American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 671 672. Return and fight against Hela

"My duck, I have given it away to these plague gods." Gao Tianzun slumped on the sofa with a "I've burned out" look on his face, complaining to Aaron. .

Arranging for Thor and Hulk to meet, allowing Valkyrie to go see Thor, and "accidentally let slip" that she told Loki the password to the hangar, regardless of Valkyrie messing around and provoking a rebellion among the low-level fighters.

After all the fuss, the troublemaker, the Thunder Lord of Asgard, was finally sent away.

"It's just this wave of blood loss. Hulk, 142, and interesting little guys didn't keep any of them. They even took a large spaceship and a ship full of gladiators. I really want to write a big tragic word..." Gao Tianzun looked at Aaron with a pitiful expression.

It's useless for you and me to cry about poverty. It's not like I instigated you. Aaron shrugged, but still persuaded him: "Money is something external to the body. Besides, this 'rebellion war' themed arena event, don't you count as one?" Are you having fun?"

"The things outside of you are not brought by the strong wind. Who do you think is the fat guy you are talking about? That is the Hulk, my super champion..." Gao Tianzun cried and squirmed on the sofa.

If you are really sad, please don't look at me secretly...Aron had a dark look on his face: "How about I tell you a few more ways to play? I've come up with a few new ideas recently, some with backgrounds and story themes. How about a big game? Like a story called Resident Evil..."

"You should have told me earlier." When Gao Tianzun heard this, he immediately became energetic and hooked up with Aaron: "Tell me quickly, ε=(ο`*))) Oh, it's Hulk, in my heart... …”

"Are you still listening?"

"Listen, you are a real person."

Aaron had no choice but to coax a boring, unscrupulous old kid. On the other side, he was monitoring Asgard's soul body, but he frowned slightly and stared at the body that was already covered with runes. Empire.

It is already a dead zone.

Light energy and various divine powers are constantly being expelled, and the entire Asgard is entering death.

Even if Sol returns here, it can no longer be regarded as his home court.

The power of the God King depends on Thor's generation... The power of the God King also originates from the power of the Asgard dimension, but now it has been replaced by the power of death and has become rootless water.

The accumulation of three generations of god-kings, when Thor came here, was the period when the power of the god-kings was at its peak.

If Thor fails to break through the Heavenly Father level in the future, which is the level of law control, and transcends the single universe, even if Thor is like Odin and passes on all his power to the next generation, it will be attenuated. .

Thor's children, if any, would not have gained the true power of the Asgardian dimension. Even if the power of the God King is reduced, it can still remain strong for several generations, and Asgard can still have dozens of people. The heavenly father-level guardian for thousands of years.

But if you still want to surpass your predecessors, Sol will be your last chance.

Although Asgard dominates the nine realms and is extremely powerful, the God-King line has always been navigating a thorny road.

【coming. 】

But suddenly, there was a violent space fluctuation, and a spaceship appeared out of thin air in the void outside Asgard.

It was Aaron's first trip to Sakaar. Gao Tianzun sent him to pick him up. The boat that the old boy usually used to play in groups, and Aaron didn't dare to sit on, was snatched by Thor, Banner, and Valkyrie. , passed through the huge wormhole, "the devil's friend", returned to Asgard.

"You always tell us how beautiful Asgard is, and I thought... I didn't mean, okay, what the hell is this? Are you sure we want to go in there?"

Dr. Banner looked at the distance surrounded by black mist. It was so dark and green that he could barely make out the outline of the city. After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't think of how to wash it. Finally, he admitted honestly that this is what it is. A hell of a place.

"I didn't expect to really come back..."

"Valkyrie and I are going in. Banner, just keep an eye on the spaceship."

"...Okay, you have to be careful." Banner murmured a few times, feeling that his friend was going to such a dangerous place, and that he was a bit unloyal.

But the state of him and Hulk, for so long on Sakaar, Hulk's intelligence has grown day by day, and he has already taken the absolute initiative in the battle of personalities. It was just an accident that he changed back this time. If he changes back to Hulk again, Banner will not Know if there is any chance of recovery.

"I know." Thor and Valkyrie looked at each other, and both saw a hint of determination in the other's eyes.

The spaceship accelerated and made a U-shaped turn, passing over the royal city. Thor and Valkyrie fell from the sky one after another and fell into the dark mist.


"Hela!" Thor roared, and as soon as he raised his hand, he summoned a thunder from the sky. It divided into several branches and struck several undead warriors with five thunders, and they were instantly wiped out.

This proficiency in controlling thunder, the power, precision, and rightness of this thunder are even much more proficient than when Thor was still Hammer Brother.

"My stupid brother, have you finally figured it out and come to see your queen?"

In the thick black mist, a strange figure walked forward with swaying cat steps, and his voice sounded a bit joyful.

"You are not the queen of any Asgardian, look here." Thor's voice was like the severe winter wind and snow, but the anger in his eyes seemed to be comparable to the blazing fire of the eternal fire: "You are not worthy."

"Did the old man teach you how to talk?"



Before Hela finished speaking, two night sky swords were thrown out. Thor showed no sign of weakness and punched out with both fists. Two bolts of thunder shattered the two long swords and hit Hela directly!

However, Hela allowed the turbulent waves to continue with the lightning and thunder, and her chest was instantly burnt. She didn't care, and she stretched out her hand without any impact. The surrounding black fog quickly condensed into black claws, and one of her claws shattered Thor's thunder. .

The realm of death, Hela's home field, is death itself, so how can it cause fatal injuries?

It is impossible to kill death itself without the power to transcend death itself.

"It's interesting. The power of the God King is not bad." The injury on Hela's chest recovered instantly, and she looked at Thor mockingly. One of the reasons why the God King's power fell out with the old man in the first place was that she was excluded because she was born as a girl.

She vowed at that time that she would compete with the power of the God King. Now, in the realm of death, she has done it!

"But it's nothing more than that, nothing more than that!" Hela seemed to be happy and furious as she shouted excitedly. She actually gave up on long-range attacks and held a Night Sky Sword in each hand. Her figure blurred and she rushed towards Thor. Come closer!

Thor did not show any weakness, roared wildly, his fists were filled with thunder and lightning, and he fought with Hela with a pair of electric fists!

"Hey, who are you and why are you helping me?" asked the Valkyrie who had sneaked into the palace and found her traces. However, she ordered the patrolling undead soldiers to bypass them and quietly came over. She was also the only living person here, a big man. Big bald head.

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