Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1115: Far water does not quench thirst near

() Before the sonar soldiers could figure out what they were, a group of alien fighters suddenly emerged from the water, quickly spread their wings after taking off, and flew straight towards the destroyer not far away.

The destroyer did not expect the aliens to have such a hand. Fortunately, the officers and soldiers of the entire ship have been in a state of combat readiness. The captain gave an order, and the anti-aircraft missiles located on the front deck were launched immediately, and the close-in anti-aircraft guns were also ready to fire.

The rocket launcher fired one step earlier than the missile, and the rocket exploded over the battleship. Each rocket formed an umbrella-shaped smoke screen.

The alien aircraft group immediately pulled up, and in the process of pulling up, it happened to collide with the anti-aircraft missile. The fighter plane lost a third of it before flying to the top of the curtain wall, and then hit several insect bombs below.

These bug bombs have also been improved, not the previous space model, but a new structure with wings added.

After the insect bombs got into the smoke screen, they drilled back and forth in the smoke screen. Some of them accidentally hit the warship and were shot down by the close-up guns on the ship. Some of them kept flapping their wings and hovering in the air, waiting for the smoke screen to dissipate.

Aliens and humans have fought so many battles, and they have long been familiar with human routines. Although this is on Earth, not in space, the routines are the same.

How dare destroyers give aliens a chance to attack? Turn around and go north while firing another round of anti-aircraft missiles.

Alien fighters also want to throw off the missiles, but they don't have an aerodynamic shape, and they fly with wings like insects.

The destroyer captain was so ruthless that he almost fired all the anti-aircraft missiles, and then all the enemy planes in the air were knocked down.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the sonar soldiers found another unknown target in the water.

The captain almost fainted, and quickly ordered the sailors to load missiles.

However, it took time to load the missile. Before the missile was loaded into the launch tube, the second batch of enemy planes had already spread their wings and flew into the sky, attacking the destroyer again.

If it is a space warship, there is no need to load it at all, and the equipment on the ship will load the spare missile into the launch tube at the first time.

However, surface ships are not good enough. Since the outbreak of the insect plague ten years ago, the Navy has no longer received sufficient military spending, and there have been few new ships launched in the past ten years.

After the space fleet appeared, all resources were tilted towards the space fleet, and the navy became a stepmother overnight. At present, all warships in various countries are at the pre-war level. Not only are there few new ships, but the improvement of old ships has long stopped. , in any way, can not be compared with space battleships.

The destroyer could only get close to the anti-aircraft guns to deal with the enemy aircraft. It was beaten to death by the saturated insect bombs of the aliens. There were three acid bombs in the ship's bow company. The acid strongly corroded the ship's bow. Ice and snow generally melt quickly.

The sailors who replaced the missiles on the front deck were also affected by the acid bombs. Several of the sailors covered by the acid didn't even scream, and disappeared in the acid, not even a bit of bone residue.

The sailor who was splashed by the acid was in extreme pain and rolled on the ground in pain.

Although the others were not affected by the acid, they saw their comrades die in the acid.

The result was that the house leaked during the night of rain, and just after the second wave of insect bombs was dealt with, the third wave of alien fighters also came out.

The captain gave the order to abandon the ship without hesitation, and everyone quickly evacuated the destroyer.

As soon as the sailors evacuated, a large group of insect bombs fell from the sky, and a large number of acid bombs covered the entire superstructure, and there were several hits on the waterline of the destroyer.

The sailors fought desperately to escape the battleship, and after a while, the destroyer sank.

The sailors were extremely sad and angry, but they did not realize the cruelty of the aliens. It was not until the alien warships in the sky hovered down that some sailors remembered the rumors that the aliens did not leave prisoners.

They screamed and jumped into the water with a miserable scream, diving into the water at the fastest speed, hoping that the water would protect them, but the aliens still threw a few acid bombs like they were dealing with warships. The acid spread in the water and quickly Corroding the flesh of sailors, underwater is as horrible as a horror movie.

However, the battleship is not over, the alien fighters in the air have not left, and eight high-speed F-35Cs flew in the distance. There are still hundreds of kilometers away from the battlefield. missile.

The alien warship didn't notice it until the missile flew close to know that it was being watched by humans, but it was too late to hide, and the flying missile simply and neatly shot down the alien fighter.

The brief engagement ended with the loss of a destroyer, but the underwater submarine managed to locate several sound sources that might belong to alien warships, based on where the fighter planes appeared.

The news spread, and the warships of all countries heading south at full speed suddenly came to a sudden stop, and then they looked for allies on the spot, no matter which country it was, as long as it was a human warship, let’s talk about it first, until enough people are gathered. Strength, these temporary fleets slowed down and cautiously continued to move south.

The only exception is an aircraft carrier battle group several hundred kilometers from the battlefield.

After the F-35C eliminated the enemy aircraft, it did not leave, but continued to hover over the battlefield. Soon after, the P-3C from the same aircraft carrier arrived at the battlefield and dropped several buoys and sonars into the water. Unfortunately, no suspicious targets were found.

After a while, several CH-53s flew to the war zone and rescued the survivors in the water... There were more than 300 officers and soldiers on the ship, and only more than 40 were rescued in the end.

Soon after the aircraft carrier battle group arrived and completely controlled the sea area. The aircraft carrier battle group almost turned the sea area over, but they could not find where the alien warship was, and even the suspected sound source disappeared. .

Losing a destroyer is nothing, the problem is that the aliens are not even touched, which is too much to say.

All countries are very aware of the consequences of the alien landing, and immediately issued a death order to their own fleets to find the alien warships at all costs.

Coincidentally, the headless flies-like fleet could never find any trace of the enemy ship, but the satellite that had lost its target accidentally discovered a suspicious shadow underwater near the South Orkney Islands.

The joint command judged that the target of this enemy ship was likely to be the southernmost tip of South America!

It is very likely that aliens will re-occupy South America, or it may be that the aliens who occupied South America at the beginning are not dead yet, no matter which possibility, human beings cannot accept it.

But far away can't quench thirst, there is no human fleet near the South Orkney Islands, and the nearest fleet is more than a thousand kilometers away.

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