American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 688 1. Is DC really next door?

"Aaron Walker!"

A roar resounded through the sky, causing the entire Ego planet to shake like a magnitude 7 earthquake.

"If you have something to say, don't do anything! At least don't slap me in the face! The children are watching!"

"You're an old fool, just let people see your face!"

"What can I do? She also has the power of the Phoenix, and even her breath is exactly the same as yours. Can you blame me for my oversight?"

"Blame me! You continue to blame me!"

"I was wrong, I was really wrong! Don't hit me. If you hit me again...I will run away!...I will dodge!"

"Aaron Walker!!!"

"Really, what can I do? You think I just didn't pay attention for a moment? I was wrong. I was really wrong. I shouldn't have..."

Aaron, who was being chased by Qin and even ran out of the multiverse, had a sad look on his face, rubbing his face and nagging.

This has been many years later. Things have changed on the earth, and Aaron, Gwen, and Qin have all moved to live on the planet Ego.

The relationship was also very good, until one day.

A "Cable" with at least a half-dozen similarities between Aaron's eyebrows came over and said that there was a big crisis in the 30th century in his parallel universe. There was really no other way and he came here to seek help.

One time Aaron went out to hang out by himself, and then Qin suddenly came over and started exercising, without Aaron thinking much about it.

Little did he know that this was actually a Phoenix host from a parallel universe, and that it was also possessed by the Phoenix itself.

The connection between the incarnation body of the law and the advent body gradually weakened. He was focused on enlightenment and pursuing transcendence. At that time, Aaron really didn't think much about it.

Then came the current Qin's outburst.

After a while, he knew that he was in the wrong and was repaired by Qin Hao. He didn't know how to face this situation, so he simply ran away.

The incarnation body of the law, which happens to be located in the law dimension of the omnipotent universe, has realized something and wants to test it, so the descending body naturally takes the lead.


A mysterious and mysterious wave, Aaron's palm opened a tiny crack in the endless void itself. After the crack, there is a place that is difficult for Aaron to understand even now. The so-called crystal wall, the omnipotent universe The overall "membrane" is beyond the meaning of "void".

In a flash, he passed through the gap and disappeared.



Central City, S.T.A.R LAB cutting-edge laboratory.

"Barry, pay attention to what we told you, pay attention to your steps and rhythm." A short Latino with long curly hair said to a slut wearing a red tights with a yellow lightning bolt logo on his chest.

The saucy guy was a lean, handsome white guy. He gestured with his thumbs, and orange electric sparks suddenly appeared on his body, making a crackling sound and causing a burst of electric light.

Following the electric light, it formed a circle in a huge closed ring track.

"Mach 3, oh ho, is someone in good condition today?"

"Not bad, Cisco, I feel like I can be faster."

"Go go go! Show me something exciting, baby."

"Really?" An intellectual beauty in a white coat next to her rolled her eyes angrily.

"You are jealous, Caitlin, of our bromance."

"Ha, ha." Caitlin smiled but was suddenly stunned: "Sisko, there seems to be something wrong with the space energy reading..."

"Hey, Barry, slow down, there's a little problem."

"Man, I'm running hard, I feel like I can go a little faster! Huh?"

Instead, Barry roared excitedly and accelerated suddenly, but suddenly, as if the orange energy reached its peak, the quantitative change caused a qualitative change, and a portal was opened. Barry didn't even have time to react before he plunged into it.

"Barry!" Cisco and Caitlin looked at each other.

"Where did I run to? Huh?"

Suddenly running from a closed runway to a busy street, Paris was not panicked. Anyway, everything around him seemed to be in slow motion at 32x or 64x speed. He still had time to observe the surrounding scene and prepare to find a place first. Hide somewhere, change your clothes, and then check the situation.

But suddenly, I saw a small figure on the top floor of a skyscraper, smashing a large glass curtain wall and slowly falling.

Dude, you can't ignore this.

With an acceleration, Barry brought up gusts of wind and a flash of orange lightning, and instantly ran to the building more than a thousand meters away. He ran vertically up the glass curtain wall in violation of the laws of physics, and suddenly ran under the figure. At first glance, it turned out to be A girl.

Barry wondered who was so cruel, and was about to reach out to pick it up, but suddenly, a tall and mighty figure suddenly appeared next to the girl, just hovering in mid-air, looking a little dazed. Look at the girl, His eyes met again.

Then he reached out to indicate the direction, picked up the girl, and disappeared.

In Barry, the superpower whose current top speed is Mach 6.8 disappeared under his nose.

This is really strange. Barry looked shocked. Where on earth was he teleported to?

However, he still followed the direction pointed by the man, turned around 180 degrees, and ran all the way. He ran out of the city in a few seconds and ran to the grass of a pasture in the suburbs. Only then did he see the tall and powerful young man and the cheerful young man. A confused girl.

"Hi." The cheerful young man smiled cheerfully.

But if you look closely, it seems a little weird.

"you know me?"

"I didn't expect that the DC next door is really DC..." The cheerful young man said this in an incoherent manner, and was a little stunned.

"What about you? What's your situation?"

"What?" The sweet-looking blond girl picked her ears as if she had hearing loss: "I, I have to go back."

As he said that, he suddenly jumped up high and flew away.

There were also clothes left on the floor, and there was actually a tights underneath, in red and blue colors, and a cloak.

Girl, you are wrapped up really tightly.

"So what's going on?" Barry looked helpless. Since this girl can fly, what kind of game was she playing just now?

"Are you going to chase me?"

"Oh that's fine."

As soon as the cheerful young man finished speaking, Barry felt an invisible force surrounding him. Then the scenery in front of him changed and he was high in the sky, with a flying girl next to him.


"I'm sorry!" The girl excitedly danced around in the air. It took a while before she stabilized her figure and landed on the ground.

The girl's eyes flashed as a cheerful young man and a thin man in red tights appeared in front of her.

"Okay, who are you and what's going on?"

"I'm the Flash." Barry said with a "girl, are you kidding me?" expression on his face.

"Who?" The girl still looked "Who are you?", and then looked at the cheerful young man: "What about you?"

"Aaron Walker, may I ask what your name is, ma'am?"

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