Under the calm response, ye Chen instantly found a way to resolve the crisis. He turned his palm with one hand and chopped directly under the armpit of Feiying.

After taking the move, Feiying murmured and numbed his arm. He immediately released the saber that controlled Ye Chen. Taking advantage of this opportunity, ye Chen immediately closed the move and his hind legs reached a safe position.

At the same time, he didn't dare to be careless, so he quickly turned back and made a defensive move to avoid Ye Chen taking the opportunity to fight back against him.

"Smelly boy, you were lucky to get away with it just now, but you should be careful next!" the annoyed flying shadow, with a gloomy face, shouted fiercely with two machetes in his hand in a numbing cold light.

For ye Chen, the two machetes in each other's hands have no threat at all. Now the biggest threat is the bastard's armor. If you want to leave this alive, you have to find a way to get rid of his armor.

Ye Chen took advantage of this gap to carefully observe whether the other party had weaknesses, but the bastard Feiying seemed to see ye Chen's intention. He didn't give ye Chen any chance at all. He waved his double swords and killed him fiercely

"Smelly boy, take it!"

The flying shadow's attack was more ferocious than just now. The two machetes in his hand flew up and down and killed Ye Chen continuously. He didn't give ye Chen any chance to fight back at all.

Due to the other party's armor, ye Chen couldn't find any chance to start for a moment. However, he had to step back and parry. The situation fell to the flying shadow together.

Feeling that ye Chen is at an impasse, ling'er's eyebrows are locked, which speeds up the healing of internal injury. As long as the internal injury is half better, it can help Ye Chen open this situation.

But ling'er knew very well that speeding up the exercise to heal the wound would eventually make his internal injury more serious. However, in order to protect Ye Chen from any danger, even if he died, ling'er would look back.

"Look at the knife..."

Feiying continued to kill, but never succeeded. For a moment, he was in a hurry. He began to get impatient. After a roar, he waved a knife across Ye Chen's waist.

Ye Chen is still like this. He quickly waved his knife to block, but he didn't expect that this bastard was just a fake move. When ye Chen made the next defense move, the flying shadow immediately closed the move. Relying on his short stature, he jumped over Ye Chen like a monkey.

"Go to hell..." then, the two machetes braved the cold light, fiercely aimed at Ye Chen's head and cut down sharply.

Here comes the chance! It turned out that ye Chen had already seen the other party's intention, just to prevent the other party from seeing it and deliberately make the next defense. At this time, ye Chen's legs had already gathered a force and made preparations for counterattack.

The next second, ye Chen's eyes coagulated, and the soles of his feet suddenly made a force. In an instant, he dodged to avoid the other party's head-on killing

I'm NIMA! What is this? Why did that smelly boy suddenly change so fast? Was he deliberately hiding his real strength from the beginning to the present?

The flying shadow saw Ye Chen suddenly dodge to avoid his own killing, and was stunned. Just before he could react, ye Chen suddenly appeared behind him.

"Smelly boy, you're looking for death!"

Feiying mistakenly thought that ye Chen would have to do as at the beginning. Proud, he immediately raised his double knives and made preparations for parry in advance.


But in the next second, ye Chen didn't make any moves at all, but continued to dodge and came to the front of the bastard in an instant.

Bad... Got caught

When the flying shadow reacted, ye Chen hit him, and his feet had been aimed at his face.



The flying shadow, who had no time to dodge the parry, took this foot firmly, like a cactus. After falling to the ground, he prevented rolling for more than ten meters, and then slowly stopped.

After flying to the ground, ye Chen's eyes condensed and had no intention of relaxing at all, because he knew the strength of the other party and would never give up resistance completely because of this foot.

I'm looking at the flying shadow lying on the ground, bleeding from my nose and mouth, redness and swelling of my face, not to mention how embarrassed I am.

A moment later, the flying shadow slowly got up, his face was extremely gloomy, and his dark and terrible eyes stared at Ye Chen. They wanted to break him into pieces immediately in order to eliminate the anger that he had just been kicked.

"How's it going? Did my foot taste good just now? If I want to try it again, I won't mind at all!"

For the impatient character, it's a taboo, especially for experts. Victory or defeat is just a moment. We must keep a calm judgment at any time.

Up to now, ye Chen has seen his impatient character. After seizing this weakness, ye Chen didn't rush to attack. Instead, he turned his mouth and said a very exciting word.

Not to mention, ye Chen's plan really worked. After hearing this sentence, Feiying was angry and his lungs were about to be blown up.

Then, I saw the bastard blushing and bleeding, and lost his mind on the spot.

"Smelly boy, I'll kill you... I'll kill you..."

After a vicious roar, the flying shadow raised his arms parallel, and suddenly revealed a powerful evil force.

What a murderous spirit! It seems that this bastard is going to launch a unique move. There must be no carelessness

Feeling the strong murderous spirit of the other party, ye Chen's eyes coagulated and his saber crossed his chest, so he quickly made preparations for the attack.

Then, the flying shadow, who had completely lost patience, spun up in an instant, like a whirlwind, and quickly killed Ye Chen.

Ye Chen had seen such a move for the first time. The other party relied on his armor and two machetes. Through rapid rotation, it was like a meat grinder. There were no flaws at all. In an instant, ye Chen's situation suddenly fell into passivity.


Just when ye Chen was a little stunned, the other party had killed him in front of his eyes. There was no way to parry. Ye Chen immediately rose into the air and avoided the first killing of flying shadow.

But before ye Chen landed and stood firm, Feiying came to a sudden brake and turned to chase Ye Chen.

Ye Chen had no choice but to dodge. After several attacks, the other party still didn't stop such moves. For a time, ye Chen was speechless.

"This bastard is really persistent enough. Will he be dizzy?"

At this time, ye Chen still has the heart to think about this problem. It's really cool enough, but it's not that ye Chen likes to joke, but the attack of flying shadow. It doesn't work for ye Chen at all.

No... if it goes on like this, once this bastard wants to take the opportunity to escape

After avoiding several attacks, ye Chen decided to defeat the bastard as soon as possible in order to prevent this.

After calmly thinking for a while, ye Chen turned his eyes to the woods on the side. As long as he led the bastard to the woods, his move would not play any role.

However, ye Chen's judgment was wrong. Feiying's move was his most powerful skill. It didn't just rely on rapid rotation to kill each other.

Just when ye Chen pretended to be defeated and wanted to escape towards the woods, he saw the flying shadow shoot out several concealed weapons at ye Chenfei in an instant.

If ye Chen continues to evade, the concealed weapon will directly shoot in the direction of ling'er behind him. Decisively, ye Chen's eyes condensed, quickly stood firm and waved a saber to block the concealed weapon from shooting.

"Go to hell..."

Just as ye Chen was preparing for the other party's attack, he saw the flying shadow suddenly fall from the sky and rotate rapidly to kill.

In this case, ye Chen had no time to dodge. In a hurry, only the general's knife was across his head and parried up.

Pop pop

In an instant, the blades of both sides hit each other together, and electric sparks splashed everywhere. The scene was extremely shocking.

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