Arcane Lord

Chapter 863: Real-time guidance, premonition of a decisive battle

At this moment, Xia Duo used Niya to explore the active perception of the field of perception created by the spell, and Wyatt and others were actively or passively in the perception of the spiritual link.

With the completion of the spellcasting by Wyatt and others, a magic net was instantly projected from the source point of the spell to the location of the target to stabilize the field.

Immediately afterwards, there was a distortion in the area, and a strong magical aura burst out, but it was fleeting. At the same time, thirteen wizard wizards standing in specific positions appeared on the originally empty forest clearing.

In the middle of the joint cast or the leader of the wizard ritual magic, a wizard mage wearing a light golden robe is now gloomy, not at all as elegant and indifferent as the elves have always shown in the main plane.

The carefully planned sneak attack was forcibly disintegrated without even weaving the source point of the spell. Obviously, this incident left a very bad experience in the heart of the wizard mage.

What was beyond Xia Duo's expectations was that the sneak attack failed, and the elves did not choose to move immediately, but tried to continue casting spells, seeming to want a spell confrontation with humans.

In this case, Wyatt and others are not enough.

On the one hand, Xia Duo instructed other teams to speed up and advance toward the mission goal in the mind link, especially the teams whose more than twenty mission goals were true puzzle nodes.

At the same time, he continued to mobilize more than a dozen people to send to the location of Wyatt and others.

All this is carried out in the mind link, almost at the same time that Wyatt is passively accepting spell confrontation, people are constantly teleporting to the designated location around.

It was also at this time that Xia Duo gave up the direct perception of Niya's shared discovery spell. The result of the discovery spell contained very complex multi-dimensional perception information, which would take up a large amount of his consciousness.

Put it in the subconscious mind, it will save effort.

At this time, his sense of appearance is more used to integrate battlefield information and give real-time guidance to the high-level mages in the battle.

——Mage Wyatt, [Protection-2-6-1], (that is, the equivalent 8-level protection spell No. 6 in the resonance spell book, guide element)

——Master Anglin, [Protection-2-6-2], (the order element after the guide element)

——Master Pudi, Master Dole, [Protection-2-6-2, 3], (two elements that need to be performed simultaneously)


Except for Wyatt’s joint spellcasting in the same resonance state, the others did not form a resonance state. They were scattered around the battlefield, far apart.

Even in a state of resonance, they cannot be allowed to complete the spell. The spell can be far away from the caster, but the source of the spell cannot be too far away from the caster.

Unless they, like Xia Duo, have special bloodline abilities, they can assimilate waters or airspaces and place the source of spells far away from the body.

Although these people cannot perform joint spellcasting, they can achieve the effect of joint spellcasting under the command of Xia Duo's almost full-sensing state.

This effect is worse than the previous forced combined spellcasting. Just the independent spells they cast independently are equivalent to a conceptual super spellcaster who can cast different spells at different locations at the same time.

Even so, it is much better than no cooperation.

In fact, relying on the rigid joint casting of the resonance spell book may be able to persist for a long time in the spell confrontation with the elves, but it is almost impossible to defeat or even kill the elves with this.

After all, the elves' joint casting is a real joint casting, which can be changed on the fly and take different responses.

And the resonance spell book, even if there are many pre-plans, it can't exhaust all the on-site needs.

Therefore, in fact, the more than a dozen high-level wizards on the periphery of the battlefield are the real killers of Xia Duo.


Of course, it is too early to talk about the killer's features. After all, there are not all elven mages here. Once they are in a stalemate or disadvantaged, they will definitely seek reinforcements.

There is no need to rush and startle the squad before the team that contains the fans and lock nodes can be used for containment.

As for the full battle, Xia Duo is not optimistic about the human side. Even though they have hundreds of high-level mages, they are likely to be taught to be humans in collective combat.

Even with his overall command, Xia Duo did not have the confidence to command a group of humans who could not upgrade spells in joint spellcasting to defeat the elf wizards who could do so.

In other words, destroying the mysterious nodes is the first priority. At least the mysterious nodes are more important in the eyes of the elves. After all, those mysterious nodes are likely to be related to the ultimate ownership of this plane.

If the elves don't want this plane, just want to kill the human mage, there is no need to come here, the main plane can go to war directly.

Of course, whether this situation was deliberately formed by the above, or there is some tacit understanding with Comanso, Chateau didn't know, he only knew that if he wanted to win, he could only restrain the fascinating node. The wizard mage there.

In order to allow the remaining human wizards to eat the remaining wizard wizards, thereby reversing the strength of the two sides.

And this was almost the only way to win on the human side that Xia Duo could think of.

Or, just honestly follow the mission objectives, each team fights on their own, and then hope that the elves will also be scattered to the various puzzle nodes to fight their enemies?

Before Joyce's team was attacked by a wizard wizard, Xia Duo might have this idea, but since the elves have assembled first, how can human beings have illusions anymore!


On the periphery of Wyatt and others' magical confrontation with the wizard wizards, normal human high-level wizards or wizard elite wizards can perceive the distance of the movement.

More than a dozen high-level mages stayed on under Xia Duo's instructions, just as insurance for Wyatt and others before they truly lose, and can continue to be mobilized if necessary.

The elves did not immediately transfer, but chose to engage in a spell confrontation, which was somewhat beyond Xia Duo's expectation. Perhaps he sensed the abnormal speed of human support and wanted to test it out.

In this case, spell confrontation was inevitable, but Xia Duo didn't want to expose the killer's skill because of the defeat of Wyatt and others, so he could only hope that Wyatt and others could support him for longer under his command.

At the same time, he is also constantly urging other teams to speed up in the mind link, and must reach the mysterious node in the shortest time.

Xia Duo had a faint hunch, not to mention that the Seven Towers had been preparing for this so-called war of planes for a long time. The people who had been called up had been trained for nearly a month.

But to end, it may only take a short time!

This is also the normal state of war that Xia Duo has learned. The real battle time is undoubtedly extremely short compared to the pre-planning and post-war time.

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