Arcane Lord

Chapter 879: Sleepy, ideal

The next day, early morning.

After waking up, Xia Duo habitually looked at Niya next to him, staring at her for a while, and seeing that she was still asleep, there was no sign of waking up, he couldn't help but frowned.

It should be the day before yesterday. They had just finished their battle with the elves, but before they could rest for a long time, they were pulled by the Great Arcanist Hadrian to repair the magic net.

After that, he was busy all night and day, and didn't return to the camp until yesterday afternoon. Both he and Niya were good, at least they came back sober.

Among the seven of them, an arcanist named "Morgan" fainted during the repair process, and even damaged the Arcane Fire because of this. It was really sad.

However, from yesterday afternoon until now, Niya has slept for more than ten hours. If it is the usual, even if only seven or eight hours, when he stares at Niya, Niya will wake up almost immediately.

But now, he had been staring for a while, but there was still no sign of waking up, as if Niya had just fallen asleep, which inevitably made him a little worried.

——Master Anglin?

Xia Duo sent a message to Anglin, wanting to see if the other party was awake, but Anglin did not reply, and then Xia Duo contacted several other arcanists, and did not get any reply.

This situation actually made Xia Duo relieved a lot, at least there should be no reason to sacrifice seven promising arcanists at once, his own situation is rather special.

Xia Duo immediately thought of his own special bloodline, new soul form and memory tracing ability, which undoubtedly showed that his memory, consciousness, spirit, and volition were far beyond ordinary people.

It was only because the sleeping person was Niya that she cared and confused, and didn't think of herself for a while.


In this way, Xia Duo lay on the bed for a while, and after meditation, he got up to prepare breakfast for Niya, and then began his own ascension work.

The only 7th-level spells he currently mastered were [Mage Armor] and [Mind Link]. The upgrades of other spells had not been completed yet.

It is conceivable that Xia Duo has been spending a lot of time on this recently.

But there is no other way. It involves the magical principle of the seventh layer of the magic net, and even the combination and change rules of all the strings of the magic net. Only by walking through it yourself can you better understand it.

Xia Duo's intention was not in the spell itself, but in the deep logic behind the spell. Without this thought, he could rush to the spell all the way.

However, if he doesn't study the principles of magic and the essence of magic nets, and just sticks to being a magic caster who doesn't understand the principles, how can he become the arcanist today!

Xia Duo really couldn't imagine what kind of experience it would be for a mage who didn't understand the principles of magic. Perhaps the master of simple experience could also earn a lot of money and a respectable status.

But it can’t get the power to really push the trend of the times and change the course of history

On the earth, why most countries are based on science and technology, is enough to explain this point!

Just because science is the most reliable known method of understanding the world, the technology developed under this system naturally has unparalleled power, and its potential will become more visible in the future!


In the magical world, the most powerful force, except for gods, is magic.

But the gods are too lofty, even those priests of the gods who perceive the holy power can hardly say that they are really close to the gods. Only magic is the backing of mortals to counterattack.

In a narrow sense, magic refers to specific spells that can enable mortals to gain power far beyond that of the same kind. With this power, they can fly into the sky, move mountains and fill the sea, and are almost omnipotent.

In the broad sense of magic, in Xia Duo's view, it is actually the same scientific concept on the earth-a whole set of verifiable knowledge based on facts.

The only difference between the magical world and the earth is that magic can allow individuals to gain surpassing power, but the individual power on earth is often suppressed by the collective.

However, Chateau believes that this is only due to the characteristic differences in the early stages of development brought about by the nature of different worlds.

From the perspective of development, once magic technology breaks through a certain threshold, it may not be impossible for everyone to become a god. On the contrary, as long as 1+1>1, then collective wisdom must have meaning.

This is why, Xia Duo has always been obsessed with spreading magic to everyone. This will certainly bring about the dispersion of power and authority, but the development itself is very beneficial.


After passing through such a magical thing, after getting rid of the survival crisis, he even hoped to see the scenery at the end of magic, even if it was just an ordinary person.

Of course, this is because Xia Duo had already become an arcanist. If he was really an ordinary person, he would certainly not have such extravagant wishes.

At the same time, as a lord of the party, in the special early stage of the development of the magical world, only his own magic is the most fundamental and indispensable support that can enable him to realize countless dreams.

It cannot be overstated.

Xia Duo once imagined that the world he traveled through was a more mature magical world, whether it was longevity or power, he could buy it with money.

So what motivation does he have for development?

Obey such social rules and work hard to make money. U U Reading

And now, it can be said that Xia Duo's entrepreneurial stage, even if the future magic development reaches a certain threshold, it smoothes the difference in individual strength.

These pioneers, they must also have advantages far beyond ordinary people and be able to occupy a place in the future world.

We must know that in this world, the threshold for longevity and even immortality is very low, at least Xia Duo has obtained a certain degree of longevity.

As long as you work hard, even immortality may not be impossible.


From early morning to noon, from noon to afternoon, Niya has not been awake, breakfast has turned into dinner, and Xia Duo has basically never left the room.

During this period, he received a call from the Archmage Fosterm, saying that the mission was over and they could return to the main plane through the portal at any time.

As for the task reward settlement, we have to wait until we return to Seventon, but the right to reside in the green field has been implemented. When everyone returns to the main plane, they can get the relevant vouchers.

According to Archmage Fosterm, this certificate allows the participants of this Green Field Quest to have the right to reside in the Green Field.

Of course, this also includes the transmission cost of the exchange, but it is limited to a maximum of two exchanges per year, and if you exceed it, you have to pay yourself.

In addition, Chateau deliberately asked Firstrom whether the voucher could be sold or given away. The answer he got was yes.

But after the gift or sale, the residency represented by the certificate is no longer permanent, but only one hundred years.

Calculated from the day of registration of the transfer of residency, even if the owner does not live for a day, it will automatically expire after a hundred years.

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