Arcane Lord

Chapter 845: Unable to look directly at the flame, the task is issued

Along with Badigar, there were three great arcanists who were not unfamiliar to the casters present, but when Xia Duo saw one of them, he immediately lowered his head, his eyes could not hide his surprise. Feelings.

   After the last awakening of the bloodline, Xia Duo acquired a brand new soul state. Regardless of the spirituality of the soul itself, it reflected on the body of the body, allowing him to observe the clouds of himself and others. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   This kind of cloud is elusive and unpredictable, but it is real, at least for Xia Duo, you can't ignore it!

   In the past, he observed the cloudiness on many people, including high-level mages with extraordinary identities such as Niya and Belera, as well as ordinary people like the apprentice of the Tower of Time and even the Great Xia Lingmin.

   Even not long ago, he observed the cloudiness on the body of the Great Arcanist Budigaal.

   But no matter who it was, the cloud energy on her body was not like that of the princess, which made Xia Duo very surprised. It can be said that it is not cloud energy anymore, but it is thick enough to form a flame-like existence.

   Looking at it from a distance, there was an awe-inspiring and majestic aura that approached Xia Duo's eyes, making him almost afraid to look directly at each other.

   This feeling is true. Xia Duo rubbed her aching eyes, only dared to lift her head slightly, and look at it again with the corner of her eye.

   And this time, although it was just a glimpse, I saw more information than before.

   The flame-like existence on the princess is indeed not cloud energy, at least not the cloud energy that ordinary people have.

   In that kind of flame, the princess's face is a little fuzzy, and the cloud energy that ordinary people have has no such effect.

   Xia Duo was sure that what he saw was not an illusion, but other people were not in the slightest. It seemed that only he could see it. With a move in his heart, he temporarily closed the state of "Wang Qi".

   Now everything is back to normal again, I can't see the cloud of other people's body, nor can I see the flame of the princess who can't look directly.

   From the ordinary perspective of a normal person, there is no obvious difference between the princess and the one that Xia Duo saw before. She is still a tall woman wearing a purple robe and holding a silver scepter.

   As for the appearance, it is difficult to judge by appearance. That unique heroic temperament is her most conspicuous mark.

   Of course, from Xia Duo's point of view, the princess's appearance is still good, but he comes from home from the earth more like Niya's petite appearance with soft features.


  Ahead, the three great arcanists, including the princess, Horn, and Hadline, have not yet spoken, but Budigaal is issuing a declaration of battle.

  Since Chateau had just been observing the princess with all his heart, the speech of Budigaal was only kept in memory, and it is unclear how much inspiration he really felt.

   But other people, especially high-level mages, are no better than him.

   Badigar's declaration of battle is only verbal encouragement and encouragement, without the aid of spiritual spells, how can it be so easy to move the high-level mages who can also be called high-ranking on the main plane.

   Later, Xia Duo was moved by the princess's words-the fastest mobile phone update of the new 81 Chinese website: https:/

   "From today, Netheril will enter a whole new era!"

   Although I don’t know whether the new era that the princess said is consistent with the new era that Xia Da understands, one thing is very obvious, that is--

   After experiencing this war that Xia Duo does not seem to be very active, but it is very active for Netheril, all participants will change their attitude towards the elves.

  Even if they did not immediately become anti-elf vanguards, at least they would transmit the death message of the elves to the main plane, telling everyone:

   The elves are also mortal fetuses and can also be killed. After death, they are also a silent corpse, without any magic!

   Chateau was very pleased with the transformation of Netheril, but worried that it would slip into another abyss because of it-warlikeness would die.

   But it’s still a bit early to worry about these things. When the situation changes in the future, I must have the power to change myself!


   Soon, the real pre-war mobilization ended in a superficial harmony. The four great Arcanists retired, and the Archmage Fosterm stepped forward and announced:

   "The captains of each team come to receive the task, and the others integrate the team and stand by at the South Training Ground!"

   After speaking, he chased the four great arcanists out of the square and walked towards the simple building complex on the east side.

   "I'll go by first!"

   In Xia Duo's team, he is the captain who does my part.

   In the last three days of running-in, excluding the passive influence of [Mind Link], Xia Duo also used practical actions to win the respect and trust of everyone.

   There are two or two teams of more than one hundred high-level wizards. Theoretically, the captain is half the number, but not all teams are like the Xia Duo team. One person builds authority.

   On the way to receive the mission, Xia Duo saw a lot of scenes where a team of two high-level wizards went together, which can be seen from the total number of people who left.

   Of course, I haven't seen any discord. After all, no one is a fool. It is me who is really troubled and unlucky.


   Coming to the row of stone buildings in the simple building complex closest to the Mage Tower construction site, at the door of the room where Fosterm entered, everyone had already lined up in a tacit understanding.

   Whenever the captain of a team, or one or two people, enter the room, the team will automatically move forward a bit, orderly and without any chaos.

   Everyone who received the task, after coming out of the room, would exchange a few words with the people in the line outside, and then left in a hurry.

   And the so-called mission is no secret at this time.

   "Master Xia Duo, what do you think of such a task? Are those elves really waiting for us there?"

Xia Duo glanced at each other, and it was Mage Higgs who was speaking. Xia Duo participated in the high-level mage exchange meeting organized by Belera for the first time. Higgs was there, and Xia Duo also benefited a lot from Higgs. many.

   In this war on the Green Field, only Giles, Gustav, Kieran, and Jannik towers of the seven towers were forcibly recruited.

   And Higgs came from Morion Tower, he was attracted by the task reward, only when he came to the plane of the green field did he realize that the task was a bit different from what he imagined.

   In the previous high-level mage's individual training, Chateau and Higgs, who have had an intersection before, have contacted them in order to flexibly respond during the mission.

   There are no fewer high-level mages who have this idea with Xia Duo. Basically, they will keep in touch with each other.

   Just now, it was a high-level mage that Higgs knew, who took the mission and said the content of the mission before leaving, and this content was not said alone, and everything that could be heard around was heard.

   There are only two clear mission objectives in total-

   One is to destroy a specific tree in a specific location, and the other is to bury a magic item in a specific location and guard it for a certain period of time.

   Of course, the broader principles of warfare such as "kill the wizard wizard as much as possible" and "surrender to the other side without killing" are not mentioned. Everyone has already known it before, and Fosterm also specifically mentioned it.

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