Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1086: This life is complete

( ) After the seven bombings, the debris finally crossed Ganymede. Although it was not yet time to relax, everyone was quietly relieved.

Eight minutes later, the debris left the danger zone, and after another 21 minutes, the debris completely left Ganymede's gravitational range.

Duan Zhiyang put his heart back into his stomach completely, and he only had to wait patiently for two days.

On the morning of July 14th, Debris finally cut into Ganymede's orbit as planned. From this moment on, Debris and Xiaosan are no longer a race you chase after, but two trains that are about to collide on the same track.

The moment the debris cut into the orbit, the four warships instantly turned into a sea of ​​joy, and the exhaustion accumulated for more than a month disappeared in the excited celebration.

Duan Zhiyang shouted excitedly in the communication: "This is the Beihai Fleet, this is the Beihai Fleet, my captain Duan Zhiyang, now I announce that after the fleet's efforts for more than a month, the satellite debris has been in place, repeat, the satellite debris has been in place. Position! Nanzhou, Beiyuezhou, the satellite fragments are already in place, already in place—Comrade Xu, is there any movement from the aliens?”

"No report!"

"Okay, what's the fragmentation speed?"

"Report, the relative speed is 20.29 kilometers per second!"

"Estimated impact time!"

"Countdown to 4 hours and 33 minutes!"

"Very good, we just have to wait another four and a half hours, the last four and a half hours!" Duan Zhiyang yelled on the radio as if he had been beaten.

His voice first spread throughout the fleet, then followed the laser for communication to the Nanzhou fleet, and finally the Nanzhou forwarded Beiyuezhou.

The news spread throughout the human world within an hour, and all the human beings who received the news were all delighted. All major observatories, various space stations and lunar bases, all optical equipment that could see Jupiter, were all aimed at Jupiter. Everyone looks forward to the moment of impact.

Humans have been waiting for this day for far too long.

Although human beings have been resisting, resisting, resisting, it is only resistance. No battle has caused aliens to break their bones. Even today, although human beings are still unswervingly resisting alien aggression, they have not How many people are optimistic about the future of mankind, and many people insist on resisting because they are worried about the brutal rule of aliens.

All in all, today's human beings need a hearty, crisp victory to lift people's hearts and boost morale.

It wasn't long before Ganymede came into view of the fleet again, and it became clearer as the debris came in hot pursuit.

The aliens on Ganymede finally realized that something was wrong, and a large number of noble troops and light worms appeared on the surface of Ganymede, spinning around like headless flies.

At the moment Ganymede is still devastated, with huge craters left by air strikes everywhere on the surface.

It's only been more than a month, and the aliens can't recover so quickly no matter how hard they work. They can only look at the satellite debris that is flying closer and closer in the sky in panic, fear, and horror.

Everything on Ganymede was seen by the fleet. Duan Zhiyang saw that so many aliens were in a mess, and the relief in his heart was not to mention, there was an indescribable joy.

Witnessing this situation, he really wanted to catch a few aliens, ask them what they were thinking, and ask them if they didn't regret bullying humans, and if they asked them again, they didn't regret invading the earth!

Shit, you have today too!

However, after a while of chaos, the aliens seemed to have found the backbone, and they reorganized in groups, bringing a large number of light worms to the ground, forming dozens of air defense positions.

Duan Zhiyang looked strange: "I'm going to let it go, is it possible that they want to take it hard?"

"Can you hold it?" George pouted and said disdainfully.

"I'm not afraid of 10,000, but I'm afraid of what happens. I can't give them a chance... Let's go!" Duan Zhiyang said.

"Okay!" George immediately agreed.

The two issued combat orders to their respective battleships. The four spaceships that had been following the debris immediately accelerated to surpass the debris and approach Ganymede first.

If aliens slashed the debris with an enormous amount of thin light, they might actually be able to turn the satellite debris into a meteor shower before it hit.

Even if the aliens suffered heavy casualties in the meteor shower, they could at least save Ganymede. At that time, there would be no super nuclear bomb to get another piece of satellite debris.

The battleship approached Ganymede before the debris, but it was only a short time ahead of the debris. After reaching the 800-kilometer offensive position, the firepower was immediately full, and various missiles and beams fell on Ganymede.

Duan Zhiyang didn't know what happened to the Wharton and Alesia, but the Beihai and Qinghe went all out as soon as they opened fire. Except for leaving a few nuclear shells for emergency, the remaining nuclear bombs were shot out in one go, even the nuclear mines. not left.

The speed of the battleship is extremely fast, and it is impossible to suspend it at a fixed point like the landing.

After just two minutes, the debris flew within a thousand kilometers.

The speed of any human missiles and shells cannot reach 20 kilometers per second. It is said that before the shells and missiles launched by the fleet land, they should be caught up by fragments from behind. If they fail to kill the aliens, they will explode on the fragments.

But the account is not calculated like this. The speed of various ammunition itself plus the speed bonus of the battleship, regardless of the speed of the missile shell is much faster than the fragmentation.

The moment the fragment flew into the seven hundred kilometers, all the light worms fired together, and countless thin lights pierced the sky and fell on the fragment.

But just a few seconds later, the first nuclear bombs landed, the explosion killed a large number of aliens and light worms, and the dust from the explosion immediately covered the ground.

The alien's counterattack was only brilliant for a When the debris flew past the 600-kilometer limit, there was already very little light.

The speed of the debris relative to Xiao San was in the early 20 kilometers per second. Duan Zhiyang, who was flying away, stared like a cowbell, staring at the debris near Ganymede without blinking.

Half a minute later, the chasing debris slammed into the surface of Ganymede silently, a strong light flashed, and the sky collapsed in an instant, and nearly 700 billion tons of satellite debris was deeply embedded in Ganymede.

Ganymede is like a watermelon that was hit by a bullet, half of the star exploded instantly, and countless fragments flew away from the star, the small ones were just dust, and the big ones were even bigger than the fragments from Ganymede XV.

The flying debris was so fast that it almost wrapped the Beihai in it. The battleship maneuvered several times in a row to avoid the rain of debris like scattered flowers by the goddess.

From beginning to end, Duan Zhiyang kept smiling and sat quietly in his seat.

It was not until the battleship was out of danger that he slowly let out a breath: "I have never been so complete in my life as I am today, so happy!"

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