therefore, this organization is called Shield, which is not an abbreviation. The members of this Shield in the past include great figures such as Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Newton, and the astronomers Zhang Heng and Zhang Pingzi of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It has been passed down for a long time and is a reclusive public welfare organization. organization, not the world or some authority.

The modern SHIELD (S.H.I.E.L.D.) is an abbreviation, and its full name is the long and awkward "Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division" (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division).

The predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D. was the Strategic Science Regiment of the Allied Forces during World War II, or S.S.R. for short. If it were a card game, it would be very cheating. Even if you have money, you may not be able to get the magic cards.

However, this one is not bad either. The famous Peggy Carter and Howard Stark are all members of this organization.

This organization mainly targets Hydra, the evil organization that was attached to Nazi during World War II.

This hydra is not that hydra.

The orthodox Hydra organization originated about 1,400 years ago. At that time, a powerful Inhuman appeared on the earth, and this Inhuman was sent to a distant planet because of his excessive abilities.

The purpose of the establishment of Hydra is to allow this alien to return and lead Hydra to dominate the world.

In order to grow and develop, the orthodox Hydra organization collects resources, establishes many branches, and silently funds the development of each branch, and then denies itself.

The Hydra during World War II was similar to S.H.I.E.L.D. and was also unorthodox. It was a remote branch of the Millennium Hydra. The leader was the Red Skull. He claimed to have inherited the ideas of Hydra and used it to develop and realize his ambitions. ——Create a world of complete chaos, forcing humans to voluntarily sacrifice freedom in exchange for safety, and thus choose to completely submit to the rule of Hydra.

With the help of Nazi resources, the Red Skull found the Cosmic Cube and developed the super soldier serum. The Strategic Science Group rescued the scientist who invented the serum, and the symbol of Midi spirit, Captain America, was born.

Basically the plot of Captain America 1.

Then Captain America was frozen after defeating the Red Skull. Peggy Carter and Howard Stark, former subordinates of Captain America, and the remaining members of the Howling Commandos, except for Captain America and Bucky the Winter Soldier, continued to fight against Nazis and Hydra. The remaining party's righteous activities continued to attract like-minded members, and finally formed the current S.H.I.E.L.D.

At the end of World War II in 1945, Nazi Germany announced its unconditional surrender. Hydra was split into pieces, with some lurking around the world and some surrendering to the Allies.

But the surrender is not sincere, but is similar to "being in the Cao camp and being in the Han", or that the evil intention is not dead, but a false surrender. The real purpose is to lurk inside the enemy, that is, S.H.I.E.L.D., and turn S.H.I.E.L.D. Become a hotbed for hatching new Hydras.

Due to a combination of reasons, this part of Hydra was extremely successful, infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D.

Until now, the leader of this branch of Hydra is Alexander Pierce, the former director of SHIELD and current member of the World Security Council, responsible for commanding SHIELD.

There is also Crossbones, the captain of the Rapid Response Special Forces, and John Garrett, the eighth-level agent. It can be said that there are agents at all levels of S.H.I.E.L.D., from top to bottom, from fighters to scientists to administrators, in addition to the current director. The core group composed of bald black-braised Nick Fury and his hard-core subordinates almost all have the presence of Hydra.

This is the real reason why S.H.I.E.L.D. can run sideways in Midea during this period. In fact, S.H.I.E.L.D. is just borrowing the light and has truly penetrated into all areas of Midi. From all levels of parliamentarians and financial oligarchs to traffickers and pawns, it is omnipresent and extremely powerful. Huge, it is the Hydra that spreads all over the world.

The core group of SHIELD Director Black Braised Eggs still know almost nothing about this. They still believe that SHIELD's career continues to grow and develop, and is now at its peak, and that maintaining world peace is just around the corner.

If Aaron said "Hail Hydra" now, it would scare Colson's hairline and shrink it by another 2 millimeters.

But Aaron also knew that if it got on this thing, it would be fishy, ​​if it rubbed on it, it would be a piece of skin, if it hooked on it, it would be a piece of meat, and it would be all trouble.

Nowadays, SHIELD is so powerful. It has a black braised egg style and philosophy of life, and it also has Hydra behind it, fueling the flames and instigating it. If you don't come, you don't cooperate, you don't support Guo Jia, and if you don't obey, you are an enemy of the world's security. , to see who is a potential threat.

Aaron has absolutely no intention of revealing his strength or showing off, and he doesn’t want to get involved in it at all.

Someone who did not want to be named is still focusing on developing in a low-key manner. He is holding back the late-stage time travellers, and for the time being, he still keeps a respectful distance.

It’s better to follow the routine and show off your acting skills first.

When Old George heard Aaron ask how this guy with a bunch of bad names found his way here, he also had a look of helplessness on his face, "If you ask me, I will ask who to ask." He answered: "This department also has corresponding powers in our country. , I confirmed this to Senior Inspector Rayfield (Inspector) of the General Administration, and he needs us to cooperate with Agent Coulson’s work.”

Kate was also a little confused about the situation, and then asked: "So what can we do to help Agent Coulson?"

At this time, Coulson calmly replied politely with a smile: "I came here this time to ask the man in the purple suit about the full details of the Kilgrave case. I need the two of you to help tell the story. Let’s talk about the process at that time.”

Aaron and Kate looked at each other. Aaron gestured with the word "please" to indicate that he would come on a first-come, first-served basis. Kate, if you can call me at that time, you can speak first. Kate nodded and said to Colson: "This is what happened. , that’s what happened at the time, I also received a temporary notification of support, and then..."

Kate told the general situation, and Aaron supplemented it with his own perspective. They were all truthful and without falsehood.

But it's not that there is nothing to hide, at least not here with Alon. Alon didn't lie or deceive anyone. He just said what he saw. But what he couldn't see, he naturally avoided the important and ignored the light. Spring and Autumn's writing style was passed down in one stroke.

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