Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1113: I don't want to see it anymore

() Bian Ge left the bridge gloomily, and wandered aimlessly in the passage. It seemed that he wanted to use this method to vent the depression in his heart. .

After rushing to the stern of the ship in one breath, he stopped, Bian Ge relaxed his body, and just floated in the air without moving.

Long Jianguo, who had been following behind, followed, and slowly floated to Bian Ge's side: "Is it better?"

"What a shit, I'm so bad." Bian Ge opened the chatter.

"Because aliens landed?"

"Not all." Bian Ge stared blankly at the ceiling, "It's been so many years since the fight against insect plagues began. We have fought giant ants and giant locusts, we have fought giant cockroaches and wolves, and we have fought with aliens for so many years. Hundreds of millions of people have died, so why do you feel more and more frustrated?"

"Who said it wasn't!" Bian Ge evoked Long Jianguo's thoughts, "I can't count the number of battles I've fought over the years, and the brothers around me have died one after another, and they are all alive to this day. ...But I don't agree with you. The more we fight, the more embarrassing we are, but if we don't fight, the earth would not have been occupied by bugs and aliens?"

Bian Ge twitched the corners of his mouth: "Don't tell me this, I'm not a three-year-old child, do I need you to persuade me?"

Long Jianguo laughed: "I don't think you can't think of it?"

"I can't think about it, but can't think about it and ignorance is the same thing?"

"Okay, it's not my success?" Long Jianguo smiled good-naturedly, "It's unpleasant to say, we people may throw our lives away one day, and we live one day at a time, we need to think about it that way. much?

Bian Ge said, "That's what happened to me. I was worried about my family."

Long Jianguo's eyes flashed: "Who else is in your family?"

"And a daughter, sister and brother-in-law."

"Where do they live?" Long Jianguo didn't ask where Bian Ge's wife went. Since Bian Ge didn't mention it, there must be some reason why he didn't want to mention it.

"Where else could it be, Qiongzhou." Bian Ge said, "How about you, who else is there?"

The corner of Long Jianguo's mouth twitched: "There's no one left, I'm the only one left, unlike you who still have thoughts."

"Forget it, you're much stronger than me, at least you don't have to worry about it all day long. To tell you the truth, when I hear the word Qiongzhou now, I'm beating my heart out, because I'm afraid that something will happen to Qiongzhou, at least you don't have to be as bad as me. Heart."

Long Jianguo hesitated and asked, "Are you worried about Qiongzhou?"

"Can you not worry!"

"Why don't you send the child to Beiyuezhou?" Long Jianguo asked.

The orbital elevator has greatly reduced the cost of ground-air travel. The state has formulated a series of plans to fill Beiyuezhou. With the level of Bian Ge and Long Jianguo, family members can completely move to Beiyuezhou.

Bian Ge revealed and shared his thoughts: "The child is still young, the doctor does not recommend leaving the earth, and my sister's family does not have the qualifications to relocate, so can they put the child in Beiyuezhou?"

Long Jianguo sighed softly: "Also... Didn't Ye Han keep putting his wife and children on the earth just because the child was young?"

"Also said, this kid used to be my soldier, but now it's better, he has climbed on top of my head." Bian Ge didn't want to talk about his own business, and deliberately changed the subject.

Long Jianguo laughed: "We are almost the same, I was the one who dragged this boy back to the army at the beginning, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it... tsk tsk!"

Bian Ge looked at Long Jianguo in surprise, as if he had never known him: "You brought him back? What do I say!"

Long Jianguo put away his smile: "I brought people back, but being able to climb so high has nothing to do with me. It's all because of his life and death over the years. It's not easy for him."

"It's also his luck." Bian Ge said, "If it wasn't for my poor sense of direction, he wouldn't have been able to go to the moon in the first place."

"A sense of direction?"

"The sense of space is the sense of space, I'm not a lunatic!" Bian Ge quickly corrected, "I can't help but go around everywhere, and I'd be dizzy within a few laps, if it weren't for now With a biochip, I definitely won't be able to get into the airborne division."

"Hehe, this is really your loss." Long Jianguo said, "It's alright, you don't have to feel inferior. I'm just like you. Without the help of the chip, my mind will be dizzy."

More than the two of them, that is, the veteran Marines who have the ability to distinguish all directions without any means, and most of the soldiers who fill up the airborne division later have to rely on biochips to keep their sense of direction.

"Who has low self-esteem?" Bian Ge stared, "I just think I'm unlucky. If this thing came out a few years earlier, would this kid climb on my head?"

Long Jianguo almost choked on his saliva.

Having said that, he felt that the purpose of persuasion had been achieved, so he said: "Go, go back, the aliens have landed, but the situation is not so bad, at least Qiongzhou is still in our hands, we can't go back after Think of a way to bring your daughter back to Beiyuezhou as soon as possible, there are so many military dependents, it is impossible to leave it alone."

"Let's talk about it." Bian Ge sighed.

The rail elevators have been withdrawn. Can you pick them up if you want?

Long Jianguo smirked: "Why? Are you still worried about your sister? Otherwise, I'm still single, wouldn't it be enough to let your sister get a divorce?"

"Fuck you." Bian Ge punched Long Jianguo.

Long Jianguo was already prepared, he easily blocked his fists, and flew backwards with this strength: "Don't know what to do, I've sacrificed, I'm not happy to change someone else, you can have fun!"

"Just save it, just like you, don't even think about hitting my sister!" Bian Ge said angrily.

Long Jianguo plausibly said, "I'm doing you a favor, why don't you know good people?"

"Save it, I don't need your help." Bian Ge sighed as he spoke, "If what I say they just don't want to get married, but it's a pity that my sister admits it. Seriously, I That brother-in-law really doesn't have much ability, but he's very good to my sister, you're an old man who's not serious enough to die!"

Long Jianguo looks like you are not a thing: "Who is not serious, I'm thinking of you, it's fine if you don't appreciate it."

Bian Ge was annoyed: "I'll give you a hammer!"

Long Jianguo laughed: "It's alright, don't make trouble, do you feel better? Go back when you feel better."

Bian Ge shook his head: "No, I'll go back to the hibernation cabin."

"Ah?" Long Jianguo was stunned, "What?"

"It's so bad." Bian Ge said, "I don't want to watch it anymore. I can't help it if I'm in a hurry. I can do whatever I like."

After listening to Long Jianguo, he smiled bitterly: "If you say that, I don't even want to go back."

"Whatever you want." Bian Ge twitched the corners of his mouth, put his hand on the wall, and the man was already drifting towards the hibernation pod.

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