Arcane Lord

Chapter 864: Butterfly effect, free form

The Plane of Green Field itself is not big, only slightly larger than the southern border of Netheril. For the caster, even if it cannot be teleported at will, it is inconvenient to fly. Even if it is on foot, it does not take long to walk to the full state time.

The only things to worry about are the wizard druids who appear in the forest, and the swordsinger who launches sneak attacks at any time under the cover of the druids.

But with Xia Duo in the middle of the command, even the wizard mage can find out, let alone a druid or a sword chant. In fact, as long as the sword chant launches an attack, there must be a sign.

People in each team may not be able to detect it, but it is like a butterfly effect.

The slight anomalies in each team were almost magnified to the point where ordinary people could perceive them through the subconscious thinking and judgment of hundreds of high-level mages in the mind link.

The feedback from Xia Duo to each team was carried out almost in real time in the mind link, which turned the sneak attack of the elves into a painless little harassment.

They have even become a booster for the high-level wizards leading the team to strengthen their confidence in Xia Duo and improve the execution of instructions.


——Mage Chateau, I’m Esus, and I have arrived at the scheduled location.

——Master Chateau, I’m Frost, and I’ve arrived at the scheduled location.


As the teams arrived at their predetermined positions, Xia Duo's premonition of a decisive battle grew stronger.

However, as the situation faced by various teams and various high-level mages became more complex and unknown, it became more difficult to process this information in real time.

Xia Duo temporarily withdrew his consciousness from the perception of the spiritual link, and only kept the state of the link subconsciously.

This kind of operation, for ordinary people, their subconscious and apparent consciousness are not integrated with each other, but they present a chaotic state, and it is almost impossible to link a certain consciousness alone.

But for Chateau, it was not difficult.

Xia Duo, who had long been aware of the difference between the subconscious and the apparent consciousness, and worked hard to truly unify the subconscious and the apparent consciousness, easily pulled away from the apparent consciousness.

At this time, all he could perceive was some minimal and abstract information from the subconscious, and even the real-time command to Wyatt and others was temporarily stopped.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Xia Duo to do this at all, because once the elves completely gain the upper hand during the period again, the dozen or so high-level mages he considered insurance on the periphery of the battlefield cannot be supported in time.

It is possible that Wyatt and others will fall due to this.

Of course, the actual probability of this happening is extremely low, so Xia Duo made such a decision.

The reason for this is to better command them in the future.

If it was only the real-time combat information processing and feedback of more than a dozen or twenty people before, then it is likely that the next one will be the real-time combat information processing and feedback of more than 100 people.

Xia Duo's consciousness was still acceptable, but his body was a little overwhelmed. It's just that now he also obviously felt his brain fever, let alone the next step.

Maybe the brain burns.

He must do other things!


Xia Duo opened his eyes and quickly got up from the bed. Regardless of what was happening in the camp, he flied out of the temporary residence and went straight to the small river flowing westward.

Then, he jumped directly into the river water, and then incarnate into the water flow, freeing the shackles of the human form. In this form, he can maximize the full potential of his mind and consciousness.

Even if there is any damage to the water flow, it doesn't matter. After all, this is amorphous water. As long as the body is restored, it will only be physical exhaustion at best.

When everything was ready, Xia Duo reconnected his consciousness to the mind link. With the cooperation of the subconscious, he quickly sorted out all the information that had not been received for a while, and took over the leadership of the mind link.

——Master Wyatt, stay on the defensive, hold on for a while, everything is different!

At this moment, the situation of Wyatt and others is in precarious situation. It is difficult to successfully weave the source of the spell by relying only on the resonance spell book, and even in the middle of the joint cast, it is countered by the more flexible wizard wizard.

Once you encounter countermeasures, you have to start again, and you cannot adjust flexibly. If it is an individual cast, of course it will not be so rigid, but an individual cannot cast an 8th-level spell. Once separated, the next moment will be defeated.

But now it is almost the same, and even Xia Duo can hardly be able to intervene. In the face of a true life and death crisis, only Wyatt and others who regard their lives as their most precious things can exert their fullest potential.

Even if Xia Duo really conveyed any specific instructions at this time, it would be difficult for them to believe it.

Therefore, against them, Xia Duo did not convey any specific instructions, but only revealed that the situation will change later.

It's enough to settle their hearts for a while.


On the other side, the teams that arrived at the pre-determined positions also started offensive under Xia Duo's instructions.

It is almost straightforward, moving towards the big tree corresponding to the fascinating node, through the information shared by the high-level wizards in each team——

There are two elven wizards in one lock node, and several other sword chanters and druids,

Xia Duo instantly concluded that if the elves had no other back-ups or support, the number of their wizards would be around 60 or 70.

All are elite wizards, equivalent to human high-level wizards.

Although the number is slightly less than that of human mages, the real combat power is just the opposite, and it is likely to pull a large portion of human mages.

It's a pity that they must guard the mysterious lock node, and they can only be defeated by each!

Seeing that under the attack of the various teams' combined spellcasting similar to the division's combat power, they can only use the semi-finished Mishou near the Mishou node to encourage the elves who resist.

Xia Duo sighed a little, and then ordered the more than twenty teams that had thought of the false stray lock node to advance to stop the stray lock elves.

Under the leadership of their high-level wizard captain, they teleported towards the outskirts of the battlefield where Wyatt and others were.


I don’t know if it’s overconfidence in their own strength, or the situation of Wyatt and others is too critical. Even if humans have begun to attack the mysterious node, this mobile elven wizard team still has no intention to retreat or transfer. It seems If you don't completely defeat Wyatt and others, you will never give up.

Xia Duo didn't believe that they didn't really understand the situation on the Mislock Node, and they insisted on knowing that there was probably no back-up.

Could it be that there is a strong backstop? Or is it really up?

However, this situation is indeed the kind Xia Duo wants to see most. If it really makes them run around, it will be a headache!

Even if they have a strong enough to reverse the situation in an instant, that is not what Xia Duo needs to consider. If there is no certain tacit understanding between the top leaders of the two sides, it will not be the current situation at all.

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