American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 120 122. SHIELD clicks your attention

Aaron, who had not been bribed by Fang Tangjing's five hundred taels, would naturally not talk about what he had and what he didn't.

Just tell the truth. I just said that I saw Jessica beating the police, and then I "heard" that she was drugged and controlled by hypnosis by the pervert in the purple suit. Then I wanted to catch the pervert in the purple suit, and then the pervert in the purple suit called Jesse. He beat himself up, and had no choice but to beat the purple suit pervert to death, and Jessica regained consciousness.

Things like why Jessica is born with supernatural powers, and why she is a cheater and doesn't explain it, I haven't mentioned this yet. It's all the fault of the pervert in the purple suit and has nothing to do with any of us.

Colson, a middle-aged man with a hairline crisis, didn't show any expression or reaction when listening to Aaron and Kate's story. He just listened politely and carefully, making it difficult for people to tell. Not the slightest thought.

He is very calm and dignified, but if someone has a ulterior motive and has a good old guy like Coulson look at you seriously, he will feel more guilty the more he talks about it.

It's just that Kate really didn't know anything about it, and Aaron had something to hide, but Aaron was also confident that there was nothing behind the Purple Man incident. This silly-looking middle-aged hairline couldn't find any trouble even if he wanted to find fault. Pen.

It's just that Aaron doesn't know if Coulson has any other purpose for coming here this time, such as that he has been eyeing him for a long time.

After listening to Aaron and Kate's statements, Colson asked a few more questions. As Aaron expected, he didn't ask anything new, such as insinuating about the Purple Man or Jessica's unusual features. And so on, I think I didn't pay attention to Ziren or Jessica before.

Coulson nodded to the two of them, and then said to George: "Superintendent Stacy, I need all the information on this case, including Kilgrave's body. We will be fully responsible for the follow-up matters of this case. .”

When Kate heard this, she was a little unhappy, as if she had been robbed of a case by the FBI before, and subconsciously asked: "Why, is there anything we don't know?"

Colson still smiled and said sincerely: "This matter is based on the principle of need-to-know secrets."

The subtext is naturally "you don't need to know".

Kate's first impression of Colson was quite good, but now she has the urge to punch this smiling face.

Old George was not surprised. After working as a police officer for so many years, he had seen a lot. He had seen some things that were beyond the scope of common sense. Knowing that this matter was not his business and that science could not explain it, he was happy to go along with it. There is nothing reluctant about it either.

Old George nodded to Colson and said: "Okay, I will find the relevant police detectives to cooperate with you. Beckett and Aaron, you can go about your own business first."

The two of them left the superintendent's office, and Kate no longer showed any reluctance. It was also a subconscious reaction at the time. Later, I thought that the matter itself was not complicated. All cases have been closed, except for those cases that cannot be explained by common sense. It's just a bit of curiosity.

Kate is a very rational person who pays attention to reality and speaks evidence. She will not think about these bizarre things that can only be guessed at. The world is full of wonders, and there is nothing that she would not be willing to accept and pursue.

Aaron is a little worried that SHIELD will find Jessica, but at least there is a minor protection law. SHIELD is also considered a justice organization on the surface. It will probably only monitor, not go too far. In the future, it will remain Just pay attention.

What I'm afraid of is that it's not SHIELD that's paying attention, but SHIELD HYDRA. With the strength of HYDRA, against a teenage girl, she has some superpowers but is limited. She has high defense but not King Kong. The bad guys are invincible, and there are plenty of ways to counter them.

It was as if if Aaron hadn't been here this time, even a purple person would have tortured her to a point where life would be worse than death.

As a result, either he will be controlled, and then be even worse than Da Vinci, and be subjected to various indescribable researches. If he is lucky, he will become the second Winter Soldier, if he is not lucky, he will become data and specimens, or he will be exposed. Ability, and then you can't live in peace, it's not good after all.

In that case, it is better to let the black braised egg pay attention. Although the black braised egg is black from the inside to the outside, at least the buttocks are sitting upright, the general direction is correct, and the most basic bottom line is still there.

No new cases were assigned, so it was rare for Aron to go home, um, go back to the hotel during a normal schedule.

Aaron just turned the door lock and wanted to step in, but stopped in front of the door.

Because as soon as he opened the door, he felt that there were already two auras in the room, and they were paying attention to the direction of the door.

There was no cleaning truck at the door. I guess those two people were not here to clean the room on a voluntary basis.

Especially one of the auras was someone I had just felt once during the day, that middle-aged good man with a hairline crisis.

Well, there was another aura, so sharp, and his energy and spirit were superior to Coulson's.

Tsk, it's really troublesome. Aaron had the urge to close the door and turn around and leave, but he also knew that he couldn't hide. After thinking about it, he sighed and pushed the door open and entered the house.

Aaron entered the door and turned on the light, lowered his head to change his shoes in the entrance hall, and said as if to the air: "Hey, you two, welcome, do you want anything to drink?"

After a moment, two figures walked out of the living room. Sure enough, it was Phil Coulson. The other one stood behind Coulson, slightly offset by half a body. It was an Asian man who was about the same age and height as Coulson. The woman has regular facial features and an imposing eyebrow. She actually has a martial spirit.

Colson still had the same expression as a good old man, with an apologetic look on his face that made it difficult to see his true thoughts. He said warmly: "Sorry, Mr. Walker, please forgive us for coming in uninvited. Oh, coming in uninvited." , but this is not a place to wait at the door."

Aaron rolled his eyes inwardly and thought to himself, your cell phones are all broken, or are the guys in charge of collecting information collectively suffering from food poisoning and unable to find my phone number? Don't you just want to get the upper hand? Just pretend to compete, don't talk nonsense.

"It's so late. What's wrong, Agent Coulson? And this female agent?"

"Oh, let me introduce you, this is Agent Melinda May."

"Hello, Agent May."

Aaron said hello, thinking that this was one of the legends circulating within S.H.I.E.L.D., the famous "Iron Cavalry".

This was one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who had been exposed to supernatural powers very early. He once performed a mission in Bahrain to negotiate with a person with mind control abilities who had kidnapped a little girl.

But S.H.I.E.L.D. misjudged the target. The real mind-controller was a little girl, and controlled all the agents and a group of robbers. Melinda May had no choice but to deal with the misjudged mind-controller. He took a heavy hand and rescued many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

The name "Iron Cavalry" also came from this, but Melinda May was not proud of it at all. She only felt infinite guilt and heartbreak. She gave up her field duties and switched to paper work until Colson persuaded her to become a field worker again. personnel.

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