American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 670 671. Avengers Alliance

However, Hela spent so much effort to turn the entire royal city into a large magic circle. This not only opened up the dimension, but also used the Heim underworld as a transit point, followed the flow of death in the nine realms, and then penetrated other dimensions. In this way, she personally It can be done with just the strength.

What Hela has to do is to summon the underworld of Heim, connect its entire dimension with Asgard, turn Asgard into a realm of death, expel other laws and divine powers, and make her the true leader of Asgard. Master, the only master.

And she really has this ability. Although tens of thousands of years of imprisonment in the dark made Hela crazy, she did not lose her wisdom. Instead, she only had this goal in mind, which also made her think of a method.

The super-large rune magic array that turned the entire Asgard into a kingdom of death, the magic array that can affect the entire dimension, actually took her to research in her lifetime.

"By then, Hela will reach your father's level of combat power, and can also control the power of death in the Nine Realms, allowing her army to be teleported to any place in the Nine Realms where the law of death exists. The Nine Realms will also face the flames of war and the destruction of all life. ." Queen Frigga explained to Thor worriedly.

Now the entire royal city has been turned into the realm of death, which is still encroaching on the entire dimension. The entire Asgard is entering death.

"Hey, isn't this my wooden-headed brother? How about it, sister, I have transformed this place well... huh? Humph, he is really a clever little guy."

This is Hela's domain. Naturally, Thor's detection was discovered, but before he could finish speaking, his perception of Thor disappeared.

"Sorry, Thor, I can't take the risk of Hela discovering this place." Heimdall immediately took back his divine power, disconnected, and said after communicating with Thor again.

"I want to go back to Asgard right away, Heimdall. I'm currently in a place called..."

"Sakaar, you are on Sakaar." Queen Frigga continued.

"Yes, you know, how should I get to Asgard?"

Heimdall looked at the queen, who was hesitant and silent.

"Queen mother?"

"Thor, if you go back now, you will not be Hela's opponent. Don't talk about dignity and glory. You are now the king of Asgard. Everything must put your subjects first. Remember, there are your subjects This place is your kingdom, and you are a king."

"I know, but Asgard...mother, you also said that if Hela succeeds, everywhere in the Nine Realms will face massacre. How long can we stay in peace? Yes, if Hela comes to Earth, that person will He will take action, but before that, how much damage will Hela cause to the Nine Realms? And all of that will be Asgard's responsibility, do we have to live with this on our shoulders?"

Saul was indeed not in a moment of righteous indignation, but had thought deeply about it.

Queen Frigga was somewhat pleased with Thor's growth. She made a calm gesture and said in a deep voice: "So you have to shoulder it. This is your responsibility as a king, and if you want to truly defeat Hela, You must also wait until you have fully inherited the power of the God King and can fully exert the power of the Eternal Spear and the Destroyer Armor before you can truly compete with Hela, and Sakaar is your best testing ground."

"...I understand, but this will still..."

"It's something you have to carry."

"...I know...maybe not necessarily...Heimdall, how should I leave Sakaar?" Thor murmured to himself, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"This old coquettish guy." Sister Qin, who was shopping, looked disdainfully at the image of the super huge Gao Tianzun that suddenly appeared in the sky.

"Both Thor and Hulk ran away." Aaron, who was covered with bags and bags behind him, focused on what Gao Tianzun said.

"Would you like to follow us and take a look?"

"There is a clone watching over there. I have a word with the God King first. I will not interfere within the scope of Asgard."

"That's how you are. You have too many worries and you can always find a reason. You restrict this and don't interfere with that. It's boring."

Sister Qin heard about Hela, and actually wanted to go over and compete. What goddess of death, is she powerful with the power of the Phoenix?

Aaron rolled his eyes angrily, "I'm helping my eldest sister, you're very energetic even if you work for free, and you're very powerful when swiping your card. I like it very much. Can I stay here until now?"

the other side.

Thor deceived the Hulk, found the Valkyrie, and finally took off the electric shock patch. He also found the Quinjet, but was chased by the Hulk who felt betrayed and dismantled the plane. , but after seeing the last video of the widowed sister calling him during the Ultron incident, he reverted to Dr. Banner.

The nerdy Banner forms a strange combination with the silly-faced, thieves-minded, and recently a bit funny Thor.

The Valkyrie also came over and said that she had figured it out and didn't want to live in the shadow of the past anymore. She wanted to settle with Hela and avenge the many sisters who died fighting Hela, or I died on the road of revenge, hoping for peace of mind.

So the "Avengers Alliance" was officially established.

"And I came here with sincerity, ta-da, low-key." Valkyrie took Thor and Banner to her house, opened the door, and stretched out her hand.

"It's Loki." Loki, who was tightly tied up with chains, looked a little helpless, but actually he was beating Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

After Thor's inconvenience, Gao Tianzun's reputation immediately dropped sharply. The plan of "a real man should be like this, and he can take his place" was aborted. In order to restore the image of Gao Tianzun as a wise and capable person, something must be done. Order something.

It's just that Gao Tianzun always thought that Loki was a talkative performing artist, and he didn't know how this confident illusion came about.

"Friends of the devil? Are you serious?" When Thor said that he wanted to pass through the largest wormhole on Sakaar, which was spewing dark red energy, Valkyrie thought to herself that this was an auditory hallucination? I just drank seventeen bottles of wine today, so I am only half drunk.

"That's right, Heimdall said that."

"That's no problem, but the problem comes again. My spaceship can't pass there. We have to get the most top-notch configuration."

"Can I speak?"


Loki smiled broadly and exchanged Valkyrie for a bottle of wine.

"Seriously, I know Gao Tianzun has many spaceships, and I happen to know the password to the hangar."

Then Thor, Valkyrie, and Banner held a small meeting, and finally agreed to cooperate with Loki.


"Who are you?" In the gladiator resting area of ​​the arena, a big hole was suddenly blasted out of the wall. "Brother Kuo", a stone man from the "Cronan Tribe" that Thor had met before, asked the Valkyrie.

Then a large number of low-level fighters in the gladiatorial area, cannon fodder who played warm-up matches or showed their strength to the big guys, were bought by Gao Tianzun from slave traders, and rebelled.

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