Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1076: bad news from earth

() Ye Han's expression sank when he heard it: "If everything goes well with the intercepting fleet, there is no need to hide the situation from above, and the report is vague, it is likely that the battle situation is unfavorable, and I don't want the situation over there to affect us here."

Duan Zhiyang said: "I thought so too, but the interception fleet failed... I don't even dare to think about the final result."

Ye Han gritted his teeth and said, "I don't dare either... When will the next wave of notifications arrive?"

Duan Zhiyang said, "It should have arrived half an hour ago."

Ye Han's heart skipped a beat: "Isn't something really wrong... Why hasn't the Nanzhou number replied yet?"

The communications staff member was about to answer when Duan Zhiyang said, "What else can happen, and let Jupiter block it again."

Ye Han was astonished: "Where's the repeater?" The electromagnetic interference in this hellish place is too serious. If it is a little farther away, the radio will have to lie down. Without laser communication, there is no need to contact anyone.

"It's also blocked by Jupiter, and it will take a while to get around."

"Then wait." Ye Han was really helpless after thinking about it. The electromagnetic environment in this ghost place is so bad that he can't get in touch without laser communication. He can't wait if he doesn't want to.

Seven minutes later, the repeater finally came out from behind Jupiter. The communications staff found Nanzhou immediately and quickly established communication.

When Gao Kai appeared on the screen, Ye Han's heart swelled for some reason, and he opened his mouth and began to pour bitter water: "Old Gao, I almost won't see you!"

Gao Kai was stunned: "No, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Han immediately added fuel to the rescue operation. The main structure was completely derived from facts, but the key details were decorated with Spring and Autumn brushwork. It was a bit exaggerated but definitely not out of reality. In short, it was to magnify the difficult situation of the airborne division and highlight Difficulties in rescuing multinational forces.

The unreasonable requirements of the multinational force should have been the focus of the statement, but although Ye Han is not politically sensitive, he is not stupid enough to complain directly to the middle and superior. Can the top still face outsiders?

Gao Kai nodded vigorously when he heard it. When Ye Han and William had a conflict, Duan Zhiyang had already given him a vaccination, and now he has obtained Ye Han's "confession", no matter where he goes, it makes sense.

Ye Han finally concluded: "The rescue operation is to exchange our people for their people. There is more than one exchange for one. We have lost a lot of money. In the future, this kind of loss-making business can no longer be done."

Gao Kai said: "Okay, I will report this to you. If there is another order from above, I will help you to block it, but I may not be able to stop it."

"That's fine, let's get down to business." Ye Han waved his hand, "Is there any news from the interceptor fleet?"

"How can the result come out so quickly? It's still fighting." Gao Kai said.

Ye Han was very surprised and recalled it carefully: "The call started at three o'clock in the afternoon the day before yesterday, and it has been almost forty hours now? Why hasn't the result come out yet?"

Gao Kai was silent for a moment: "It should be soon."

"If there is no battle report, there will always be a report? If there is no report, there will always be a detailed situation, right?"

Gao Kai said slowly: "I don't understand the situation and can't make subjective judgments."

Ye Han was startled and nodded reluctantly: "I understand, don't forget to let me know if there is any news."

Gao Kai didn't say it directly, but the meaning was already clear. He didn't mention the specific situation of the intercepting fleet, but if everything was normal, why would he be evasive and refuse to speak out?

Ye Han believed that if it was just a personal communication between him and Gao Kai, not in the public bridge, Gao Kai's answer would definitely not be so hidden.

When the communication ended, the bridge fell into silence, almost silent.

After a while, Ye Han took a deep breath: "Old Duan, arrange a place for me, I want to sleep for a while, and call me when there is news."

"Okay." Duan Zhiyang agreed, wanting to persuade Ye Han to say a few words, but he was so confused, how could he have the heart to enlighten others?

Ye Han left the bridge, Duan Zhiyang looked around the bridge with stern eyes: "Listen to me clearly, any news related to the intercepting fleet is not allowed to leave the bridge, do you understand?"

"Understood!" the bridge officers answered neatly.

Everyone has some guesses in their hearts, but just now, the guesses are gradually turning into panic.

Duan Zhiyang knew this very well, and he didn't dare to ask everyone not to think about it. He just asked the bridge officers to keep their mouths shut and stop talking nonsense until the exact news came.

After Ye Han left the bridge, he ate something and returned to the dormitory, got into the sleeping bag and forced himself to sleep.

But there was something hidden in his heart, his head was full of messy thoughts, his body was very tired but he couldn't sleep, and he didn't know how long he lay down before he fell asleep in a daze.

At about fourteen o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Han was awakened by the vibration of his wrist, and Duan Zhiyang's communication request was displayed on the wrist screen.

Ye Han woke up smartly and quickly answered the phone: "Hello!"

"Lao Ye, there is news about the intercepting fleet." Duan Zhiyang's voice was unprecedentedly heavy.

Ye Han's heart sank: "What did you say?"

Duan Zhiyang shook his head: "The interceptor fleet is gone."

Ye Hanxin continued to sink: "What about the alien fleet? How is the alien fleet?"


"Assembly?" Ye Han glanced at the time: "When did the news arrive?"

"Just arrived, about a minute."

"Got it." Ye Han immediately crawled out of the sleeping bag, "I'll be there soon!"

Hurrying to the bridge, Ye Han saw Duan Zhiyang and asked, "Is there any news yet?"

Duan Zhiyang smiled wryly and shook his head: "No." How many seconds does it take to go from the dormitory to the bridge? It happens that the news arrives at this time? How can there be such a coincidence?

Ye Han sighed: "Now it's up to the alien fleet to choose."

"Yes, Commander Gao said the same."

"Are there any new trends in the main force?" Ye Han asked.

"Yes, the main force is accelerating the pursuit and putting pressure on the aliens." Duan Zhiyang said.

Ye Han was depressed, staring at the main screen and muttering to himself: "I hope the pursuit will be effective... By the way, didn't you give us any tasks?"

"not yet……"

Ye Han suddenly remembered something: "Old The news was sent by Nanzhou?"


"Official news from Beidu?"


"Quick, pick up the Nanzhou number for me!" Ye Han suddenly became excited.

The news of the intercepting fleet was sent back to Earth and then transferred to Jupiter. It would take more than ten minutes to say in the middle. After the Earth received the news, it would be processed and analyzed, and the delay would be more than half an hour.

It has been so long, the aliens must be moving. The optical equipment on the Beihai can't see the interception battlefield, but the Nanzhou can see it!

The communication was quickly connected, but Gao Kai's answer was that the interception battlefield was too chaotic, Nanzhou could not see anything useful, and asked Ye Han to wait for official news from Earth with an unusually serious attitude.

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