Arcane Lord

Chapter 878: Repair the magic net

Although I was a little worried, this did not prevent Xia Duo from closely observing the details of the spellcasting of the Great Arcanist. A group of 7-level or more teleporting spells would be a big gain if he could tell him something.

Soon, the surrounding space appeared a little fuzzy, and when the rotation became clear, the environment had already changed.

"It's a little bit off, the Misuo node is just south, come with me!"

With that, Hadrian took the lead and walked forward, and Xia Duo and others quickly followed behind.

The arrival of several humans seemed to have triggered a chain reaction of the magic net of riots. A series of random magic appeared around the crowd, and followed a certain connection directly rushing over.

Fortunately, this maze has not yet been completed. The current riot is not so much a riot as it is a large-scale strong fluctuation caused by the damage of the magic net at the position of the maze.

Unlike the collapse of the real Misuo, almost all of the magic net covered by Mishou was damaged, and that was the real riot.

Therefore, the random magic caused is more manifested in the leakage of magic net energy, which is displayed in the form of element and energy manifestation.

Such as the sudden emergence of water, fireball, light, etc., it is basically difficult to affect everyone through protection magic.

After observation, Xia Duo found that the situation here was somewhat similar to the periphery of the mysterious ruins, but the situation here was somewhat special.

Generally, the periphery of the ruins of the mysterious lock refers to the place closest to the damaged area outside the damaged area of ​​the magic net.

There may be riots only at the beginning of the collapse of the mysterious lock, but it will soon be balanced by the normal magic net environment farther and wider.

There will be no continuous and gradually increasing magic net fluctuations like here.

In this regard, the Great Arcanist Hadrian did not explain, but Xia Duo guessed that this was probably deliberate by the elves.

Specifically, it may be that the elves see that the lock is clearly impossible to build, so they simply use the remaining parts that have been completed or the nodes are destroyed to make the final attack.


When he arrived at the node, Xia Duo could hardly see what it looked like before. If it was at the location where it had just been teleported, the trees would still be able to see the original appearance even if they were attacked by random magic.

But here, within a radius of more than ten meters, the space seems to be distorted, and the scene on the other side cannot be seen from one side.

Seeing this scene, Hadrian finally showed a solemn expression on his face, "Don't rush to unfold the Austrian fire, wait for me to restrain the magic net, you are repairing it!"

Xia Duo and the others nodded silently, and scattered around the nodes.

In fact, there is no need to remind Hadrian, before the transmission, Xia Duo had already disconnected the link between the Austrian fire and the magic net.

After that, the roots of the curled and convergent Austrian fire circulated only internally, avoiding interference from the external environment as much as possible, and seeing the almost crazy magic net environment here, he would not rush into the Austrian fire.

"Prepare! Start the Austrian fire! First sort out the energy!"

Soon, a slightly distorted sound was heard from within more than ten meters of the node, and it was not difficult to distinguish it carefully from Hadrian who had just entered there.

But even though, Xia Duo still hesitated for a while, the others were the same, but after confirming that the surrounding magic net had received some kind of strong restraint, he cautiously launched the Austrian fire.

First link the strings of the magic net related to the plane of four elements and the plane of positive and negative energy, and guide the energy to circulate in the arcane fire.

In this process, Austrian Energy has continuously emerged from the Austrian fire. Although there is not as much output as the normal environment, it is at least a bit of comfort.

It would be too sad if the Arcanist were to pour Aoneng in to repair the magic net!

Soon, after establishing a stable energy cycle, Chateau gradually expanded the Arcane Fire into a more open form. If it was in the ruins of the normal maze, it would start from the edge of the damage to the magic net.

With the normal surrounding magic net environment as the backbone, it gradually "cannibalizes" the inner damaged area. In this case, Aohuo can always unfold into a micro magic net.

But here, it is obvious that the surrounding magic net environment is always active, and there is no stable pillar. Even if the Great Arcanist of Hadrian restrains the magic net, Chateau still dare not fully expand the arcane fire.

Others, even if they didn't communicate, still made the same choice.

Gradually, the small magic net around Xia Duo and the seven gradually calmed down, but at this time, Hadrian's **** to the magic net began to gradually weaken.

When everyone sorted out a bit, Hadrian let go of some restraints. In this way, starting from sorting out the energy, Xia Duo and others gradually adapted to the rhythm of the entire repair process.


On the other side, Horn and Badigar are also repairing the damage to the magic net where the Elf Lock Node is located.

Unlike Hadrian working with seven arcanists, Horn and Budigaar had a lot of difficulties. Not only did they have to suppress the magic web riot, they also had to carry out the Arcane fire to repair them while suppressing them.

"Damn long ears! When you return to the main plane, I will make you pay the price you deserve!"

Budigaar's sullen face The furious mood almost affected his normal spellcasting, which in turn exacerbated his anger.

After all, he is the Great Arcanist who is best at fighting in the Seven Towers. In terms of spellcasting skills, Budigaal is almost perfect. Even in a state of extreme anger, he can still have a good spellcasting state.

But as the restoration progressed a little bit, Budigaal gradually calmed down in the process, but he did not forget the anger, but turned the anger into a deeper hatred, which was buried in his heart.

He is looking forward to a battle with Komanso and a battle with the elves. By then, he will surely let those long ears know what human anger is!


The long repair lasted the next afternoon, and the damaged magic nets around the more than 20 destroyed maze nodes left by the elves were barely stabilized.

Stabilized without additional assistance.

[Wuhen Enchantment] In the end, it was not seriously affected, but it still needs to be further repaired.

After returning to the camp, Badigar saw the tired princess Shia, who first spent a lot of energy knitting [Mishou·Wuhen Enchantment], and later in order to stabilize [Wuhen Enchantment] without rest all day.

"Your Royal Highness has worked hard for you!"

"Needless to say, the Green Field Plane is also the resource of the Seven Pagodas. How can I let it be easily destroyed!"

Xia waved her hand and walked to her room, "Go and rest first, now we are in the weakest state!"

Budigaal nodded and watched Princess Shia leave, and then returned to his room.

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