"Kara Danvers, just call me Kara." Kara looked critically at the cheerful young man. How come you have never heard of such a handsome guy and this super power?

"You really haven't heard of me? Where's the Green Arrow? Black Canary? Firestorm? The Atom?" Barry was a little upset at being ignored, and mentioned a few more famous nicknames.

Kara still shook her head.

"What about you, you know me, right?" Barry thought of Aaron's strange eyes.

"I know, but it's a little different from what you thought, maybe roughly." Aaron shrugged and stretched out two fingers to make a small distance.

It’s just the distance between the two omnipotent universes, it’s not very big.

"Kara, is there a place where we can talk quietly?"

"Yes, come with me."

Kate Media Group.

The building where Kara broke out of the top floor window.

A certain storage room with a sign saying "under renovation".

"so amazing."


Kara found two more friends, the bald black guy James Olsen, and the slightly nerd-like guy Winshot. They also informed each other of Barry Allen’s names and general information, and found out that Barry was the Flash. Kara He is a Kryptonian, 52 parallel universe, speed force and parallel world travel.

After everyone was shocked, they all looked at Aaron, who had been listening with interest.

Aaron looked at Kara and marveled.

"What?" Kara's little face turned a little red as she was stared at by a cheerful handsome guy.

"Really, people here won't recognize you when you put on your glasses. It's amazing. Did you two do the same before? What about you, Barry?"

"I'm also very surprised. It was the same when I first saw Clark. Why is it that he seems to be in a daze and can't see it anymore?"

"Yeah, yeah, me too, so weird."

James and Wen both nodded.

"Hey, that's not the point! Hey, that's not the point!" Carla said a little coquettishly: "The point is Barry's identity. He is not from our earth. Aaron, you have always been weird. Where are you from? ?”

"How should I put it? Do you know Iron Man? Captain America? Thor? The Incredible Hulk?" Aaron also mentioned a lot of names.

"Of course, who doesn't know, 'Marvel Dafa is good'?"

"Where we are, DC is the comics, that is, Supergirl and The Flash." Aaron pointed to Kara and Barry, and then continued: "Superman, Batman, Sugar Man, Aquaman, Wonder Woman..."


The four of them almost had their eyes and jaws dropped in shock.

"It's true. Although I don't know much about DC comics, this image is unmistakable."

"You said we are all characters in the story? Isn't that outrageous? Then you are also a character in the story, so what about stories and stories...ah! My mind is a little messed up!" Wen covered his head with a look of collapse. .

"No, I mean, how should I put it, the 'information' between the universes? You can think that the universe itself is actually conscious and communicates in some way that we don't understand... So there will always be some information among the creatures in the universe. All kinds of flashes of ideas, not all of them, but some of them are messages emanating from the universe itself, and so there are all kinds of works.”

"That's not right. Our universe is made up of 52 parallel universes. Maybe our destiny will be different, but it won't be so outrageous, unless there are two multiverses at all. Oh my god, are there two multiverses? "Barry was also devastated.

"That's right. You think you are real. Of course, I think so, but our world is not illusory. Maybe we just don't know enough."

Aaron didn't tell Barry that there was an omnipotent universe above the multiverse, and even his 52 parallel universes were not the overall DC multiverse. The amount of information in it was too great, and even Barry couldn't digest it.

"Do you really know our story? Hey, I'm a senior Marvel fan, who are you?"

"I am a good friend of Iron Man.... This is probably not the story you know. I believe our 'story' is different from your works here. It's like I know your hero's story and abilities. , but it definitely doesn’t match up with your life, I didn’t know Kara Danvers was a reporter, Barry Allen was the original Flash, I thought it was Jay Garrick.”

"Then how did you get here? The key is, how do you know so much? This may be true, but how do you know it?"

"It's just an ordinary teleportation. God knows how I ended up here. The information I got when I traveled here is just like the inspiration of those of you who drew the comics."

"What superpowers do you have?"

"With telekinesis, you can also move spatial coordinates." Aaron snapped his fingers, and Kara's glasses suddenly appeared between his thumb and index finger.

"Cool." Kara took the glasses that Aaron handed her, still a little cute.

Someone stopped teasing, and the room fell into silence for a while.

Aaron also allowed everyone to slowly digest this huge amount of information, and luckily not everyone told the truth.

Saying that he is the god of destruction and regeneration of the omnipotent universe in another multiverse, the incarnation of law, and now he is pursuing the way to transcendence?

And this is not the 52 parallel universe in the main dimension of the DC Almighty Universe at all, but a subsidiary dimension similar to the Spider Universe at home.

There are only 52 parallel universes, but there are actually 53. Besides 1 to 52, there is one code-named X.

There is no transcendent universe beyond the 52 main dimensions, that is, the "sphere of the gods" - New Creation Star, Apokolips Star, Heaven and Hell, etc. The eight major divine realms, there is no limbo and origin wall.

I just adjusted the descending body based on the power that this dimension can carry... The descending body. The original descending body is still studying the so-called "source" outside the origin wall?

Isn’t it a sin if I am really fooled, or even fooled (nie, dementia)?


A sound of stomach growling broke the silence.

"Well, I eat the most food in the world. Although there is nothing to be proud of, I must consume at least 10,000 calories a day to maintain the operation of my body."

Barry is a true optimist. Anyway, I feel that Aaron is not hostile or malicious. Instead, he is very cheerful and easy to get along with. He just treats it as another adventure.

"Yeah, me too." Kara, a Kryptonian who is also a big eater, felt the same way and said to Barry with a smile: "Do you like donuts?"

"How could anyone not like it?"

"I know a good place, Aaron, let's go together?"

"Okay, I also have a lot of things to ask you. How about we all come together?"

"Work, after talking for so long, it would be terrible if Kate caught me."

"By the way, Kate." Carla's face turned blank.

"It's okay, Kara, we'll cover you."

"Yes, Wen, you are the best, let's go."

"Hey, by the way, what do you know about Superman?"

"Well, and Green Arrow, and me?"

"Are you tired, brother?" Wen teased and looked at James, who was a little disappointed.

"Tch, no one cares about you, just leave quickly, don't really let Kate catch you."

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