Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1114: full speed south

() Deep in the Pacific Ocean, in the dark waters, a huge silent shadow walked slowly.

This is a strategic missile nuclear submarine affiliated to China. It has been out of port for more than two months and has been diving in the depths of the ocean. Submarines are cut off from the world, like everything in the world has nothing to do with them.

The sonar soldier had a large earphone on his head, and stared at the monotonous waveform on the screen without a single glance, and he could see him fighting with his eyelids up and down.

Between half-dreaming and half-awake, a faint noise was suddenly heard in the ear, and the sonar soldier bounced like an electric shock, widening his eyes and listening.

The noise is very weak, but very clear, and various information about the source of the sound is also given on the screen.

"What's the situation?" The captain discovered the abnormality of the sonar soldiers.

"Report, found an unknown sound source, 22 degrees on the port side, 62 kilometers away, the target movement echo is stable... It seems to be an American nuclear submarine." The voice of the sonar soldier became smaller and smaller.

The captain raised his eyebrows: "62 kilometers, are you kidding me?"

There are many factors that affect the effective distance of sonar. The most important factors are hydrological conditions and sound source intensity. If the noise of the sound source is lower than the ocean background, the passive sonar of the submarine can be heard for more than 20 kilometers, and the active sonar is about forty years. kilometer.

Not to mention that the active sonar on the boat is not turned on, even if it is turned on, you can't hear the noise more than 70 kilometers away. Is it a towed array?

The sonar soldier called a grievance: "It's really 72 kilometers... Another one, 19 degrees to starboard, 54 kilometers away... Captain, this is clearer than the previous one!"

"How is that possible?" The captain took the earphone and put it on his head. Sure enough, he heard a clear noise, and he couldn't help being stunned.

The sonar soldier whispered: "Probably full speed ahead."

"You say it!" The captain glared at the sonar soldier, but he couldn't understand why the two submarines suddenly went crazy.

"Report!" The Signal Corps suddenly shouted, "Headquarters order: South, full speed."

The captain frowned: "What's the point of being ignorant?"

"I haven't received the rest yet," the signal soldier said.

Submarines deep in the ocean can only receive long-wave communications, and long-wave frequencies are low and carry a small amount of information. It takes less than half an hour to receive a telegram.

The captain ordered without hesitation: "Adjust the direction immediately, go south, full speed!"

With an order, the submarine hidden in the depths of the ocean turned south at a top speed of thirty knots per hour.

Generally speaking, the headquarters should give a signal to the submarine. After the submarine floats up, it will use a high-frequency radio to exchange data with the headquarters. However, today is different from the past.

During the voyage, the submarine continued to receive information from the headquarters, and gradually pieced together the truth of the incident.

Until this time, the captain didn't know the news that the aliens had landed from the Antarctic, and finally understood why the headquarters did not give a signal to surface - the surface speed of the submarine is only 24 knots, and it must be submerged to reach 30 knots. Going up is to grab the speed of these six knots!

Not only the submarines in the depths of the ocean received the order, but the submarine bases also received the order to set sail at the first time. Except for the one that could not move on the slipway, the remaining one was counted as one, and any submarine that could be launched. They all ran to the South Pole desperately.

Countries are not only dispatched by submarines, aircraft carriers, amphibious landing ships, destroyers, frigates... As long as all naval ships capable of anti-submarine sailing and all kinds of anti-submarine equipment are deployed, an invisible network is gradually taking shape.

In any case, the Navy never thought that the surface fleet would have a day to fight against the alien fleet, which is really emotional.

However, the first ones involved were still the satellites in the sky. They used a pair of sharp electronic eyes to see through the ocean and look for the traces of alien warships.

At the very beginning, the satellite did discover the tracks of many alien warships, but as time went by, more and more alien warships disappeared into the depths of the ocean.

Satellites can only find targets on the surface and in shallow seas. Once the target dives into the dark deep sea, the satellite will lose its target.

All in all, all the countries of mankind have done their best, vowing to find out the alien warships that have sneaked into the ocean.

The first to arrive near the South Pole was a US destroyer, which immediately released its towed sonar to listen for abnormal underwater noises.

The listening range of this thing can reach hundreds of kilometers, which is much more effective than submarine sonar. However, the alien battleship was not found, but a few submarines that were on their way at full speed were turned over first... The noise they made was too loud.

Submarine noise is nothing, what's more tricky is that no one knows the noise signature of alien warships!

There are all kinds of strange sounds in the ocean. When the sonar is working normally, these cluttered sounds are filtered out first, and only suspicious sounds are monitored.

But without the noise signature, the filter is a blip, having to pick out the sounds most likely to belong to alien warships from the cluttered ocean backdrop.

This matter is easier said than done, and it is not difficult to say it is difficult. Fortunately, the Navy does not lack talents in this area.

The process of setting up space fleets in various countries is very similar, and they have taken too many talents from the navy, but the space fleet only uses radar and not sonar, so most of the talents in sonar remain in the navy.

Moreover, countries are not blindly searching, but also input the shape of the alien warship into the supercomputer, and use the supercomputer to calculate what kind of noise the alien warship will make when sailing in the water, so as to provide a basis for the fleet to search for enemy ships.

However, the towed array did not find anything, and the captain realized that he had fallen into a misunderstanding and used the usual anti-submarine procedures on the alien warship.

After realizing this, he immediately changed his tactics, retracted the towed sonar, and turned on the active sonar to find the The huge slap sound spread far and wide underwater, and all kinds of echoes filled up The sonar trooper's ear drums, but nothing useful was heard.

The captain believes that such a large alien spacecraft does not conform to fluid mechanics, and the noise generated must be very obvious, but now I have not found it at all. Either the enemy ship has not entered this sea area, or the enemy ship is sitting on the bottom of the sea. Sonar doesn't work at all.

The high-level U.S. military strongly agreed with this opinion and immediately took corresponding actions.

After a while, an air defense ship entered the search area and released twelve "torpedoes" underwater.

This is a kind of submersible robot for searching the seabed. It can work for four to six hours on the seabed where the sun is not visible all year round. If the alien warship really sits on the seabed, these robots are the most suitable equipment for searching for enemy ships.

Not long after the robot was launched, the sonar suddenly found a group of special targets with very fast speed and very consistent directions underwater.

They rise from the bottom of the sea at extremely high speeds and quickly approach the surface.

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