Aaron completed a series of cool operations using the God of Rings Book.

Let Radcliffe open the virtual reality space within it, Framework 2.0, link the consciousness of the quantum ghost Johanna, and then let it actively engage in quantum entanglement with the newly created blank memory code NPC in the framework, mapping its consciousness. Go to the NPC.

Became a quantum state digital consciousness.

Similar to Ava Starr's state when she was pulled into the quantum realm, an intermediate state between reality and the quantum realm.

Johanna is in the intermediate state between the quantum realm and Framework 2.0.

However, there is no pain similar to Ava's. Johanna is a quantum state existence herself. She can engage in quantum state entanglement and appear on both ends of the entanglement at the same time. This is one of her forms of existence.

In other words, Johanna is both the quantum ghost in the quantum realm and the quantum digital consciousness of Framework 2.0.

Just like Aaron, with two bodies and three souls, can control five separate individuals and thoughts with one consciousness, Johanna can also exist in two places at the same time.

This is also equivalent to opening a channel to the quantum realm for Framework 2.0, and the Framework is no longer a completely virtual world.

Then Johanna invited many "friends", other quantum ghosts, and the world within the frame suddenly became much more lively.

As the first person who came into contact with Aaron and even helped him once, Johanna naturally had another chance.

Aaron provided a blank demon soul, which was fused with her quantum digital soul, giving her support in the real world. She could choose quantum entanglement in the framework or the real world, and switch between the two places at will.

There was also the scene where Johanna appeared in front of Ava and Dr. Bill.

And Ava also made a choice.

Working for Latovinia and the "Alternate Dimension" Club in exchange for enough quantum energy to stabilize her body's condition.

Johanna communicated with Ava and showed her the survival mode in the quantum realm.

Although reality was nothing more than a nightmare from which Ava could not wake up, the kind in the quantum realm... I don’t know if it can be called life. There is no society and no culture, only the exchange of memory fragments, or is it? Keeping Ava at bay.

Especially when she still has the option of solving problems in the real world.

Ava did not choose to give up her abilities. She was trained as a weapon by SHIELD since she was a child. Although she hated the pain that her abilities brought to her, she was also used to the feeling of strength and security that her abilities gave her.

She doesn't know what she can do when she becomes an ordinary person again.

It's like a criminal who has been imprisoned in prison for more than ten or twenty years. When he enters society, he is completely unable to adapt to a strange environment. He can't stand it within a few days, and then chooses to commit crime again just to return to a familiar environment.

If her life was at stake, she had no choice.

But now, comparing the two, giving up her ability makes her even more confused.

Although Dr. Bill preferred and suggested that Ava solve the physical problem at its root.

In the end, Ava can't give up her abilities. Only by maintaining her abilities can she have the capital to be favored by others. Turning back to an ordinary person will make her lose all protection.

So the Extra Dimension Club has its first outside member, ghost agent Ava Starr.

Aaron was also extremely benevolent. He first asked Johanna to replenish Ava's quantum energy, enough to maintain her body's stability for a long time, and then handed her over to Doctor Doom and Mystique to see if they could help her out.

In fact, a ghost agent can't help much, especially since Aaron transferred a large number of quantum ghosts to Framework 2.0 this time. After mastering this set of processes, he can actively reverse the use of digital souls and quantum realms in the future. After the existence of quantum states is entangled, quantum ghosts are created, and then transformed into quantum souls.

But after all, it is important to make the best use of everything, and it also gives Ava and Dr. Bill peace of mind.

Dr. Hank Pym, along with Hope and Scott, have begun an operation to rescue the first-generation Wasp trapped in the quantum realm. This time without the constraints of Ava and other parties, it should be much smoother.

New York, Long Island.

On Sunday, Aaron took a rare day off as an Avenger.

The two of them stayed at home with Gwen, who had just returned from Ego Star and was successfully promoted to the Touch Law level.

Because of Captain America's sense of responsibility, mission, and a series of great and upright ideas, after he led the Avengers, the Avengers went on missions much more frequently.

It's no longer like before the Ultron incident, when everyone was just a loose alliance, usually busy with their own affairs, but when there was a major global crisis, or the super villain boss appeared, everyone would assemble temporarily.

Nowadays, the US team mainly hunts Hydra. For other ordinary crises that are not super villains and do not involve super powers, the US team will choose to take the initiative to help if it can.

Because of manpower problems, the US team also cooperated with SHIELD to set up a subordinate rapid response team.

Aron also secretly complained that this didn't seem to be much different from his previous job as an agent in S.H.I.E.L.D.

There are also tasks one after another, and it is rare to have leisure time.

Aaron is also used to this kind of busyness, and gets along well with the Avengers. He just keeps in touch with each other and forms a team to complete daily tasks.

Anyway, Gwen has known her abilities for a long time, and he will not have no time to accompany her. If he wants to be romantic, he can just separate a soul body and take Gwen to play outside the earth.

And when you are busy, you rarely take a break to feel truly relaxed and leisurely. Being lazy all day long is not the way to live.

"One piece."

The two were playing Texas Hold'em poker in the bedroom. Gwen looked at the cards in her hand, 7 of clubs, 5 of diamonds, then looked at the river card, 7 of spades, 7 of hearts, 5 of hearts, and said calmly.

Gwen was wearing five or six T-shirts, tight yoga pants underneath, loose sweatpants with three skirts, and three pairs of socks. That's all, with a few pieces of clothes she had just taken off lying around.

Aaron looks similar.

"I'll follow, and add one more." Aaron held 3 and 4 hearts, which also showed that he was worthy.

Pass a card and an 8 of hearts is revealed.


"All in, shuttle." Aaron said he was sure.

"With you."

Pass one, 9 of hearts.

"A straight flush?" Gwen showed three sevens and a full house against fives.

"Flush." ​​Aaron threw the cards helplessly. There were so many hearts, but there was still one missing card.

"You've escaped." Gwen looked proud.

Aaron is an honest young man, and he naturally speaks the truth.

I took it off all at once.

"Oh, it hurts my eyes." Gwen deliberately looked disgusted, but her eyes were filled with water.

"No way, take a good look." Aaron walked up to Gwen with a swagger and swung around, and said with a smile.

"What's there to see? Oh, you bastard, you should wait for me first... Hey, why did you just tear it up, you bastard..."

Gwen originally wanted to tease Aaron a little bit, but someone took advantage of him without giving up, and started to fight at the first sign of disagreement.

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