As ye Chen was fighting with flying shadows in the mountains, there was no signal on the phone. The white dove made more than a dozen calls in a row and didn't get through. For a time, the white dove was more worried, and an unknown premonition slowly poured over the whole body of the white dove.

"Has something happened to Ye Chen and them?"

Frowning, the white dove got restless. Worried, he put on his coat and was ready to leave the hotel. At this time, the white dove hesitated.

If it's really like what he thinks, doesn't Ye Chen already know the identity of linger, and when he gets there, it should be interpreted as good?

For a time, the white dove fell into a tangle. Whether to go or not!

At present, the white pigeon has guessed that Murong Bai, who has disappeared for many years, is sneaking in the dark. Otherwise, it will not be so coincidental that terrorists will appear and intercept Ye Chen and himself all the way.

For Bai, he is so sure that the bastard secretly made a ghost. That is because only he knows how to practice the jade girl Bible skill and what poison he is afraid of. In addition, he can only remove the heart demons and achieve Mahayana by killing his lover himself.

Only that bastard knows all the secrets of the holy religion. In this way, Bi Ran is the Murong Bai.

"No, since things have reached this point, we can't take so many into account. We must not let Ye Chen and ling'er have any danger..."

You know, the white dove has made a decision long before this, that is, to give up removing the heart demon. It will never kill its favorite person personally in order to practice the highest skill and complete the mission handed down by the holy religion. Even if it pays the price of its own life, it is absolutely unwilling to spend the rest of its life in pain and sadness.

Thinking of this, the white pigeon frowned, pushed open the door without hesitation, went straight to the birch village where ye Chen and ling'er went, and rushed there quickly.


Here, ye Chen decides to lead him into the woods in order to defeat Feiying as soon as possible. First, in the dense woods, the bastard's tricks can't be used at all. Second, it can lead him away and ensure the safety of ling'er.


The next second, the flying shadow continued to kill Ye Chen. Taking advantage of this opportunity, ye Chen's eyes coagulated and instantly avoided the other party's attack. After the attack, he pretended to be invincible and turned back to the side of the woods to escape.

Feiying just got a kick from ye Chen. She was very upset and lost her reason madly. However, the reason why Feiying can become Murong Bai's confidant also has his excellence. That is, even when she lost her reason, she still maintained a high degree of vigilance.

For ye Chen's purpose, the flying shadow seems to have seen it. When ye Chen just turned around, he saw that the flying shadow directly shot several concealed weapons at ye Chenfei under the condition of rapid rotation.

The concealed weapon shooting this time was faster and more powerful under the high-speed rotation. In a hurry, ye Chen quickly turned back and waved a saber to block.

Just after blocking all the hidden weapons from shooting, before ye Chen reacted, the bastard suddenly appeared over Ye Chen and killed him fiercely.

Bad... Dangerous

Without time to dodge, ye Chen frowned and had to drive the saber in his hand to parry.

Pop pop

When the blades of both sides were handed over together, sparks splashed everywhere, producing a harsh and sharp sound. The painting of this scene was extremely shocked.

Qiyun Dantian held her breath. Ye Chen firmly grasped the sabre and absolutely didn't dare to relax. Feiying seized this opportunity and won't easily stop. The rotating speed is faster and faster, and the downward impact has made Ye Chen's feet plunge into the ground.

"I didn't know this guy's killing move first. It has such power. It seems that I underestimated him at first!"

At this time, the situation has fallen into an impasse. Ye Chen has shed a few drops of virtual sweat on his forehead. If he continues to consume so much, he will be overwhelmed. We must quickly come up with a response.

"Smelly boy, can't you hold on? Wait for me to split you in half, ha ha..."

The flying shadow seemed to feel that ye Chen was about to lose his hold. After a proud cry, he used all his internal power and instantly accelerated the speed of rotation.

"If you have any skills, just come..."

Ye Chen's eyes condensed without any fear. Then Ning drank and suddenly burst out a stronger force. He continued to clench his teeth and block the other party's killing.

Calm down... You must calm down. There must be flaws in this bastard's trick!

Hold your breath, ye Chen starts to look for the opportunity to fight back with a calm mind. His kung fu is worthy of his heart. In the next second, ye Chen suddenly finds an opportunity, that is, the other party will make a new force every rotation, and during this period, there is a gap of a few tenths of a second, which is also an opportunity for ye Chen to avoid and fight against him in an instant.

At this time, ling'er, who had just healed his internal injury, saw Ye Chen in crisis and felt that ye Chen was about to be out of strength. If it continued like this, the situation would be even worse.

Ling'er, who didn't hesitate in time, endured the pain of internal injury and suddenly got up and rushed towards Ye Chen


Then, when ye Chen seized the opportunity to fight back, he only heard a sharp drink from linger behind him, and a powerful shock wave blew straight at the flying shadow bastard.

Feiying thought that with this move, Bi ran would kill Ye Chen. He had no defense against other situations. In the face of linger's sudden palm power, he had no time to dodge.


Although ling'er's palm power was forcibly thrown out when he was injured internally, it was as powerful as the palm power of top experts. In the next moment, he directly blew the flying shadow out.

However, fortunately, the bastard of Feiying resolved part of the shock wave under the condition of high-speed rotation. He didn't spit blood and die on the spot. When he lost his center of gravity, he held his breath, first fell to the ground, quickly controlled his body, and then continued to kill Ye Chen. As for the palm of ling'er just now, the bastard was worried.

At his conclusion, ling'er must have forced out this palm in order to break through the encirclement of bang yechen. It is estimated that the internal injury will aggravate and faint in the future.

Here comes the chance!

With the help of ling'er's palm power, ye Chen seized the opportunity and immediately flew after him. Before the other party could react, a saber pierced into the barbed armor from the neck. Then he made a sudden force and directly unloaded the armor. Then he broke through his heart and feet and knocked it to the ground on the spot.


This time, the flying shadow was unable to stand up, his chest was dull, his mouth was spitting blood, and he completely became a semi disabled man.


At this time, ling'er, who was forced to practice Kung Fu, ejected a mouthful of blood on the spot and fainted on the ground.

"Ling'er girl!" Ye Chen saw this and flew to ling'er with worry. He picked him up and quickly felt his pulse. He was relieved when he saw that his life was not in danger.

Now that the bastard of Feiying is no threat, ye Chen slowly puts down ling'er, takes off his coat and covers it, raises his eyebrows, directly turns back and walks towards the unforgivable bastard of Feiying

"What a! I blame myself for being careless just now. I fell into the hands of that smelly boy, but if it weren't for the smelly woman of the Holy Church, I wouldn't have come to this point..."

After a vicious murmur, the annoyed flying shadow clenched his teeth and tried his best to stand up and continue to fight.

But just as he was struggling to get up, he saw that the saber in Ye Chen's hand had been put on his neck, his eyes condensed and gave a domineering warning.

"If you don't want to die, tell me who ordered you to come?"

At this point, Feiying also recognized the defeat, but he didn't care about life and death. How could he say the Lord Murong Bai in order to save his life.

After all, he boasted in front of Murong Bai. If he didn't kill Ye Chen, he would raise his head to see him.

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