American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 582 584. Rescue Conditions


It used to be like Sokovia, secretly ruled by some careerist and conspirator.

Once again, the careerist here, his ambition expanded again, left Guo Jia, and went to a wider world.

Then he encountered a strong enemy there, was defeated, and returned defeated. However, he was not depressed, but came to Latvinia again with a new attitude.

The people here are once again in...actually not in dire straits.

It is true that Doctor Doom is ambitious, but he is not cruel or greedy towards Latvinia.

Nor is it incompetent.

At least Doctor Doom didn't turn this into Iraq or Afghanistan or even Sokovia.

Now someone is asking the civilians of Sokovia, do you want to muddle along under the rule of Hydra?

Or is it that life has not taken off yet, the city has taken off first, and it has been burned to ashes, and the home has been turned into a huge pit, and you can enjoy the free and boiled air?

One can imagine how they would respond.

On the contrary, during the vacuum period after Doctor Doom left, there was no strong and decisive voice in the pot, and power disputes began to emerge and then intensified.

The fact is that without Doctor Doom, Latovinia can only wait for the next powerful careerist to arrive before it can regain relative peace.

It wasn't until Doctor Doom returned in a powerful posture that the situation in the pot, which was almost boiling over, suddenly returned to stability.

This time Doctor Doom also brought new partners, new blood, new factories, new orders, and job opportunities. It seems that everything is developing for the better.

If you don't mind having a poison judge above your head.

However, in modern society, with advanced science and technology and the enlightenment of all people, there is no longer a stable life, and ordinary people will all be content with the status quo.

Doctor Doom has no intention of turning it into the second North Korea. He does not rule with high pressure, but it seems that his subordinates are more powerful and have a wider news network. If there are any objections, he can just ask them out.

It's just a crappy game. If you like to play, don't play.

In short, Latovinia is keeping a low profile, developing with peace of mind, and the people's lives seem to be getting along.

Unlike the rumors and imagination that Ava Starr had heard, the people were in dire straits under the rule of the drug dictatorship, and the civilians were puppets like walking corpses.

It seems like a calm and peaceful Eastern European pot.

Ava and Dr. Bill Foster have arrived at a newly established laboratory here.

In Dr. Bill's eyes, although they are all state-of-the-art equipment, they don't seem to have a unique style.

That is to say, there is no super genius host here.

Can this still save Ava as it says?

Could it be that you came here through deception, or are you still thinking about Ava's abilities?

Dr. Bill couldn't help but wonder.

However, the other party's sworn assurances, and his knowledgeable analysis of Ava's situation, and the several treatment plans and costs of various options proposed, did not seem to be the case.

The prerequisites are the various S.H.I.E.L.D. information she possesses, as well as all of Dr. Bill's scientific research materials on the quantum field.

Then there are different conditions according to Ava's choice.

If Ava is sent to the quantum realm, Ava will need to work for Latvinia and the "Alternate Dimension" club for free for ten years, but during these ten years, quantum energy will be provided to relieve her symptoms.

If you only want to cure the symptoms, that is, continue to obtain enough quantum energy, you have to do paid work, that is, complete tasks to get membership points, and then exchange them.

The root cause, which is to close Ava's connection with the quantum realm, requires a huge amount of money and thirty years of unpaid work. Of course, it will no longer be the dangerous work of a field agent.

Everything was explained clearly, and the conditions were not generous, but it made Ava feel more at ease.

However, Dr. Bill still felt that the conditions and strength shown by the other party seemed impossible to achieve the goal stated by the other party, and he was still a little skeptical.

But when a humanoid being in a quantum state, full of quantum energy, suddenly appeared in front of Dr. Bill and Ava, and transmitted a little bit of quantum energy to Ava, helping her relieve her symptoms, the two immediately gave up. All doubts cleared.

This kind of laboratory is simply used to deceive others.

There is no need for any technology at all, just rely on superpowers.

Dr. Bill immediately nodded to Ava, and then looked curiously at the magical being named Carmen Johanna, who claimed to be the quantum ghost, who could directly communicate with him in consciousness.

Before, I was uneasy, even trembling.

But at this time, Dr. Bill didn't want to leave because he was afraid that Doctor Destruction's great sword was on his neck.

Just asking, is your quantum field laboratory still short of people?

Dr. Bill said that he would only need to take care of his food and housing so that he could have more contact with this magical being.

The salary doesn't matter, it's just that while you're still young (compared to a certain old fool named Pim Soul Bomb), you can raise your profile a bit more.

Johanna's appearance in the real world was naturally due to Aaron's handiwork.

[Johanna, do you want to go to other worlds? 】——Rewinding time a little, in the quantum realm, after Aaron locked onto Ava's mental power fluctuations, he asked the quantum ghost who helped him.

[Okay, where? 】

[Similar to the world in your memory. 】

[Okay, I have already seen with my own eyes the things in the images in my memory. 】

Johanna just agreed without hesitation and defense.

Quantum ghosts only have human memories, but no common sense and no scheming, which is what the title implies.

Aaron thought it was a shame that this was his way of playing a trick, otherwise he would have to help the other party count the money if he was not sold.

"The quitter."

With a wave of his hand, the black thumb on his left thumb turned into the Ring God's Book, and then Dr. Radcliffe, the book spirit, emerged from the book.

"Lord, is this the quantum realm?"


Radcliffe did not feel any discomfort and was just observing the surrounding environment curiously.

Although it was the dark magic of the Dark God Book that inspired the concept of the virtual reality space "framework".

But the framework itself is not the product of dark magic and dark energy.

Rather, it is based on various knowledge in the quantum realm and the digital realm. Dark energy and soul magic are only part of its composition.

Therefore, in the quantum field, Radcliffe does not reject the fact that the rules of composition include the laws of the quantum field.

"It's amazing, huh? This consciousness... ugh!" Radcliffe also discovered the existence of Johanna, and was also filled with a lot of information.

Fortunately, he is now a book spirit, supported by the entire Ring God Book and its Framework 2.0. It is a bit like a quantum computer in itself. He was just confused for a moment and got used to this mode of communication.

"Jie Zhe, is it possible that such and such, such and such..."

"My lord, this is really a wonderful idea. Well, in this case..."

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