Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1075: accidental conflict

() There is never a shortage of accidents in the war. Ye Han had expected that the evacuation operation would not be so smooth, but he never expected that the conflict would break out so suddenly.

The cause of the incident was simply that a landing craft landed in the wrong place and landed on the side of the multinational force.

When a group of American soldiers saw it, they picked up their clothes and were about to board the boat and leave, but they were immediately stopped by the Chinese officers who came, because this was a Chinese landing craft, and the wounded had to be evacuated first.

Now the Yanks are quitting. They all gathered around a group, shoving and shoving for priority to get on the boat, cursing and saying anything. If you go first, there are still some people who are full of foul language, and they look like shrews scolding the streets.

How could Ye Han get used to them? Seeing that the situation was not right, he immediately sent a group of people over to separate the American soldiers from their scabbards and guns.

Then Ye Han walked over unhurriedly and asked in a strange voice, "Say, who ordered you."

Only the American soldiers were making trouble, and the French and Italians were not involved. Thinking of the bad attitudes of William and Jason, who said no one told him to believe it?

The American soldiers took a few steps back but no one said a word, like a dead pig with a hob meat that is not afraid of boiling water.

Ye Han couldn't help laughing: "Listen, this is our landing craft. We must be evacuated first. Do you want to leave? No problem, find your own landing craft, understand?"

"No one told us," said a voice.

"I don't care about this, and you are not my responsibility. If you want to leave, go to your boss. Don't waste my time!" After Ye Han waved his hand, the landing craft took off again and landed next to his family's troops.

The short-lived conflict just ended. The two armies who had just returned to the family looked at each other with evil eyes, and the knots left in their hearts were not so easy to solve.

In fact, Ye Han knew very well that no matter how insidious William was, he wouldn't be stupid enough to do things blatantly, but he just looked at William and said those words just to put the **** pot on William's head.

I can't go back and talk about it, even if it's just a disgusting Yankee to charge some interest.

The first batch of three landing craft took off after being filled with the wounded, and soon disappeared into the sky. After a while, the second batch of landing craft landed again. This time, in addition to the wounded, they also took away the remains of a group of martyrs.

If it is possible, Ye Han wants to bring everyone back, regardless of life or death.

But he couldn't do it, he could only take everything he could take away within the limits of his ability.

The foreign soldiers watched this scene, and the boss was not happy. They looked up to the sky one by one, hoping that their own landing craft would come down quickly.

When the third batch of landing craft landed, the landing craft of the multinational fleet finally appeared, but there was only one.

It's not that the multinational fleet doesn't want to send more, but that the number of landing craft is too large to attract the attention of aliens. For safety reasons, each wave can only land up to three ships.

In order to bring the multinational troops back to the battleship as soon as possible, he insisted that he would find Duan Zhiyang in person, hoping that the landing craft of the multinational fleet would land first, but how could Duan Zhiyang agree to such a request? The two sides refused to give in to each other, and after arguing for a while, they decided on the ratio of two Chinese ships and one multinational force.

The Chinese side has far more troops on the ground than the multinational force, and it is said that the quota for one should not be reserved for the multinational fleet.

In this way, the landing troops left Ganymede after wave after wave of landing craft, and the whole process went unbelievably smooth.

The last batch of Ye Han and the guard camp left at 4:26 a.m. on May 30, 2030.

At this time, the multinational troops had already evacuated two waves ahead of schedule, and only the Chinese troops were left on the crater.

The moment the landing craft left the ground, Ye Han couldn't help but wonder: How did the aliens change their sex? He wanted to know why, but it was destined to be a question that would never be answered.

In fact, Ye Han really wanted to shoot another nuclear missile into the shaft before boarding the boat, as a souvenir for the aliens, but on second thought, the aliens have been very face-saving. Hit a nuclear bomb inside, and in case the aliens are angered, sending light worms to attack the landing craft will not be worth the loss.

Anyway, back to space can hit a nuclear bomb, so Ye Han regretfully boarded the boat and left.

This time, I really left, and the possibility of coming back is very, very, very small.

It took more than seven minutes for the landing craft to return to the fleet. Ye Han did not return to the assault ship, but rushed directly to Beihai, making Beihai the new flagship.

Ye Han is more familiar with the assault ship, but the assault ship is small in size and poor in equipment. No matter the speed of fire or protection, it cannot compare with the destroyer like Beihai.

What's more important is that the landing operation has ended, and there will be no more landings. The next battle will be dominated by battleships. He doesn't want to sit on the assault ship and watch, and replacing the flagship is an inevitable choice.

However, it is not so easy for Ye Han to continue commanding the fleet. The fleet must accept the command of his division commander during the landing operation, but after the landing operation, the command of the fleet will naturally return to the fleet, without the guidance of his army colonel. country.

But what is the relationship between Ye Han and Duan Zhiyang? Those are the iron buddies who built the base together on the moon. Even if you can't command the fleet, you can find a place in the bridge to stay and give some advice appropriately. There is no problem in being a non-staff staff officer, right?

Anyway, Duan Zhiyang couldn't refuse if he wanted to, so Ye Han decided so happily.

To Duan Zhiyang, Ye Han was simply a bad guest, he rushed to the bridge as soon as he arrived at Beihai, and said unceremoniously: "Old Duan, hurry up, I want to speak to Commander Gao, hurry up! "

Duan Zhiyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while: "You bandit, can't you be more polite?"

Ye Han looked like you were joking with me: "Who are we with whom, is it useful?"

"Okay, I'm afraid of you, isn't it? Who, take the Nanzhou ship to find Commander Gao, let's say we are looking for Master Ye."

"Yes!" The communications staff officer agreed immediately.

"Hey, isn't that right!" Ye Han put on a look like you were very good, but he didn't know what he remembered, and his smile suddenly stopped, "Old Duan, it's been a long time, is there any news on the intercepting fleet? "

"Yes." Duan Zhiyang also became serious, "The last time I received news was around two in the morning."

Ye Han's eyes lit up: "Come on, what's going on over there?"

"It was still deadlocked at two o'clock, and the report said that the fleet suffered a lot." Duan Zhiyang's concern was hard to hide, "I didn't mention a word about what happened, and my heart is still hanging."

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