Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1085: Offset, offset!

() The fleet immediately followed, and after the exploding dumbbells were completely separated, the Beihai slowly approached and dropped another super nuclear bomb at the appropriate position and angle.

After the explosion, the bridge officer immediately reported: "The No. 1 target lost 3 million tons in mass, the energy utilization rate of the nuclear explosion was about 52%, the speed increased by 46.8 meters, and the No. 1 target's relative speed was 109.8 meters."

One hundred meters per second? This speed is not bad!

Duan Zhiyang touched his chin with satisfaction: "Captain George, I'll leave the rest to you."

"No problem, watch me!" Full of confidence, George ordered the Wharton to go forward, recalculate the impact point according to the direction and speed of the No. 1 target, and then decisively cut off the fire. .

The nuclear bomb hit, and the combat staff reported the relevant data again.

In this way, the Wharton planted a super nuclear bomb on the target every once in a while, like a coachman driving 700 billion tons of satellite debris forward in the void.

After the last super nuclear bomb hit the target, the combat staff immediately shouted: "Report, the speed of the satellite debris is 277.2 meters per second, and the direction is deviated by 0.4 degrees."

"0.4 degrees? It's okay." Duan Zhiyang finally put down a big stone in his heart, contacted George to discuss it for a while, and settled on a revision plan. After receiving the bombing data, the Alesia located on the inside of the debris immediately fired at the debris. A low-yield nuclear bomb.

Although the deviation angle is only 0.4, after flying over a distance of nearly one million kilometers, the offset distance of satellite debris exceeds 6,500 kilometers.

Ganymede's radius is only 2,631 kilometers, so it's no wonder how much it misses the target.

"Direction correction 0.06!"

The Alesia fired one after another until the 0.4-degree offset was screwed over.

At the end of the last revision, Duan Zhiyang immediately asked, "Fragmentation speed."

"276.4 meters per second!"

"Estimated contact time?"

"39 days, 8 hours, 41 minutes, 08 seconds."

Duan Zhiyang heaved a sigh of relief and waved his hand: "Okay, stay on duty, everyone else can rest."

The next task of the fleet is to follow the satellite debris all the time. The team monitors the direction and speed of the debris, and immediately corrects any abnormalities found.

Don't think that everything will be fine when the satellite debris hits the road. This thing is moving away from Jupiter. Jupiter's strong gravitational force will definitely affect the flight of the debris, and there are many nearby celestial bodies.

In this way, day by day, the fleet followed behind the buttocks of the debris, circle after circle around Jupiter, and the time of the circle became longer and longer as the debris moved outward.

Everyone's attention was on this smaller piece of satellite debris. After the explosion, the larger piece of satellite debris slowly flew into Jupiter's halo.

Fragment 2 flew faster and faster, penetrating Jupiter's rings within a few days, and finally crashing into Jupiter eleven days later.

The mission of escorting the No. 1 debris is still going on. As the debris gets closer and closer to Ganymede, it gradually enters the gravitational range of Ganymede.

In order to accurately cut into the designated orbit, the closer the debris is to Ganymede, the slower the outward movement. Every time the two approaches, Ganymede's gravity is like a pair of powerful arms, holding the debris tightly.

The result is that every time the two meet, the speed of the debris will be affected by the small three, as if it knows the purpose of the debris and finds ways to reduce the power of the impact.

But it's not a big problem, because when the debris is approaching, it will be accelerated by the attraction of gravity, and when it leaves, the increased speed will be reduced. Between one plus and one minus, the speed of the debris basically does not change.

The concern of the entire fleet is the orbital offset of the debris!

On July 12, the shard was like a naughty child, once again emblazoned with Ganymede from the side and rear.

This happens every two days or more since the debris is close to Xiaosan's orbit - the debris is moving much faster than Xiaosan, and Xiaosan takes enough time to make one orbit around Jupiter three times.

The soldiers vividly described the relationship between the fragments and Xiaosan as a race between the tortoise and the rabbit.

For the fleet, every encounter between the two is a painful torment, and this time is different from the past. The closest distance between the two is only over 3,000 kilometers, and the impact of gravity on the debris has never been stronger.

The Beihai was awe-inspiring, and even the air was about to condense.

A voice suddenly broke the silence: "Start, the target enters the danger zone!"

"The debris orbit is shifting towards Ganymede, and the speed is increasing!"

"Does it matter?" Duan Zhiyang's face was full of worry.

"Still under control... Offset is intensifying, repeat, offset is intensifying!"

"How is the situation, do you need to intervene?" Duan Zhiyang roared.

The orbit will not affect the debris passing through the small three, but the debris should just cut into Ganymede's orbit after one more turn, hitting Ganymede from the rear.

If the orbit continues to deviate outwards, the debris will drift out significantly after cutting into Xiaosan's orbit, and eventually pass Xiaosan.

The entire fleet has worked hard for more than a month, how can it fall short at this time?

"It is recommended to intervene immediately, the position is thirty-five degrees behind the right, and the number is four!"

Duan Zhiyang immediately gave the order to the most suitable battleship: "Qinghe, have you received it?"

"Qinghe received!"

As soon as the words fell, the Qinghe had fired four nuclear shells at the designated location, and four nuclear explosions with a yield of 1,200 tons appeared on the fragments.

The light of the nuclear explosion had just dissipated, and Duan Zhiyang couldn't wait: "How is it?"

"Two more!"

"Come again..."

Two more nuclear artillery shells were fired, and the battle was finally relieved: "It should be There are still seven minutes until the meeting!"

Duan Zhiyang roared loudly: "All of them have paid attention to me, now is the most critical time, pay close attention to me, and be ready to intervene at any time!"

In each encounter, the debris has to fly within the gravitational range of Xiao San for an hour, but only the fifteen minutes closest to Xiao San will be significantly affected. The encounter is the time to completely end Ganymede!

At this moment, Duan Zhiyang has only one thought, that is, no matter what, the fragments must be safely freed from the shackles of Ganymede.

Success or failure is here!

The four consecutive nuclear bombs corrected not only the offset, but also corrected the offset caused by continuing to approach Xiaosan in advance, but this time the situation was much more serious than expected. Only two minutes later, the offset of the fragments exceeded expectations again, and the fleet was not allowed to. Instead of bombarding the debris again, please use the most violent way to get the debris back on track.

As the distance decreased, the interval between corrections became shorter and shorter. In just five minutes, the fleet smashed seven rounds of nuclear bombs, finally maintaining the direction of the fragments within a controllable range.

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