Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1105: battleship shield

() The fierce battle of L4 is over, but the fierce battle of L5 has just begun.

The space city hidden in L5 is naturally the one in Beiyuezhou. This space city was originally the space dock of Beiyuezhou. Later, it became a space city after several expansions. From the beginning, this space city appeared for military purposes. , and has been under the management of the military.

Due to its early construction and many transformations, its volume is one circle larger than that of the base group. If all the docks where the warships are made are opened, the diameter will be more than three kilometers, which is the largest man-made celestial body so far.

However, although the diameter of this space city is large, its thickness is not that great. From a distance, it looks like a piece of biscuits. Therefore, it is also dubbed by some boring warriors as space cakes. After a long time, it becomes a cake city.

Now the cake city is hidden between the asteroids of L5. When L4 started the war, he was hesitant to wait for the aliens to approach and then suddenly, but after thinking about it, he quickly killed the idea.

Even if the battleship is facing the aliens face to face, it is not an enemy's opponent. Although Bingcheng is equipped with some weapons, its combat effectiveness is far from being on a par with the battleship. Unless the brain is broken, it will face the aliens.

After clarifying this point, Bingcheng immediately opened fire on the incoming alien fleet... As long as his mind is normal, he knows that Bingcheng is definitely not an opponent of aliens, but he must not give up Bingcheng without a single shot. yield to the enemy.

So Bingcheng exerted all his strength and smashed all the missiles in stock at the aliens... Unfortunately, Bingcheng really didn't have much reserves, and the inventory was emptied after a few rounds.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the aliens to deal with the missile, Bingcheng immediately evacuated the people, and everyone left in lifeboats.

As for the cake city itself, without waiting for the alien fleet to approach, it divided it into several pieces and floated in different directions.

The cake city has adopted a modular design from the very beginning, and it is very convenient to disassemble and combine. Since this disaster could not be avoided, the commander simply released the locking device and divided the good space city into several pieces.

The disintegrating pieces are scattered by the rotation, just to attract the attention of the aliens, thus protecting the lifeboats hidden in the asteroid swarm.

The discrete space city really attracted the attention of aliens, and several alien warships immediately chased after each other.

Even fragments cannot fall into the hands of aliens, and no matter which piece is overtaken by the enemy, the commander will detonate the nuclear bomb without hesitation.

The aliens hit the wall one after another but did not repent, until all the fragments self-destructed, they flew back to L5 unhurriedly, and scattered a large number of alien fighters to collect asteroids.

All asteroids of similar size are included in the collection. Alien fighter jets flew near the lifeboat several times, and everyone almost couldn’t help but escape. Fortunately, the lifeboat was not large, and the aliens did not look at it at all.

Ye Han, who was far away on the East China Sea, saw this scene, and his eyes were red.

Six asteroids are about to reach the earth, and the aliens are still collecting asteroids. What are they trying to do? Destroy the Earth with an asteroid?

Such a simple answer does not require any brains at all, as long as the intelligence is normal, this result can be deduced.

The question now is how the Earth will respond.

Ye Han believes that Beidu at this moment is definitely not much better, and he is racking his brains on how to deal with aliens.

Two days later, the aliens collected most of the asteroids, put them together and fixed them into a large asteroid.

However, there are too few asteroids in L5, and it is not enough to collect all the larger ones. The aliens have to expand the scope and collect all the asteroids that are not enough.

This time, all the lifeboats failed to escape, and they were all collected by the aliens and tied into a large mass, about the size of two alien warships.

After the artificial asteroid was formed, the alien fleet pushed the asteroid away from L4 and L5, approaching the earth from two directions respectively.

Next, the aliens left a few warships to guard the man-made asteroids. The main force of the fleet left the earth and joined the six asteroids from the asteroid belt.

On September 23, the alien fleet attacked the earth again.

This time, the front line is no longer a group of alien aircraft, but huge asteroids.

Now everyone understands the purpose of the aliens. They actually use asteroids as shields instead of directly hitting the earth with asteroids.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the next step was to deal with the alien fleet with all their might.

On the East China Sea, Ye Han narrowed his eyes: "I was worried that aliens would hit the earth with asteroids, but now, look, they are simply reluctant."

Long Jianguo nodded and said, "The solar system is such a habitable planet. What they want is to grab the earth, not to destroy the earth... Thankfully they can come up with such a stupid way."

"It's a good way to work. There's nothing stupid or stupid." Ye Han said, "Now we'll see how to deal with it."

"How else can I deal with it? Crash with a nuclear bomb." Bian Ge pouted.

It is not a problem for the laser air defense network to deal with alien fighters and warships, but whether the laser can hit asteroids is really uncertain.

Long Jianguo sighed: "It's not easy." Only nuclear weapons can destroy asteroids, but only intercontinental missiles can send nuclear bombs directly into space.

After so many years of fighting, the ICBMs of various countries have been used up a lot. After the emergence of the Space Fleet, all countries have reduced their ICBM inventories. Besides, there are still alien fleets following the asteroids, and there are alien warships intercepting the missiles, even if If all the existing intercontinental missiles are shot out in one go, the possibility of hitting an asteroid is also pitiful.

"It's hard to say." Ye Han raised a different opinion, but he didn't want to go into detail at all, so he said, "It's better for Beiyuezhou to think of a way... Lao Qi, is there any movement in Beiyuezhou?"

The aliens are not stupid and know that there are super cannons on the moon, so this time they deliberately selected the attack point on the other side of the earth.

"No Qi Haifeng shook his head," but I received an order to Beiyuezhou, ordering Lu Hang to intercept the asteroid. "

"It's this time, are you in a hurry?" Bian Ge asked.

If Beiyuezhou wants to intervene in this battle, he must send warships around the earth, and if he doesn't hurry up, he will not be able to catch up.

"It's definitely fine." Qi Haifeng said, "There's still time."

Ye Han suddenly pointed to the screen: "Look, it's started!"

Everyone immediately looked at the screen, and saw a small bright spot rising rapidly above Beiyuezhou. The first one had just lifted off, and another immediately followed. In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen planes took off.

The take-off speed of the army aviation is very slow. It is not that they are inefficient, but that the main equipment of the army aviation is heavy fighter jets, which must be ejected by electromagnetic orbits to escape the gravity of the moon.

It was not until nearly a hundred heavy fighter planes were lifted off that the fleet that stayed over Beiyuezhou accelerated towards the earth. Search this site for \"CM\" or enter the URL:.

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