Arcane Lord

Chapter 844: Seven rings, distinguishing foe and foe

   Just when Xia Duo was trying to get acquainted with this state, he suddenly heard several exclamations, and there were only three of the five consciousness projections that were originally overlapping!

   He can clearly distinguish the other two as Niya and Vincent.

  ——Sure enough! The milder [Mind Link] is easily interrupted by psychological resistance! -Xia Duo thought.

  ——Is this the mind link? Amazing! -Vincent marveled unabashedly.

  ——Are those people not showing up here because of resistance? -Niya asked suspiciously.

   Xia Duo did not answer directly, but instead of overlapping the consciousness projection, the link center was gone, and the links of other people were immediately broken.

   Of course, as long as the spell has not completely expired, this state can be transformed into a link state at any time, but those who resist leaving cannot join the link.

  "Vincent, Granal, you put away the [Pathfinder's Scepter], and with it, the mind link cannot take effect! First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   "There are other people who can block most of their own thinking information sharing by staying focused. You don't need to panic or resist. This spell is just a tactical aid, not for prying your mind."

   Xia Duo once again explained the effective range of [Mind Link].

   In fact, if a person can completely integrate the subconscious and the apparent consciousness, then even those sensory information can be shielded from sharing.

   However, even if Xia Duo failed to fully integrate the subconscious and superficial consciousness, let alone other people, those passive sensory information controlled by the subconscious mind is almost unshielded in the state of mind-linking.

   Of course, there are some things that Xia Duo did not say clearly, that is--

   In this state of mind-linking, as the master of spells and the center of the link, he can influence other people's subconsciousness to a certain extent and make others obey his command more.

   This is the real function of the mind link!

   is only the sharing of sensory information, and even part of the thoughts, and it is not enough for Xia Duo to rack his brains to create, or integrate and upgrade this 7th-level spell from the original judgment spell.

   So far, except for the [Mage Armor] used to upgrade the level, which has reached the 7th level, his other spells have not been updated yet!

   just for this 7th ring [Mind Link]!

   Is it just for sharing some information and even ideas?

surely not!

  Mind link resistance will break the link, and the link can be better directed to distinguish between friend and foe. It couldn’t be more convenient.

   If someone really does something wrong, once a bad idea arises in the heart, it will inevitably be fed back into the state of mind connection. At that time, Xia Duo will directly perceive it, and then eliminate the accident.

   In fact, if someone is malicious, they don't need to wait until they are on the battlefield to find out. It is difficult to hide it during the last three days of running-in.

   Because, as long as he resists the link, Xia Duo directly believes that there is a ghost in his heart!

   Whether it is a substitution or just kicking the opponent, it is within the authority of a high-level mage!


  So how many of these people have ghosts in their hearts?

   So far, there are none at all!

   After Xia Duo pointed out several times, everyone has completed the psychological construction and successfully joined the spiritual link centered on Xia Duo.

   Of course, it is only a relatively shallow link. As he said before, this link is not for prying privacy, but for tactical considerations.

   Deeper links are not impossible, just the kind of unreserved sharing that is almost full of senses and thinking, let alone other people, even Xia Duo himself cannot accept it.

   The realm of the Protoss is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

   This is enough, but the link is not too tight, just right!


   After a few practice sessions, in just one day, everyone got used to the state of mind link.

   The main reason why it went so smoothly is because the more people there are, the more information is shared. The complex information will interfere with the judgment of the caster.

   However, as long as you stay focused, you can not only block the outflow of most of your own thinking information, but also block the inflow of most sensory information shared by other people.

  In other words, as long as the commander of Xia Duo doesn't have any problems, other people don't need to think too much, just follow the command and be a good tool person is enough!

   After several rounds of running-in and previous contact, other people have an understanding of Xia Duo's strength and character. Coupled with the pressure of the situation, they easily made the decision to entrust themselves to Xia Duo.

   Then Natsuo will have problems herself?

   If he had never been to [Projection Plane·Dark Region], there might be a problem, but having been to that Projection Plane, he has gone through the memory and thought torment of Drow "Brandon" for hundreds of years.

   Xia Duo has enough experience in integrating sensory information, even thinking mode, and thinking information, enough to deal with today's small scenes.

   Of course, these can only be regarded as hardware running-in before the battle. Only with these foundations can we talk about other things.

   The software aspect is the specific strategy and tactics to deal with the wizard.

   With the guidance of Archmage Fosterm who came here in advance, and the "Operation Manual" that was distributed to everyone later, Xia Duo didn't think that his team would have any major problems.

   If even his team can't successfully complete the mission and survive, it will be even more difficult for other teams!

   While remaining cautious, Xia Duo's mentality has improved significantly from the previous few days.


   Two days passed quickly, and the time came to the start date of the action Festham said three days ago.

On this day, the atmosphere in the entire camp became more and more the early morning, everyone was called to gather on the square where the portal was located, except for the orc slaves and dwarf craftsmen who did not know why the battle was in the distance. Still making sounds.

   There is almost silence on this side of the square, and tension, panic, excitement, or fanaticism continue to spread.

   The team of Xia Duo and others are not very eye-catching among the crowd, but he has no extra emotions to vent at this time. His eyes are attracted by the two teams of battle mage on the edge of the square.

   There are 20 people including Turner who I have seen before, but unlike the crowd on Xia Duo's side, all the twenty people are calm and can't see the slightest emotion.

   Looking at it from a distance, it gives people a sense of unfathomable standing in the abyss.

   Of course, Xia Duo knew that if those people weren't surprised, they were only high-level mages. It is no secret that at most high-level mages will appear in this war.

   This is the tacit understanding reached between the above and the elves, even if the conflict has become apparent, the two sides still maintain a certain degree of restraint.


  Hundreds of high-ranking mages, arcanists, and even though they don’t need to participate in the war, they still have an unknown number of great mages or senior arcanists present.

   In this case, even the Great Arcanist can hardly put on airs!

  As expected by Chateau, the Great Arcanist Badigar appeared in the square shortly after everyone arrived.

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