Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1106: Victory at the strategic level

() On the early morning of September 24, the army aircraft group flew close to the alien fleet.

Ye Han and others who got the news immediately rushed to the bridge, with a huge alien fleet on one side, and more than a hundred heavy fighter planes on the other side. Everyone who saw this scene felt cold.

"Can't we have more planes?" Bian Ge shouted in dissatisfaction.

With more than a hundred aircraft against nearly two hundred alien warships? What a crazy brain to do? But otherwise, Earth would have to face a jammed alien fleet.

Qi Haifeng whispered: "There are planes, but not so many propellers."

The combat environment of heavy fighter jets is space. This special environment gives designers the opportunity to show their talents. Many external devices are designed for this fighter jet, such as missile compartments, ammunition boxes, and various types of propellers. Wait.

Looking at the screen, you can see that the length of these heavy fighters is nearly 50 meters, only a little shorter than the 011 class, but only the front 30 meters are the fuselage, and the rear nearly 20 meters are additional heavy thrusters.

Heavy fighter jets without thrusters can only operate near the moon, and they can't carry so many missile cabins on and off the plane. With heavy thrusters, the speed and range of the fighter jets will be greatly increased, otherwise it would be impossible to fly directly from the moon to the earth.

Everyone was worried here, but the army aircraft group that flew to the vicinity of the alien fleet did not attack immediately, but slowly stopped more than a thousand kilometers away, following the alien fleet step by step.

Seeing this scene, why do you still not understand the intention of the fleet?

The alien fleet is still some distance away from the earth. If it starts to attack now, it can only rely on the power of the fleet to fight against a whole alien fleet. More than 100 planes are simply not enough.

When the enemy flies to the vicinity of the earth, the laser air defense network on the ground will fire at full force. When the alien fleet is busy dealing with ground firepower, the probability of successful army and aviation assault will be greatly improved.

Although blowing up asteroids near Earth is not a good idea, there is no choice in this situation.

Suddenly, several warships were separated from the alien fleet, leaving the fleet and heading for the direction of the fleet.

There are a total of eight warships in this batch. As soon as they left the main force, they began to release alien fighters, approaching the army aircraft group under the protection of countless alien fighters.

Qi Haifeng suddenly looked at the screen and smiled: "Look, the aliens can't bear it anymore."

Ye Han sneered: "It's strange if you can hold it back, it's almost the same as if the mang is on your back."

More than 100 fighter planes are definitely not the opponents of the alien fleet, but the aliens have suffered too much from the nuclear bomb, and they definitely dare not underestimate these seemingly inconspicuous planes.

Lu Hang had no intention of fighting the aliens at all, and immediately turned to fly to the side, and the soldiers were divided into two groups, each flying in one direction.

The eight enemy ships immediately split in two and chased after each other.

Lu Hang, who had been divided into two teams, split up again, enticing the enemy to follow suit.

In this way, it is divided into points and points. In short, no matter how you fly, you will not leave the alien fleet, not attacking, but always stay in a position where you can attack at any time.

Anyway, the space is unobstructed and the speed of the heavy thrusters is fast. The few warships separated by the aliens can't handle much at all.

When all the enemy ships were separated and a certain distance away from each other, Lu Hang immediately assumed an offensive stance and fired a few missiles at the intercepted alien warships.

The number of missiles was too small, and they were all destroyed by a round of light before they could get close. Fortunately, Luhang did not expect any gains from these missiles.

The two sides just exchanged fire, and the alien fleet separated several warships, joined the blocking ranks and continued to block the army aircraft group, and no longer passively defended, but took the initiative to attack.

The army aviation group immediately retreated and split up again while retreating.

The aliens did not retreat because of Lu Hang's retreat, but intensified their pressure step by step. Even if Lu Hang refused to exchange fire, they would try to force Lu Hang to stay away from the fleet.

The alien's tactics were very successful. There were a large number of alien fighters flying outside each alien warship, which was like a shield to firmly protect the main force of the alien fleet.

Lu Hang was pushed farther and farther by them, but as Lu Hang flew farther, these alien warships gradually moved away from the main force, and the distance between them became longer and longer.

The distance between the enemy ships finally reached Luhang's psychological expectations. Following the commander's order, the scattered heavy fighters suddenly accelerated and rushed towards one of the enemy ships. The aircraft was still far away, and the missiles were fired first. It came out, and it was fired at the blood, and each fighter jet fired at least a dozen.

More than a hundred fighter planes fired from all directions at the same time, and more than a thousand missiles all rushed towards an enemy ship.

The flying alien fighters seemed to have received an order, and immediately blocked between the enemy and the enemy to intercept the missiles.

Bian Ge sighed helplessly when he saw this: "I'm busy again."

Lu Hang's action was quite sudden, but Lu Hang has always maintained a safe distance of hundreds of kilometers from enemy ships. It takes time for the missiles to fly past, and even if the aliens find the missiles, they will take off the fighters in time.

"That's not necessarily true." Qi Haifeng chuckled, "With so many directions, aliens don't have so many planes."

Bian Ge was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "Yes, why didn't I think of it!"

Although there are many alien fighter planes, it is impossible to wrap up the warship no matter how many, and the missiles of the army aviation come from all directions, and the possibility of intercepting them all is pitiful.

The fact is also true. The alien fighters fought their lives and detonated one missile after another, but every missile launched by the Army Aviation carried a nuclear warhead. Continuous explosions were the best cover. Several missiles broke through the blockade one after another. , mercilessly hit enemy ships.

Several strong lights flashed, and the enemy ship vanished into ashes. Lu Hang's eyes focused on another enemy ship.

The scattered alien warships took action quickly approached the nearby friendly forces, and Lu Hang took the opportunity to launch another round of strong attacks and successfully damaged another enemy ship.

However, the gathering speed of the aliens was not slow, and Lu Hang did not get a third chance.

"It's a pity." Xiao Yuan sighed.

"It's not a pity." Qi Haifeng said with a relaxed expression, "Lu Hang's goal is not an enemy ship."

Xiao Yuan pondered for a while, and quickly figured out the joints.

Although the army aviation lost the opportunity to destroy the enemy ship, their goal was not to destroy the enemy ship, but to follow the alien fleet and wait for the opportunity to destroy the asteroid.

Asteroids are the real strategic targets, and all of the Army Aviation's actions revolve around this purpose, including enticing enemy troops to divide and destroying enemy ships.

At present, the enemy ships have to assemble together, and the army can no longer be forced to stay away, which is equivalent to smashing the enemy's intention to expel the army. This is a victory at the strategic level, and it is far more meaningful than killing a few enemy ships.

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